1 Rookie
3 Posts
July 12th, 2022 05:00
Inspiron 15 7560 3 amber 1 white and cannot turn on even unplug CMSO battery
My inspiron 15-7560 laptop cannot be turn on. When I plug-in the power and hit the power button, battery light and power light on. Then battery light shows 3 yellow and 1 white. After this pattern goes on for around 7 times, battery light and power light turn off. Then, I can’t turn on the laptop.
- Hit the power button -> no light
- take out the power cable and plug-in again -> the battery light on for 1 seconds and off again without power light.
If a take out the battery, power and hold 30 seconds the power button and put all again, the battery light show me 3 yellow and 1 white again once. Then the laptop remain the same as before.
Since 3 yellow 1 white is about CMSO battery, I have already replace the battery but remain no different.
My power adapter, power jack is all right. My CMSO battery is good. My battery is very old and can’t be charge for using a long period.
The laptop did not have any problem yesterday, it has the problem today after I clean the dust and unplug cable and put it back.
9 Legend
9 Legend
12.4K Posts
July 12th, 2022 05:00
Did you use a brand new CMOS battery that you purchased or one that you had sitting around? Also which cable did you unplug and then "put it back"? Make sure the CMOS battery is secure in the holder and is right side up (you should see the + on the battery facing up). Also when you replaced the battery did you leave the battery out of the holder for 15 minutes before inserting the new battery?
Of course since the system worked fine before you cleaned it out then the possibility exists that you could have affected the MB such as a loose RAM module, a short on the MB, or bent the CMOS battery holder contacts.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
3 Posts
July 12th, 2022 06:00
new CMOS battery? Ans: Not new CMOS, but check with multimeter and it works fine.
Also which cable did you unplug and then "put it back"? Ans: cable between fan and motherboard; SSD; battery to motherboard.
Make sure the CMOS battery is secure in the holder and is right side up (you should see the + on the battery facing up). Ans: Yes, the + side is facing up.
Also when you replaced the battery did you leave the battery out of the holder for 15 minutes before inserting the new battery? Ans: For CMOS battery, yes. After the 15 min, put all the things back, and charge the power adapter again, the laptop goes 3 Yellow 1 white again to give a feedback for few time. Then, power light and the laptop turn off again. Put the power adapter again and the power light only turn on a few second without any signal again.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
3 Posts
July 12th, 2022 07:00
The Battery, ssd, and fan.
9 Legend
9 Legend
12.4K Posts
July 15th, 2022 08:00
I would still replace the CMOS battery with a brand newly purchased battery. It may test fine but in the system may not be working properly. Batteries are very inexpensive and an easy part to replace just to rule out the obvious.
3 Posts
October 13th, 2022 07:00
I have a XPS 13 9350 and I have the same issue. Replaced battery, the computer turned on just fine. I emptied the battery to fully charge it. The next morning computer won’t turn on, if I unplug battery and cmos battery I get the same lights as you…
how did you end up solving it?
thanks a lot!
Ricardo Balaguer
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
2 Posts
September 1st, 2023 18:27
I solved it pressing Windows + B keys and the power button, and release the power button after 4 seconds (still pressing Windows + B keys) until Dell logo on screen
1 Message
September 27th, 2023 16:55
@Ricardo Balaguer This was a great answer! I didn't have to change the CMOS battery or computer battery. I googled this and read everything I could find, but none were as useful as this. I updated the date on my laptop, and the computer updated its BIOS and I'm back in business. You saved me. Thanks Ricardo.
1 Message
September 28th, 2023 14:58
@Ricardo Balaguer - Thank you Richard, your fix worked for me too! This issue was with a DELL Precision 5510 and replacing the CMOS Battery is a huge chore since the Motherboard has to be removed to do so... your suggestion solved my problem and saved me from doing a bunch of unnecessary 'repairs'. Thank you!!
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
1 Message
April 16th, 2024 12:32
@Ricardo Balaguer Thank you so much, this works for me.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
1 Message
May 30th, 2024 11:39
@Ricardo Balaguer Well done! This actually worked for me. Thank you for posting it.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
1 Message
July 3rd, 2024 10:40
@Ricardo Balaguer . Thank you. It worked for me. I had just replaced the thermal paste in my laptop. It kept bootlooping until i did this. I had removed the battery before changing the thermal paste. It could be also that my cmos battery is dead.
Samuel Raj
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
1 Message
September 24th, 2024 09:25
@Ricardo Balaguer This worked for me, thanks!
1 Rookie
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1 Message
January 18th, 2025 13:27
Same problem, please help me 😨
Ricardo Balaguer
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
2 Posts
January 22nd, 2025 21:59
@Subh . esto no lo resolvió? https://www.dell.com/community/en/conversations/inspiron/inspiron-15-7560-3-amber-1-white-and-cannot-turn-on-even-unplug-cmso-battery/647f9de9f4ccf8a8de268613?commentId=64f22d0a3127724ed04da002
Cambiaste la batería CMOS? Si logras encenderla y la batería funciona entra en la pagina de Dell y busca el BIOS y actualiza a la última versión (con el código SERVICE TAG que aparece en el calco de la base de la computadora encontraras el modelo exacto para descargar el BIOS y actualizarlo)... Dell necesita que la batería tenga al menos 20% de carga y este conectado el cargador para actualizar el BIOS. Saludos