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May 28th, 2009 06:00

File System Slice Info

When creating a new File System one parameter that can be set is whether to enable slicing "slice=y".

How can I tell if this was set for existing file systems as the "nas_fs -i " command doesn't seem to show that option?

[nasadmin@NASRGT01 ~]$ nas_fs -i FS028
id = 5808
name = FS028
acl = 0
in_use = True
type = uxfs
worm = off
volume = v6724
pool = clar_r5_performance
member_of = root_avm_fs_group_3
rw_servers= server_4
rw_vdms = VDMRGT04
ro_vdms =
auto_ext = no,virtual_provision=no
stor_devs = CK200031500408-0089,CK200031500408-0085,CK200031500408-0086,CK200031500408-0082
disks = d47,d44,d42,d40
disk=d47 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0089 addr=c16t3l5 server=server_4
disk=d47 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0089 addr=c32t3l5 server=server_4
disk=d47 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0089 addr=c0t3l5 server=server_4
disk=d47 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0089 addr=c48t3l5 server=server_4
disk=d44 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0085 addr=c16t3l1 server=server_4
disk=d44 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0085 addr=c32t3l1 server=server_4
disk=d44 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0085 addr=c0t3l1 server=server_4
disk=d44 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0085 addr=c48t3l1 server=server_4
disk=d42 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0086 addr=c0t3l2 server=server_4
disk=d42 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0086 addr=c48t3l2 server=server_4
disk=d42 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0086 addr=c16t3l2 server=server_4
disk=d42 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0086 addr=c32t3l2 server=server_4
disk=d40 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0082 addr=c0t2l14 server=server_4
disk=d40 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0082 addr=c48t2l14 server=server_4
disk=d40 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0082 addr=c16t2l14 server=server_4
disk=d40 stor_dev=CK200031500408-0082 addr=c32t2l14 server=server_4

26 Posts

May 28th, 2009 07:00


Run this nas_volume -i v6724

The output will look like this

[nasadmin@e-n-nsx2-cs0 .etc]$ nas_volume -info v11213
id = 11213
name = v11213
acl = 0
in_use = True
type = meta
volume_set = s2412,s2413,v11706
disks = d6167,d6241,d6166,d6240,d6165,d6239,d6164,d6238
clnt_filesys= data5-1

If the volume_set start with s, they are slices. You can use the nas_volume command on those as well...

[nasadmin@e-n-nsx2-cs0 .etc]$ nas_volume -info s2412
id = 11211
name = s2412
acl = 0
in_use = True
type = slice
slice_name = s2412
slice_of = v11209
offset(MB) = 0
size (MB) = 2198492
disks = d6167,d6241,d6166,d6240
clnt_volume = v11213

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

May 28th, 2009 06:00

default for clar_r5_performance pool is "default_slice_flag = True". Do you suspect somebody specified slice=n ?

54 Posts

May 28th, 2009 06:00

No, but as I couldn't find anywhere in the docs what the default is, hence my question.

Thanks for the prompt response.

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

May 28th, 2009 07:00

here is a note from man pages:

When the symm_std, symm_std_rdf_src, symm_ata, symm_ata_rdf_src,
symm_ata_rdf_tgt, and symm_std_rdf_tgt pools are specified, the default
is not to slice the volumes, which is overridden with slice=y. For
symm_ssd, the default is slice=y, because TimeFinder/FS is not supported
with SSD disk types.

When the clar_r1, clar_r5_performance, clar_r5_economy,
clarata_r3, clarata_archive, cm_r1, cm_r5_performance,
cm_r5_economy, cmata_r3, cmata_archive, clar_r6, clarata_r6, cm_r6,
and cmata_r6 pools are specified, the default is to slice the volumes,
which is overridden with slice=n. Use nas_pool to change the
default slice option.

54 Posts

May 28th, 2009 08:00

Yay - you guys obviously know your stuff.

That does show that it's a sliced volume - as expected.

[nasadmin@NASRGT01 ~]$ nas_volume -i v6724
id = 6724
name = v6724
acl = 0
in_use = True
type = meta
volume_set = s2447
disks = d47,d44,d42,d40
clnt_filesys= FS028

many thanks
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