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This post is more than 5 years old


August 16th, 2010 21:00

We want your feedback - Enter this contest to win an iTunes gift card!!

We developed this community to bring you more of the information that will help you get the greatest benefit from our Midrange Storage technologies.  Did we hit the mark?

Take advantage of our exciting contest!!

We want your feedback on how we can improve this community and make it the ultimate resource for you, our customer.  Everyone who provides us with their comments and ideas on how we may improve this Midrange Storage community, will be entered into a drawing for a $15 iTunes gift card. Top three winners will receive giftcards - It is that easy!

You feedback may include:

  • New  features
  • Content ideas (whitepapers,  discussions, how-to’s, videos, webcasts, etc.)
  • Better  ways to find content

We  look forward to hearing your great ideas and feedback!

2.1K Posts

September 22nd, 2010 13:00

No suggestions for improvement  or development yet, but after spending just a little bit of time here (I'll be back soon, but have to catch up on my VMax deployment testing) that I like what I see so far.

  • The layout is easy and intuitive (mind you I'm a veteran ECN user so that may not be true for net new users)
  • I really liked the intro video from Mark. It is honest and down to earth and feels "real". It's nice to see that he is committing the resources to really make this work. It will now be up to his team to deliver... and the customers to build participation to make it worth that effort
  • I loved the portal documents.. Although I didn't know what to expect before I looked at the first one. I loved the docs themselves with an overview of that technology or product and the vital links to get more info right there. Not so sure about the "portal" name though. I understand now that I know what they are, but might not be looked at by someone just "passing through" when it really might be exactly what they needed. I wish I could come up with a better suggestion but I'm drawing a blank right now

Hopefully I can think of something between now and my next visit back here (soon I hope).

100 Posts

September 27th, 2010 10:00

Allen, thank you for taking the time not just to explore this new community but to provide us your feedback.

Mark is genuinely behind this effort 100% and you will see this through engagement from his organization.

I'm glad the portal docs are useful, but I'm with you on the "portal" terminology.  I'll give this some more thought and come up with a more descriptive name.

Thanks again for your pre-launch support, and don't hesitate to continue to give us feedback post-launch!


2.1K Posts

October 21st, 2010 06:00

So far so good :-)

I t looks like things are getting off to a good start with a fair bit of participation. I thought I would throw another note in here to pop it up to the top and see if we can get some other opinions from folks.

Don't be shy people... If you love it, say so! If you would like to see something changed, added, removed... well the only way anything gets changed for the better is if you let them know what better would look like for you!

29 Posts

March 18th, 2011 07:00

Hello everyone,

I hope you take advantage of our month of March contest and get yourself entered into a drawing for an iTunes gift card, by simply giving us your feedback on this community. You are a user of this community, and we would like to make your experience better! Please take out a few minutes to participate and help us with this initiative!!



2.1K Posts

March 23rd, 2011 08:00

Hello again Kristine and welcome Tarini,

I'll kick things off here with one suggestion...

Thinking back to the Record Breaking Launch event for the new platforms (and enhancements to existing platforms) I really liked the live chat that was run simultaneous to the webcast event. I think there would be value in breaking out some of the specific focus areas identified in the documents section (the
"Start Here" stuff) into live chat sessions with some product experts on those areas. For example, one could be specific to Virtual Provisioning and another on FAST. It would allow for a more interactive discussion to get some questions answered. Of course it would require some careful moderation to ensure no one person monopolizes all the time, but it could also be used to identify customers who require some more detailed one on one discussion with the experts. The transcripts could be posted for those who can't participate in the live event.

If there was some way to do it as a combined chat and webcast where the experts had access to a whiteboard to help in explaining things that would be even better (but probably more difficult to set up). Nothing really beats being in the same room, but that obviously isn't easy for everyone :-)

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