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May 27th, 2015 05:00

WDM accross WAN/Internet

WDM accross WAN/Internet


My company is interested in purchasing the enterprise ed. of WDM.

right now we have about 100-150 Wyse Z90D7's at our branch offices. These branches do NOT have a VPN or any other domain connection to us. the users auth to email via the internet.

No branches have a static IP either.

I have played with a few of the Z90's here in a isolated lab environment with the WDM server & all works well. I then setup a few in a lab environment that replicates how the devices function out at branch locations; i have configured each device to go to a public IP which i have NAt'd to the servers internal IP (needed ports opened etc.) the device easily checks into the WDM server about every hour or so. I noticed that i am unable to do any commands via the WDM that take place immediately on the Wyse (this is due to the WDM not being able to hit the DHCP that the Wyse device is getting)

In my tests i am trying to push out a MSI right now. when the Wyse completes its checkin, i can see then it tries to use the WDM servers internal IP to connect to the FTP. (Which obviously does not work)

is there any way i can force it to use the external IP? (in my mind i dont see why not, however i am not sure)

Also it seems like i am in uncharted waters with this, as 99.9999% of thw WDM setups i have seen/heard of all have domain/dns access to the WDM server.

any help would be great!!

May 27th, 2015 05:00


no one?

May 27th, 2015 05:00


are there no mods on here that can maybe point me in the right direction?

623 Posts

May 27th, 2015 05:00

go to and search for "11801" for an answer to your question.


Roger Montalvo 
Visit our Dell Wyse Thin Client Knowledge Base and Manuals web site at
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May 27th, 2015 05:00

thank you, however i know that information.

the issue i have is that the package that is schduled is sending its internal IP to the Wyse device. I need this ip to be the External IP. I assume this IP is stored somwhere in the scheduled package in the DB, however i am not sure, & cannot seem to get any assistance in finding this out

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