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March 31st, 2018 20:00

XPS 13 9360, file explorer freezes


Starting a few weeks ago, the file explorer has been freezing on my XPS 13 9360 every time I open it. I can browse the folders for a few seconds, and then all of a sudden it freezes, and I cannot navigate or open any files/folders.

Any help on how to fix this issue will be highly appreciated. (I want to avoid a clean reinstall of windows unless absolutely necessary.)

The only way I can open files nowadays is to first open the respective program, and then open the file I want from there. For example if I want to open a Word file, I have to open Microsoft Word first and then navigate to the file I want and open it. This is very annoying.

Thanks a lot!

1 Rookie


18 Posts

April 8th, 2018 19:00

Finally solved this problem today! The problem was Office. I uninstalled and reinstalled Office today after running into problems with Excel, and that completely solved the issue. Here is more details as I posted in Microsoft community.

1 Message

September 10th, 2018 00:00

Disabling the "details pane" worked! Thank you! I wasted hours on this problem including resetting Windows.

2 Posts

April 1st, 2018 03:00

I have had the same problem with my dell xps 15 9550, would love a fix.

1 Rookie


18 Posts

April 6th, 2018 21:00

Finally figured out a workaround solution to this annoying problem.

I played with all settings of the File Explorer and noticed that disabling the "Details pane" solves the crash issue.

Not a perfect solution because I often need the Details pane, but at least now I can use the file explorer.

I'm posting this at the Microsoft Community as well so they get aware of this as well.

1 Message

October 15th, 2018 10:00

Hi Max,

Can you please send me more details about your resolution?

I'm exploring the same issue but I can't find the "details pane" you're talking about.

Any step by step process would be very appreciated.

Many thanks in advance


1 Message

October 19th, 2018 09:00

Hi, You can find "details pane" under the "view" menu in File Explorer. Rgds, /Bjurnen

1 Message

January 21st, 2019 02:00

This problem has also been driving my wife crazy on her Dell XPS 13 9370 with Windows 10 Home v1803 installed (OS Build 17134.523)

Whilst the not above about disabling the Details pane provided some relief, I  found for her that the root cause was the Quick Access feature in Windows Explorer.  Disabling it (and I also cleared the cache of folders and files) has resolved it for her.

This has allowed then allowed us to turn the details view back on again in Windows File Explorer without the issue persisting.


3 Posts

February 4th, 2019 02:00

@ronnie78c wrote:

This problem has also been driving my wife crazy on her Dell XPS 13 9370 with Windows 10 Home v1803 installed (OS Build 17134.523)

Whilst the not above about disabling the Details pane provided some relief, I  found for her that the root cause was the Quick Access feature in Windows Explorer.  Disabling it (and I also cleared the cache of folders and files) has resolved it for her.

This has allowed then allowed us to turn the details view back on again in Windows File Explorer without the issue persisting.


Even I'm seeing this problem with the Quick Access only since 15 min back.

As the explorer opens, it tries to open the Quick Access and stays hung.

Workaround - So I tried to open explorer directly into a particular folder by typing in the command and it works fine (!!), even the links under the Quick Access (only that clicking on Quick Access link itself hangs it again).
