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March 28th, 2018 05:00

Addition of new disk in existing SDS

I need to add one disk per node (5 nodes) and add this disk to SDS.

There is no information about addition of new disk in existing SDS, only about error disk replacement.

When i "add new device"

Is there a chance to start rebalance/rebuild when i add new device to SDS? I strognly don't want that to happen (first, add disks to all servers, then perform rebalancing)

Hypervisor - VMware

ScaleIO version - v2.0-13000.211

March 28th, 2018 23:00


By default when you add a new device to ScaleIO, it will automatically initiate a rebalance of data on to the new disk/s.

You can disable the rebalance feature by using the ScaleIO GUI for the specific Storage pool that the device is being added to.

Open ScaleIO GUI > select backend tab > sort by Storage pools > right click the Storage pool > select "Enable/Disable Rebuild/Rebalance"

Hope this helps.

16 Posts

April 5th, 2018 04:00


is there a document that describes how to properly add new disks to an existing storage pool through vCenter Plugin for ScaleIO?

April 5th, 2018 07:00


You can find the documentation on the ScaleIO v2.0x User Guide, page 230.


1. From the SDSs screen, click Actions > Add SDS device.

It may take a moment to load the device list from the vCenter. The Add SDS

Device dialog appears

2. Add devices to an SDS:

a. Select the device to add.

b. If you need to create a VMDK disk, select Create VMDK.


This option is only enabled if you first enable VMDK creation from the

Advanced Settings on the plug-in main screen.

c. Select a Storage Pool for the device.

3. Click OK.

16 Posts

April 9th, 2018 02:00

Hello, after the disks were added to the cluster, the rebalance was not started.

How to force rebalancing or or is it some kind of mistake?

GUI - Capacity-In-Use - 0%

Storage Pool scaleio_pool_ssd01 (Id: 1f2c817e00000001) has 1 volumes and 32.0 GB (32768 MB) available for volume allocation

        The number of parallel rebuild/rebalance jobs: 2

        Rebuild is enabled and using No-Limit policy

        Rebalance is enabled and using No-Limit policy

        Background device scanner: Disabled

        Zero padding is disabled

        Spare policy: 26% out of total

        Checksum mode: disabled

        Doesn't use RAM Read Cache

        Doesn't use Flash Read Cache

        Capacity alert thresholds: High: 80, Critical: 90

SDS 8bf6f73f00000009 Name: host.test.local-ESX Version: 2.0.13000

Protection Domain: ba38774400000001, Name: scaleio_pd01

Fault Set: 67bef52900000009, Name: fs11

DRL mode: Volatile

Authentication error: None

IP information (total 1 IPs):

         1:     Role: All (SDS and SDC)

        Port: 7072

RAM Read Cache information:

        128.0 MB (131072 KB) total size

        Cache is enabled

        RAM Read Cache memory allocation state is PENDING

Rfcache enabled

Device information (total 3 devices):

         1: Name: ScaleIO-1990ad5f  Path: /dev/sdb  Original-path: /dev/sdb  ID: f73f261500090000

                Storage Pool: scaleio_pool_ssd01, Capacity: 892 GB Error-fixes: 0 scanned 0 MB, Compare errors: 0 State: Normal

         2: Name: ScaleIO-1990ad60  Path: /dev/sdc  Original-path: /dev/sdc  ID: f73f261600090001

                Storage Pool: scaleio_pool_ssd01, Capacity: 892 GB Error-fixes: 0 scanned 0 MB, Compare errors: 0 State: Normal

         3: Name: ScaleIO-1990ad61  Path: /dev/sdd  Original-path: /dev/sdd  ID: f73f261700090002

                Storage Pool: scaleio_pool_hdd01, Capacity: 1861 GB Error-fixes: 0 scanned 0 MB, Compare errors: 0 State: Normal

No devices use Rfcache

Membership-state: Joined; Connection-state: Connected; SDS-state: Normal; 0 devices with error; 0 Rfcache devices with errors

        3.6 TB (3646 GB) total capacity

        2.7 TB (2743 GB) unused capacity

        0 Bytes snapshots capacity

        900.0 GB (921600 MB) in-use capacity

        0 Bytes thin capacity

        0 Bytes unreachable-unused capacity

        0 active moving-in forward-rebuild jobs

        0 active moving-in backward-rebuild jobs

        0 active moving-in rebalance jobs

        0 active moving-out forward-rebuild jobs

        0 active moving-out backward-rebuild jobs

        0 active moving-out rebalance jobs

        0 pending moving-in forward-rebuild jobs

        0 pending moving-in backward-rebuild jobs

        0 pending moving-in rebalance jobs

        0 pending moving-out forward-rebuild jobs

        0 pending moving-out backward-rebuild jobs

        0 pending moving-out rebalance jobs

        0 Bytes decreased capacity

16 Posts

April 9th, 2018 03:00

After change Critical Capacity Threshold from 90 to 98 percent rebalance was starting.

306 Posts

April 9th, 2018 05:00

You seem to have only 32GB of free capacity in the storage pool - ScaleIO won't rebalance if the usage is above critical threshold which seems to be the case here. Try to change the capacity alert thresholds to 98% (High) and 99% (Critical), that should help. You can also try to switch MDM ownership.



16 Posts

April 10th, 2018 04:00

For properly add new disks to an existing storage pool through vCenter Plugin for ScaleIO need - disable rebalancing through ScaleIO GUI, add new disks to each node and enable rebalancing, right? Or somewhere there is mistakes?

306 Posts

April 11th, 2018 05:00

Hi Amama,

No, if you simply add a new disk, ScaleIO will rebalance automatically, you don't have to disable/enable it. As I said before, if used capacity exceeds critical threshold, rebalance will not run - but that's special case, normally system will rebalance by itself.



16 Posts

April 11th, 2018 23:00


if i add one disk to the first server in the required storage pool, will the balancing process be started? To avoid damage of rebalancing between unequal number of disks in the cluster, what should be done?

If I add one disk to 5 servers, the rebalancing process will be started after adding the disk to the last server or after adding in first server?

My steps:

- add device to first server

rebalance (?)

- add device to second server after rebalance or immediately after adding first device?

306 Posts

April 13th, 2018 07:00


In order to balance without performance lose, always try to keep the same (or at least similar) number of disks in every SDS.

Rebalance will start once SDS recognizes a new disk, no point in waiting for each SDS - ScaleIO will rebalance again after another new device is added.



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