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May 21st, 2015 04:00

Wyse T50 Freezes

Wyse T50 Freezes


We are currently trialling a Wyse T50 which we use for connecting to around 10 different servers

We have had it for a week so far and during this time every day it has completely frozen. The mouse still moves but the keyboard does not work and you cannot select any open RDP connections. The only way to fix it is to power cycle.

It seems to happen randomly - it doesn't happen on a particular RDP or at a time of day. We have found this happens on occasion on Wyse 1200LE & S10, but certainly not this frequently! I have upgraded to the latest Wyse Linux release but have still found this is a problem.

Any ideas anyone?

Many thanks

2 Posts

May 21st, 2015 04:00

Is there a place where we can download the experimental firmware?

May 21st, 2015 04:00

T50 Crashing

We recently purchased 80 Wyse T50 terminals. We are using Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 for terminal services. All of our T50's do the exact same thing. Sporadically they freeze up.

You can still move the mouse. You cannot click on anything on the menu bar. You cannot launch new RDP sessions. The only way to fix this problem is to reboot.

The terminals lock up regardless of whether you even have an RDP session open. I had one lock up while customizing settings on it prior to capturing an image with WDM. We had them lock up right out of the box. We applied firmware 1.18. They still lock up.

We have a ticket open with Wyse support and we are shipping one of our units in for inspection. They suspect we may have recieved a bad batch.

May 21st, 2015 04:00

After testing the two newer devices with serial numbers in the 180DL101 range it is clear that this issue affects that range as well. This is looking like more of a product design/integration issue than a manufacturing issue with a particular batch.

After studying two of our users who seem to experience very few issues we realized that these two users use Microsoft keyboards and mice rather than the Wyse keyboard and mouse that come with the T50.

Further testing on other units with various keyboard/mouse combinations shows that if you replace the Wyse mouse with a third party USB mouse the terminal will lock up much less.

May 21st, 2015 04:00

I am glad Wyse is stepping up for you, but I have to say I have had nothing but problems with my C50LEs. In fact I read this thread because my C50LEs have been freezing and I was wondering if it is related. Like you, I went with Wyse because of their reputation and my initial test with V10LEs went rather well. I was strongly encourages, by Wyse, to move to the C50LEs because they support more features of VMWare View, such as PCoIP. Big mistake. The combination of slower hardware and the higher overhead of Linux, as compared to ThinOS, means they run much slower and the user experience suffers. The V10LEs on the other hand are tanks, they just work as they are supposed to.

I could go on, but my point is that the C50's they are offering you may not solve all you problems and you may end up with new ones. My experiences lead me to believe the Wyse Linux OS has some major flaws and is not appropriate for production environments.

Wyse has also completely failed to step up in my case. Even though I have shown, and they have grudgingly agreed, that my environment is being adversely affected by flaws in this product and I have been struggling with them since the day they arrived, they will not exchange them. I have requested conversion kits so I can put Thin OS on them, and the most I have been able to get is vague assurances that they will give me some kind of a break on the price of the kits, and it wasn't until I asked my Wyse sales rep to stop calling that they even offered that. So far they have not come through with any hard numbers. Needless to say this has left a very bad taste in my mouth. Even through I am happy with my V10LEs and P20s, I am going to demo HP clients for my next deployment.

1 Message

May 21st, 2015 04:00

Any news on these problems?

Hello! I am glad I am not the only one having these problems. The latest two WYSE T50's that we have bought seem to have this lock up issue and all of them have this session broker issue. They say the T50's should work with session broker, but our users have to login between 2 to 8 times before it finally connects to a session. Each time it just kicks them back out after they put in their username and password. Has anyone found any solutions for these two problems? The last post was in July, so hopefully there is a solution now. Could you please post some updates for what you have found? Thank you!

May 21st, 2015 04:00

I have the same issue with about 45 T50's. I have case number 2763158 open to deal with the issue.

What serial number ranges are you guys dealing with? Most of mine start with 180DKB01 180DKB02 and 180DKB09. I just recived two in the 180DL101 range and will report back wether I see the issue on them.

2 Posts

May 21st, 2015 04:00


I was just told by support that it is a hardware related issue and to just RMA the units that are acting up.

May 21st, 2015 04:00

Bad products, bad manufacturing, bad customer service, bad company...

