

此帖子已超过 5 年


5 Practitioner


274.2K 消息


2013年7月9日 03:00


从外面看,服务器上挂了6块硬盘,每块146GB,但是在系统里只能识别一块硬盘,现在能进入到系统里运行online test工具,如图,硬盘都正常工作,不知为何只有146GB可用呢?

111 消息

2013年7月9日 03:00


如果有安装service administraor,直接进入看,或者重启到ctrl+R进入查看



DSET:  http://zh.community.dell.com/support_forums/poweredge/f/280.aspx



111 消息

2013年7月9日 19:00

5 Practitioner


274.2K 消息

2013年7月9日 19:00

server 是2008 r2 x64, 用过DSET, 但是生成不了报告

5 Practitioner


274.2K 消息

2013年7月9日 22:00


5 Practitioner


274.2K 消息

2013年7月9日 22:00

server 在运行,不能重启的

122 消息

2013年7月9日 22:00


111 消息

2013年7月9日 23:00






5 Practitioner


274.2K 消息

2013年7月10日 02:00

Refer to your suggestion, I did and collect the log file, Please help he figure out. Thanks.


Click the picture up, you could see the source code.

5 Practitioner


274.2K 消息

2013年7月10日 20:00

换了2.2 压根就装不上,那个日志文件我传到115网盘了,麻烦您帮忙看一下,还有那个dset3.4 运行完成没有任何错误提示,也没有生成log文件。


111 消息

2013年7月10日 22:00





5 Practitioner


274.2K 消息

2013年7月10日 23:00

MegaCLI SAS RAID Management Tool Ver 8.02.16 July 01, 2011

(c)Copyright 2011, LSI Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

NOTE: The following options may be given at the end of any command below:

[-Silent] [-AppLogFile filename] [-NoLog] [-page:emotion-45:]
[-] is optional.
N - Number of lines per page.

