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June 3rd, 2015 16:00

Use Inspiron One as monitor only?

I have an Inspiron One which is now nearing the end of it's life and I have ordered a new laptop (from dell of course).

My question is this: is there anyway I can use the excellent screen of the Inspiron as a monitor for my laptop? 

I have a docking station which will enable me to connect, but I don't know how to turn off the 'computer' part of the Inspiron i.e. how can I use the monitor without having to boot up up the whole Insplron One?

Any suggestions please?

4 Operator


20.1K Posts

September 11th, 2015 13:00

Only if it has an HDMI Input port for video and even then it might not work. Your model does have hdmi in for video camera or other device. It is not practical to use a $500 computer as a $100 external monitor. It will not boot up like a real monitor. You would have to boot up the One and the computer you are using and then switch to external monitor and then set it up on the One.....a waste of time and energy. Test it to see how it works or doesn't.

Buy another monitor.

780 Posts

June 4th, 2015 06:00


Thank you for reaching us,

Can you be little more specific with the model number?

Inspiron One All in ones are available in different model numbers, If you could find it, Please reply in the same thread.

We shall check if it can be used as an external monitor or not.

Thank you

3 Posts

June 4th, 2015 08:00

It's 19T


4 Operator


20.1K Posts

June 4th, 2015 08:00

No you cannot. That all in one is an early model that is really more like a laptop. You can't use the screen as a monitor. 

3 Posts

June 4th, 2015 15:00


Thanks for the advice anyway

3 Posts

September 9th, 2015 21:00

Hello, I had the exact same question as above. I have an inspiron 23 5346 series, is there a way to use it as a monitor only? Thanks!

780 Posts

September 11th, 2015 03:00


Yes,If there are two HDMI ports in the rear, you can use this desktop as a monitor.


3 Posts

September 15th, 2015 20:00

ok, thank you so much!

3 Posts

September 15th, 2015 20:00

thanks! that was my concern, I'm starting a new job and wanted to see if I could use the aio instead of buying a monitor since I just bought this computer.

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