Our serial numbers appear to be from the same batch as the ones you are having problems with. They all start with 180DKCxxxxx. The manufacture date is December 2011. A Wyse sales engineer gave me a manufacturing sample from July 2011 that has a serial number of 180K725865. It doesn't have any of the problems that our late models are experiencing. After two months of dealing with Wyse technical support and attempting to get our units returned, hundreds of hours of lost work, and hundreds of hours of wasted troubleshooting we are no closer to a resolution. Wyse is refusing to take responsibility. We have since begun replacing our terminals with HP t5565 Thin Pro clients. They cost $100 less, are much faster, have a better UI, and actually WORK instead of randomly locking up every couple days. We purchased Wyse because they are supposed to be the industry leader. Our experience is that nothing could be closer than the truth. We have 80 thin clients that make nice paper weights that Wyse is refusing to process a return for. We will NEVER do business with this company again.

May 21st, 2015 04:00

Wyse has really stepped up and made things right in our case!

Wyse has given us the option to replace all 80 T50's with the C50 that runs embedded suse linux and is a mature well designed product. In addition, they have built an experimental firmware image for our T50's that corrects the random freezing, the annoying taskbar that previously did not have the option to disable auto-hide (and would therefore pop up every time you tried to minimize, restore, or close an application in a terminal session), and -hopefully fixed- the TS farm load balancing problem (where you often could not login when the TS broker made load balancing decisions). If the improved firmware fixes our problems we are going to stay with the T50 (because honestly I think the UI is very user friendly, especially compared to the UI on terminals made by the competition we have used in the past). Otherwise, we will trade our T50's out for the C50's. Wyse even sent out a representative to personally address our problems and bring us the new terminals to test and validate. Thanks, Wyse for stepping up and taking responsiblity, even if it means eating the cost of trading up to a more expensive terminal in the case of the C50!

3 Posts

May 21st, 2015 05:00

I am having the issue with Wyse Enhanced Suse Linux whereby the session freezes on the screen. After doing much research I have found people experiencing the issue with the same client as me, the Wyse D50D. However I can see others have the exact same issue across the range. I am using a Citrix backend, I do not believe this is a Citrix issue as I can always reconnect to my session from a different terminal or if I reboot the problem terminal.

I have noticed my freeze time coincide with DHCP renew times, I was able to accurately predict freezes by working out when the release would next renew. Please remember when checking this, the client will check the lease at 50% of lease time. So if you have an 8 hour lease you could have the problem every 4 hours.

I’ve since started using static IP’s on terminals to try and prove it’s a DHCP issue, however one user has reported a freeze with a static IP

May 21st, 2015 05:00

Update on the T50

For any that may come across this thread and would like an update ... here you go. Wyse did replace all of our T50's. The new experimental image they were working on to help alleivate the issues reported by all in this thread did not help. Wyse replaced the T50's with the C50LE. The C50LE units we recieved have been working flawlessly for well over 6 months and the client is happy.

That said we are no longer using the session broker capability. We have two terminal servers. We place two RDP icons on the desktop of each thin client. One says "Login" and the other says "Backup Login". The RDP files are configured 50/50 so half the thin clients primary login is to Term1 and the other half primary login is to Term2. If for any reason a terminal server has problems the protocol calls for the users to launch the "Backup Login" RDP file that will connect them to the other server. Not optimal, but we had no faith in the session broker working with the Wyse Linux OS (our session broker setup worked perfectly with Windows XP/7 desktop clients and Microsoft Tech support confirmed it was setup correctly...after all it's not that hard to setup, and there are dozens of walkthroughs). As for RD Gateway support we still have a ticket open with Wyse. The option is implemented on the C50LE ... but it does not work. Luckily we don't have to have that feature since all the installed units are on a LAN.

Now if you want my advice here it is. Get the HP T510. It is $345 at Provantage. It runs Windows 7 embedded. It is absolutely fantastic. Full RDP 7.1 + RemoteFX support. If you want to use all the new RDP features of Server 2008R2 or Server 2012 do yourself a favor and buy a thin client that runs Windows 7 embedded. I just setup the HP T510 to use Terminal Server, Session Broker, and RD Gateway in 5 minutes and it works flawlessly.

1 Message

June 11th, 2015 05:00

Thanks for sharing this useful information. This is very helpful while occur error.After studying two of our users who seem to experience very few issues we realized that these two users use Microsoft keyboards and mice rather than the Wyse keyboard and mouse that come with the T50.Further testing on other units with various keyboard/mouse combinations shows that if you replace the Wyse mouse with a third party USB mouse the terminal will lock up much less.



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