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July 14th, 2014 21:00

Unluckly, I forgot my dell server R720 IDRAC password,now ,I can't login it . How to reset the IDRAC password.

I  forgot my dell server R720 IDRAC  password,now ,I can't login it . How to reset the IDRAC password.

 so anyone help me ,

4 Operator


3K Posts

January 5th, 2023 19:00

For latest iDRAC you need to run below command

racadm set idrac.users.2.password  

4 Operator


3K Posts

July 14th, 2014 21:00


      There is two way to reset iDRAC password.

  1. Reboot your server. While booting Press F2 to go to BIOS. Then traverse to iDRAC Settings. Here you will get an option to reset root password
  2. Install OMSA on your server and run below racadm command to reset root password

racadm set idrac.users.2.password

1 Rookie


4 Posts

July 15th, 2014 00:00


Thanks for your answer.

I will try it ,then returns the result.

1 Message

April 5th, 2018 00:00

Hi Shine,

I tried above command line but getting syntax error.  

The syntax of the command is incorrect.


Could you suggest what is going wrong. Thanks

4 Operator


3K Posts

April 5th, 2018 01:00

Can you run below command and let me know what is current iDRAC FW Version installed on the server

racadm getsysinfo -r

Also let me know what is the racadm version

You can try below command as well to set the iDRAC password 

racadm config -g cfguseradmin -i 2 -o cfgUserAdminPassword

1 Message

May 25th, 2020 01:00

Worked for me.


1 Message

December 25th, 2022 02:00

not worked for Firmware Version =

The command "racadm config" entered is not supported on iDRAC "" and later versions.
Run the "racadm set" command to complete the "configuring iDRAC configuration parameters" operation.

1 Rookie


1 Message

January 16th, 2025 04:42

I have IDRAC 7 and following things work for me 

IDRAC Password reset using cmd
Run cmd as admin on physical server
To check if user available -->> racadm get idrac.users.2
To reset password if user available -->> racadm set idrac.users.2.Password NewPassword

You have to change NewPassword  
