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23 mars 2016 04:00

Batterie Carte Raid


​Nous avons ce message d'erreur depuis ce matin sur l'afficheur LCD de notre PowerEdge R610 : ​


​Est ce que nous devons prévoir rapidement son remplacement, si oui pouvons nous avoir un devis ?​


​Mr Cattoen​

1.4K  messages

23 mars 2016 04:00


L'erreur est bien relative à l'autonomie de la betterie du contrôleur Raid.

Je vous invite à appliquer le plan ci dessous afin de régler ce problème :

  1. Reseat the ROMB/PERC battery connector, wait for 20 minutes while server is powered off but plugged in. (This will allow the battery to charge)

  2. Restart the server a minumum of two times.

  3.  Check if the error message persists.

  4. Verfy there is not a firmware update that addresses battery issues, update if necessary.   (FRMW_WIN_R153528.EXE for PERC 5)

  5. Check the ROMB/PERC battery status in OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA):

    • Missing or Malfunctioning: Replace the ROMB/PERC battery. If the battery has already been replaced, replace the system board.

    • Ready: Clear the Embedded Server Management (ESM) logs and restart the server. For more information about how to clear the ESM logs, refer to "Clearing the Embedded Server Management (ESM) Logs on a Dell™ PowerEdge™ Server" Solution ID: 8590.

    • Charging: Wait for the ROMB/PERC battery charging cycle to complete.

    • Need to be Charged: Leave the server powered on for 20 minutes to allow the charging cycle to start. After 20 minutes, check the battery status again to confirm that the battery is charging.



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