1 Rookie
9 Posts
About Disaster Recovery scenarios
Hello everyone!
Hoping you are well, I would like to know your vision on the following:
My client is asking us to document possible DRP scenarios in the IDPA 4400 and I have the following questions in case of what to do if any of the following scenarios occur:
- What happens if there is a problem or the internal ESXi and/or vCenter of the IDPA 4400 is corrupted?
- What happens if the Virtual Avamar becomes corrupted?
- What happens if Data Domain Virtual becomes corrupted?
This is in the context of knowing what to do if this happens, I have not found specific documentation where this is detailed for the case of the IDPA 4400 as such.
I know that in all cases I can contact technical support, but it would still be great to have an overview of this.
Thanks for your help.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
1 Message
November 27th, 2023 18:39
Good morning,
Here is an answer in order and this assumes that one component fails at a time rather than all those failing together:
The ESXi:
If this component failed, for example if the BOSS card failed, we would replace the unit and reinstall the ESXi from scratch and then reconnect the VMs from the storage on your system if it had not been affected.
The VCenter:
This VM does not hold any persistent data so if the VM was compromised we would simply redeploy it from scratch if a backup could not be restored.
The Avamar VM:
The Avamar machine can be recovered from a checkpoint restore from the Data Domain machine if and only if Checkpoint backups are enabled on that machine.
Finally if the Data Domain becomes corrupted or completely lost the data is not present elsewhere and cannot be recovered from the IDPA so the data would be lost. Your machine could be restored to functionality however by recreating the VM.
Let us know if you have any more questions on this.
DELL - Rod K
186 Posts
September 11th, 2024 19:37
Adding this for others future reference:
Any of the IDPA physical hardware or VMs can be replaced if needed, so it is really a question of being able to restore data in a DR situation.
For DR purposes many customers replicate backup data to a remote IDPA/DD at another site so that data can be Restored from that remote site if needed, and it is managed by Avamar.
I hope this helps.
Rod Kemp
Dell Tech Support