This post is more than 5 years old
100 Posts
File index error: permission denied, `SYSTEM' on `client xyz' must have remote access privilege to client.
save: File index error: permission denied, `SYSTEM' on `client xyz' must have remote access privilege to client .
save: Cannot open save session with server pqr.com
can anybody suggest what exactly the problem is?
thanks in advance.
57 Posts
November 24th, 2009 00:00
Most likely you have a IP resolution issue. (Assuming that you are NOT doing cluster client backup.)
The backup is initated to client xyz, when the client return to the backup server, the backup server
resolv the IP adress. If the backup server resolve that name to something else, like abc, then
you get a similar error.
If your client has two names, add an alias for the defined client in NetWorker, then NSR would
"understand" that the name is refferring to the same client.
2K Posts
November 24th, 2009 01:00
57 Posts
November 24th, 2009 01:00
Well, be ware that you would index your backup as another client, if that's what you like to do, then
add the remote access. (In a cluster backup for example it's needed.)
It would be quite hard to retrieve your backups if you mix backups of C:\ from client A in the index for client B -> C:\ already containing C:\...
294 Posts
November 1st, 2012 09:00
Just came across one like this where xyz is an alias of abc; checked nsradmin -p 390113 -s and name there was coming up something else; I assume this was built by cloning from another machine which already had the nsrladb populated. Stopped Networker, deleted /nsr/res/nsrladb, restarted Networker, reran backup, all worked okay!