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This post is more than 5 years old


July 21st, 2012 18:00

No sound from my Bose speakers

I have a new xps 8500 desktop.  I bought Bose Companion II speakers for it from Dell with the computer.  After following the steps to install the speakers, I can't hear anything.  I am going crazy trying to figure out what is wrong. The speakers plugs are plugged in correctly. The volume controls are not on mute.   Can anyone help me?  Anu inkling out what the problem is would be greatly appriciated.

38 Posts

August 1st, 2012 17:00

Same issue here but different speakers. Get no audio out of rear or front 3.5mm jacks. I guess you have to go digital with the optical or HDMI, what a rip!!!

1 Rookie


33 Posts

August 2nd, 2012 20:00

Sorry, I meant the BOSE Companion 5.

1 Rookie


33 Posts

August 2nd, 2012 20:00

I am using the BOSE Companion 3 system on my new XPS 8500. I just plugged the jack into the green port and it works.

One thing to watch for. The round volume control has a mute feature. The LED on the volume control needs to be green to get sound. If it is amber then just touch the surface of the volume control which should turn the lignt to green.


38 Posts

August 6th, 2012 15:00

New 8500 needed a new MOBO.Took 3 hours of chat to figure it out. What a joke. New MOBO installed today, all audio ports now working.

1 Message

November 21st, 2012 06:00

My xps 8500 desktop is a year old. I have bose companion II speakers which actually worked when I initially set up the PC. After correcting myriad and frustrating problems with the lousy logitech mouse, the speakers suddenly didn't work. I haven't been able to get them to work since, after trying everything. All troubleshooting info is a joke. The speakers had worked when plugged into the port at the top of the tower. I've tried every other port, as well, and no sound. Guess I'll have to pay someone to figure out what is going on. Any suggestions???

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