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August 3rd, 2015 04:00

PocketCloud for OS X runs always at high CPU & won't uninstall

PocketCloud for OS X runs always at high CPU & won't uninstall

Sooo basically I downloaded PocketCloud back in October for my iPhone on OS 10.6 and ever since then it's been a computer nightmare. Right now, for example, it is running at 97% of my 4GB in the background, and has been for the last 14 hours. Quitting it through my activity monitor won't do it. I tried uninstalling it, and it appears not to have worked. Add to that the fact that since then I can't actually locate the file it's running off of. Anyway this goes off and on--sometimes it only hogs 16% of my space--but usually it hogs somewhere between 60-100%.

What can I do here? Does anyone have any suggestions? I can't keep doing this. Other people have suggested an entire system restore, for PocketCloud? That seems ridiculous and it will take me days to do properly. I basically just want this program off my computer. I don't even want it to work. I just want it to not destroy my laptop's functionality anymore.

August 6th, 2015 09:00

Sure! Here is the screen shot:

Also, as per instructed on the website, I basically just dragged the application to the trash and emptied the trash. I have an app, or at least I did at the time, called AppZapper which is supposed to collect any associated files and trash them as well, but I don't think it found anything, if that makes a difference.

1.3K Posts

August 6th, 2015 09:00

Thanks for giving us the screen shot. What version of the OSX companion are you using? The latest version is 2.0.22s. I am curious if this will fix the CPU usage issue if you were running a older version of the Companion software.

The reason it did not properly uninstall is because of the method you used. The best way to fix this so you can properly uninstall it is to download the latest version of the Companion here:

Then run through the installer again. After the application is installed again, right click on the kite icon, select Support, then select uninstall.

Please let me know if this does not help.

Josh Maurer
Visit our Knowledge Base and Manuals web site at

1.3K Posts

August 6th, 2015 09:00

Glad to hear things are working properly for you now and please keep us informed if you run into this again. I also updated the knowledge-base article with the 2nd method of uninstalling the Companion.

Josh Maurer
Visit our Knowledge Base and Manuals web site at

August 6th, 2015 09:00

Sorry it took a while to reply; my internet has been on a holiday. Anyway I tried reinstalling it to uninstall it multiple times, which did not work. Instead it sat on 'preparing for installation' forever without actually installing. Then out of frustration I just ran the 'uninstall' packet, which did seem to work, although this part just happened a few seconds ago, so I suppose it remains to be seen. Thank you for your help, and I hope that it sticks!

I do think that perhaps if simply deleting the app by dragging it into the trash is not how one uninstalls it, then perhaps the website ought to reflect that, instead of just saying that you should drag the app into the trash, like it says here:

Thank you again for your help! Hopefully I won't be back, although for the first time ever it seems not to be showing up on my Activity Monitor, which seems like a good sign.

1.3K Posts

August 6th, 2015 09:00

Really sorry about the trouble you are having. Hopefully with a little more information from you, we can get this figured out for you.

Would you be able to attach a screen shot of the memory/CPU usage?

Also, how did you try and uninstall the application?

Josh Maurer
Visit our Knowledge Base and Manuals web site at

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