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May 5th, 2015 09:00

Project: Get Rid of all PC's

Question Project: Get Rid of all PC's

Hi all

I'm currently involved in a project where we're trying to find a thin replacement for our workstations (about 100 traditional PC's, age spanning from 4 to 1 years old). My thoughts so far:
- I don't think we need VDI - a solution with Citrix XenApp published desktops is probably what we're going to end up with.
- I've done testing with Wyse S10 and C10 clients, and we all agree that Wyse ThinOS is increadibly easy to manage, fast and secure. Therefore ThinOS is the OS I would prefere to be landing on.

I have a couple of questions I would like to ask the community regarding this:
1. In this scenario, does the C10 have any advantages over the S10 other than the ability to support dual monitors and higher display resolutions?
2. Multimedia performance is *** - are there no Citrix HDX support on these clients? Will this be available in ThinOS7?
3. If I decide to go with Wyse TCX, will I get decent Video/Flash performance, and will it perform better on the C10 than the S10? And what about the V10?
4. How about the new Xenith client? Will this be a better option in this scenario? I see from the specs that it has HDX support...
5. Do you have any other thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance!



28 Posts

May 5th, 2015 09:00

Just thought I'd give a little update on this project, if anyone cares to read 

We're still doing a lot of testing and researching, but this is were we stand as of now:
- "Regular" desktop PC's will be replaced by some kind of Wyse terminal running ThinOS (C10 or V10) with multi-monitor support. These will connect to a published XenApp Desktop.
- Desktop users with "special needs" will also be replaced by some kind of Wyse terminal running ThinOS with multi-monitor support. These will connect to XenDesktop.
- As for laptops, we'll still use "regular" PC's, but very locked down with no apps installed. The main reason for this is to get Flash redirection working properly, 'cause a lot of our mobile users depend on it (unfortunately). We can, however, buy cheaper PC's since most of the processing happens in the datacenter. These will connect to XenDesktop.
- Student workstations (extremely homogeneous environment) will be replaced by R00L clients which streams the OS and Apps from WSM.

"Special" apps will be published from XenApp to the XenDesktop sessions.

13 Posts

May 5th, 2015 09:00

1. Forget the C10 and S10 for now, V10LE is the sweet spot.
2. WTOS7, releasing any time now, is dumping TCX and has HDX support built in
3. See above. In my testing it still isn't stellar, but is much much improved.
4. Don't bother with Xenith, multiple reasons
5. If you do not do VDI and only use published desktops your range of supportable USB devices is pretty slim. A small VDI deployment for USB functionality shouldn't be ruled out if you have a case for it.

28 Posts

May 5th, 2015 09:00

Hi Damien, and thanks for your reply, It's really great to get some oppinions on this.

1. Is there any spesific reason for the V10? It does cost a bit more...
2. Nice
3. OK
5. That's a very good point, I'll keep that in mind. Fortunately we don't have too many locally connected periperals.

- Audun

13 Posts

May 5th, 2015 10:00

IMHO, you are starting a descent into a level of *** that Dante never imagined. You will spend the rest of your days chasing obscure bugs and pleading on various forums for help with the bizarre little issues that crop up with every user and every app. 

XenApp/Wyse might be a great environment if you have a bunch of users and a limited set of apps, but as a general purpose platform for end users, it ***.

Spend the money that you would have spent on XenApp and the Wyse terminals and buy configuration management software. If you must, lock down your users with group policy.

May 21st, 2015 16:00

We started using Citrix XenApp but moved to XenDesktop 7.1 a year ago and are serving up apps and desktops to just about any device. We are replacing our workstations with the Xenith 3002 series which can handle Citrix Apps or Desktops great imho. It basically boots to a Citrix receiver screen.  It's been a learning experience to say the least, but I couldn't be happier with our end product.

We also have a few Wyse Linux units we use as web kiosk, as to not use up a RPD/Citrix user license.

36 Posts

May 27th, 2015 11:00

"IMHO, you are starting a descent into a level of *** that Dante never imagined."

Gonna have to second this sentiment.  The sheer amount of money and time required to deploy and support even a straightforward XenAppp environment should make anyone seriously reconsider any marketing spin that promises ROI, reduced administration cost, etc.  Managing the overwhelming number of bugs, workarounds, and broken functionality, even with the later XD7.1 and 7.6 versions, is more than a full-time job, and support requests with Citrix routinely end up stuck in many-months-long "escalation", even with a "premier" support contract.

Then there's the whole mess that is WDM software, though I'm not sure if you'll experience the same level of frustration with ThinOS clients that we do with WES7.  Dell/Wyse software and documentation are laughably bad, for a supposed mature market leader.  Beware of the supportability of any locally-attached USB devices, as previously mentioned.  Spend some time reading the Wyse and Citrix support forums.

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