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April 25th, 2018 12:00

SIO license for lab environment

in a lab setup if I have to test lockbox creation, SNMP config. In SIO we will have to install ESRS for lockbox creation, which in turn will require a SIO license to be installed. How can we get a SIO license to be used in lab environment?

73 Posts

April 25th, 2018 14:00

In your case, you don't need a license. ESRS requires a lockbox, but a lockbox is used for more than just ESRS. SNMP, LDAPS and ESRS. The first two features don't require a license... only ESRS.

The ScaleIO deployment guide has the basic steps to create a lockbox on the Gateway:

1. Create a Lockbox:

   --change_lb_passphrase --new_passphrase

2. Add MDM credentials to the Lockbox:

--set_mdm_credentials --mdm_user --mdm_password

If you just run the SioGWTool script by itself, it will give you all the options possible. Let us know if you need more help.

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