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This post is more than 5 years old


November 3rd, 2016 07:00

MAC Address based Wireless Authentication (802.1x)

My Security Team wants us to setup our ThinOS devices to authenticate to wireless Per Device as separate users.  I figured I'd just use the $Mac.ini and it would work...  (These are Wireless Medical Carts)

There seem to be a couple of issues.

1) One issue is how exactly to setup the two .ini files.  If I have no wireless in the WNOS.ini file, it fails to connect upon reboot.  If I have a GenericUser in WNOS.ini, and the SpecificUser setup in the MAC.ini file, it sees a wireless change and gets caught in a reboot loop.    If I just have the User/Password variables (see below) it seems to ignore it since it has already authenticated to wireless to get the files!!

2) Another issue is that the 'MirrorFileServer=yes' command only seems to cache the WNOS.ini file (and wireless setting) So upon reboot, it fails... Can I cache the MAC.ini file?

I'd appreciate it if you could help me find a solution.  Is everyone here just using a single login for wireless on all ThinOS wireless devices?




;*                     Wireless / 802.1x                     *
IEEE8021X=yes network=wireless access=WPA2-ENT eap=yes eaptype=EAP-PEAP peapeap=EAP-MSCHAPV2 peapmschapun=GenericUser wdEnc=MDELKEDGNDNOLPCLPIHBLI
Device=Wireless Mode=Infrastructure SSID="Mywireless" DisableWLAN=EnetUp



peapmschapun=b121896 peapmschappwdEnc=PBCDOPCGLCCHLLCMKI

; IEEE8021X=yes network=wireless access=WPA2-ENT eap=yes eaptype=EAP-PEAP peapeap=EAP-MSCHAPV2 peapmschapun=SpecificUser peapmschappwdEnc=PCDOPCGLHLLCMKI


March 28th, 2017 11:00

OK.  I will answer my own question...

I added to following line to the end of my WNOS.ini file:

  • Include=&Right($SN,7).ini

This way it looks for the last seven characters of the serial number, which is the Dell Service TAG.   When provisioning new devices, we scan the Service Tag barcode on the outside of the Dell Box when creating the .INI file...removing human error.  We add the individual wireless account in each ini file.

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