MegaCli -v
MegaCli -help|-h|?
MegaCli -adpCount
MegaCli -AdpSetProp {CacheFlushInterval -val} | { RebuildRate -val}
| {PatrolReadRate -val} | {BgiRate -val} | {CCRate -val}
| {ReconRate -val} | {SpinupDriveCount -val} | {SpinupDelay -val}
| {CoercionMode -val} | {ClusterEnable -val} | {PredFailPollInterval -val}
| {BatWarnDsbl -val} | {EccBucketSize -val} | {EccBucketLeakRate -val}
| {AbortCCOnError -val} | AlarmEnbl | AlarmDsbl | AlarmSilence
| {SMARTCpyBkEnbl -val} | {SSDSMARTCpyBkEnbl -val} | NCQEnbl | NCQDsbl
| {MaintainPdFailHistoryEnbl -val} | {RstrHotSpareOnInsert -val}
| {DisableOCR -val} | {BootWithPinnedCache -val}
| AutoEnhancedImportEnbl | AutoEnhancedImportDsbl
| {EnblSpinDownUnConfigDrvs -val}|{UseDiskActivityforLocate -val} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
| {ExposeEnclDevicesEnbl -val} | {SpinDownTime -val}
| {SpinUpEncDrvCnt -val} | {SpinUpEncDelay -val} | {Perfmode -val} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -AutoDetectBackPlaneDsbl -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Enable Auto Detect of SGPIO and i2c SEP.
1=Disable Auto Detect of SGPIO.
2=Disable Auto Detect of i2c SEP.
3=Disable Auto Detect of SGPIO and i2c SEP.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -CopyBackDsbl -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Enable Copyback.
1=Disable Copyback.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -EnableJBOD -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Disable JBOD mode.
1=Enable JBOD mode.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DsblCacheBypass -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Enable Cache Bypass.
1=Disable Cache Bypass.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -LoadBalanceMode -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Auto Load balance mode.
1=Disable Load balance mode.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -UseFDEOnlyEncrypt -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=FDE and controller encryption (if HW supports) is allowed.
1=Only support FDE encryption, disallow controller encryption.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -PrCorrectUncfgdAreas -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Correcting Media error during PR is disabled.
1=Correcting Media error during PR is allowed.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DefaultSnapshotSpace -XaN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
where X is the percentage of the source VD size.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DefaultViewSpace -XaN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
where X is the percentage of the source VD size.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -AutoSnapshotSpace -XaN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
where X is the percentage of the source VD size.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DsblSpinDownHSP -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Spinning down the Hot Spare is enabled.
1=Spinning down the Hot Spare is disabled.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DefaultLdPSPolicy -Automatic| -None | -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DisableLdPS -interval n1 -time n2 -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
where n1 is the number of hours beginning at time n2
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -ENABLEEGHSP -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Disabled Emergency GHSP.
1= Enabled Emergency GHSP.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -ENABLEEUG -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Disabled Emergency UG as Spare.
1= Enabled Emergency UG as Spare.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -ENABLEESMARTER -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0= Disabled Emergancy Spare as Smarter.
1= Enabled Emergancy Spare as Smarter.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -DPMenable -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Disable Drive Performance Monitoring .
1=Enable Drive Performance Monitoring.
MegaCli -AdpSetProp -SupportSSDPatrolRead -val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - 0=Disable Patrol read for SSD drives .
1=Enable Patrol read for SSD drives.
MegaCli -AdpGetProp CacheFlushInterval | RebuildRate | PatrolReadRate
| BgiRate | CCRate | ReconRate | SpinupDriveCount | SpinupDelay
| CoercionMode | ClusterEnable | PredFailPollInterval | BatWarnDsbl
| EccBucketSize | EccBucketLeakRate | EccBucketCount | AbortCCOnError
| AlarmDsply | SMARTCpyBkEnbl | SSDSMARTCpyBkEnbl | NCQDsply
| MaintainPdFailHistoryEnbl | RstrHotSpareOnInsert
| EnblSpinDownUnConfigDrvs | DisableOCR
| BootWithPinnedCache | AutoEnhancedImportDsply | AutoDetectBackPlaneDsbl
| CopyBackDsbl | LoadBalanceMode | UseFDEOnlyEncrypt | WBSupport | EnableJBOD
| DsblCacheBypass | ExposeEnclDevicesEnbl | SpinDownTime | PrCorrectUncfgdAreas
| UseDiskActivityforLocate | ENABLEEGHSP | ENABLEEUG | ENABLEESMARTER | Perfmode | -DPMenable -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
| DefaultSnapshotSpace |
| DefaultViewSpace |
| AutoSnapshotSpace |
| DefaultLdPSPolicy | DisableLdPsInterval | DisableLdPsTime | SpinUpEncDrvCnt
| SpinUpEncDelay | PrCorrectUncfgdAreas
| DsblSpinDownHSP | SupportSSDPatrolRead -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpAllInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpGetTime -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss -aN
MegaCli -AdpSetVerify -f fileName -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -BBUMfgSet -f filename -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBIOS -Enbl |-Dsbl | -SOE | -BE | EnblAutoSelectBootLd | DsblAutoSelectBootLd | -Dsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBootDrive {-Set {-Lx | -physdrv[E0:S0]}}|-Get -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpAutoRbld -Enbl|-Dsbl|-Dsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCacheFlush -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpPR -Dsbl|EnblAuto|EnblMan|Start|Suspend|Resume|Stop|Info|SSDPatrolReadEnbl |SSDPatrolReadDsbl
|{SetDelay Val}|{-SetStartTime yyyymmdd hh}|{maxConcurrentPD Val} -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCcSched -Dsbl|-Info|{-ModeConc | -ModeSeq [-ExcludeLD -LN|-L0,1,2]
[-SetStartTime yyyymmdd hh ] [-SetDelay val ] } -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCcSched -SetStartTime yyyymmdd hh -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCcSched -SetDelay val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -FwTermLog -BBUoff|BBUoffTemp|BBUon|BBUGet|Dsply|Clear -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpAlILog -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpDiag [val] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val - Time in second.
MegaCli -AdpGetPciInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpShutDown -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDList -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDGetNum -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -pdInfo -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDOnline -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDOffline -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDMakeGood -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] | [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDMakeJBOD -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDHSP {-Set [-Dedicated [-ArrayN|-Array0,1,2...]] [-EnclAffinity] [-nonRevertible]}
|-Rmv -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDRbld -Start|-Stop|-Suspend|-Resume|-ShowProg |-ProgDsply
-PhysDrv [E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDClear -Start|-Stop|-ShowProg |-ProgDsply
-PhysDrv [E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdLocate {[-start] | -stop} -physdrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdMarkMissing -physdrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdGetMissing -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdReplaceMissing -physdrv[E0:S0] -arrayA, -rowB -aN
MegaCli -PdPrpRmv [-UnDo] -physdrv[E0:S0] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -EncInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -EncStatus -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PhyInfo -phyM -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PhySetLinkSpeed -phyM -speed -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdFwDownload [offline][ForceActivate] {[-SataBridge] -PhysDrv[0:1] }|{-EncdevId[devId1]} -f -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDInfo -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDSetProp {-Name LdNamestring} | -RW|RO|Blocked|RemoveBlocked | WT|WB|ForcedWB [-Immediate] |RA|NORA|ADRA
| Cached|Direct | -EnDskCache|DisDskCache | CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU
-Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDSetPowerPolicy -Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching
-Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDGetProp -Cache | -Access | -Name | -DskCache | -PSPolicy | Consistency -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL
MegaCli -LDInit {-Start [-full]}|-Abort|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDCC {-Start [-force]}|-Abort|-Suspend|-Resume|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDBI -Enbl|-Dsbl|-getSetting|-Abort|-Suspend|-Resume|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDRecon {-Start -rX [{-Add | -Rmv} -Physdrv[E0:S0,...]]}|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply
-Lx -aN
MegaCli -LdPdInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDGetNum -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDBBMClr -Lx|-L0,1,2,...|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -getLdExpansionInfo -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LdExpansion -pN -dontExpandArray -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -GetBbtEntries -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Cachecade -assign|-remove -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgLdAdd -rX[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached]
[CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU] [-szXXX [-szYYY ...]]
[-strpszM] [-Hsp[E0:S0,...]] [-AfterLdX] [-Force]|[FDE|CtrlBased]
[-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] -aN
MegaCli -CfgCacheCadeAdd [-rX] -Physdrv[E0:S0,...] {-Name LdNamestring} [WT|WB|ForcedWB] [-assign -LX|L0,2,5..|LALL] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgEachDskRaid0 [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached]
[CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU] [-strpszM]|[FDE|CtrlBased] [-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgClr [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgDsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgCacheCadeDsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgLdDel -LX|-L0,2,5...|-LALL [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgCacheCadeDel -LX|-L0,2,5...|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgFreeSpaceinfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -r10 -Array0[E0:S0,E1:S1] -Array1[E0:S0,E1:S1] [-ArrayX[E0:S0,E1:S1] ...]
[WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached] [CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU]
[-szXXX[-szYYY ...]][-strpszM][-AfterLdX][-Force]|[FDE|CtrlBased]
[-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] -aN
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -r50 -Array0[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,...] -Array1[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,...]
[-ArrayX[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,...] ...] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached]
[CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU][-szXXX[-szYYY ...]][-strpszM][-AfterLdX][-Force]|
[FDE|CtrlBased] [-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache]-aNMegaCli -CfgAllFreeDrv -rX [-SATAOnly] [-SpanCount XXX] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA]
[Direct|Cached] [CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU] [-strpszM]
[-HspCount XX [-HspType -Dedicated|-EnclAffinity|-nonRevertible]]|
[FDE|CtrlBased] [-Default| -Automatic| -None| -Maximum| -MaximumWithoutCaching] [-Cache] -aN
MegaCli -CfgSave -f filename -aN
MegaCli -CfgRestore -f filename -aN
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Scan | [-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Dsply | [-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Preview | [-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Import | [-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Clear |[-SecurityKey sssssssssss] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
x - index of foreign configurations. Optional. All by default.
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetEventLogInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetEvents {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f } -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetSinceShutdown {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f } -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetSinceReboot {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f } -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -IncludeDeleted {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f } -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetLatest n {-info -warning -critical -fatal} {-f } -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetCCIncon -f -LX|-L0,2,5...|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -Clear -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuCapacityInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuDesignInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuProperties -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -BbuLearn -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -BbuMfgSleep -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -BbuMfgSeal -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -SetBbuProperties -f -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetGGEEPData offset [Hexaddress] NumBytes n -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpFacDefSet -aN
MegaCli -AdpFwFlash -f filename [-NoSigChk] [-NoVerChk] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpGetConnectorMode -ConnectorN|-Connector0,1|-ConnectorAll -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetConnectorMode -Internal|-External|-Auto -ConnectorN|-Connector0,1|-ConnectorAll -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PhyErrorCounters -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -DirectPdMapping -Enbl|-Dsbl|-Dsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDCpyBk -Start -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDCpyBk -Stop|-Suspend|-Resume|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -PhysDrv[E0:S0] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDInstantSecureErase -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] | [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDInstantSecureErase -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] | [-Force] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetprop -enblPI 1 -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpGetprop -enblPI -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetprop -preventPiImport 1 -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpGetprop -preventPiImport -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgLdAdd rX[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -enblPI -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgEachDskRaid0 -enblPI -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -cfgspanadd -rX -array0[E0:S1,E1:S1.....] array1[E0:S1,E1:S1.....] -szxxx -enblPI -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgAllFreeDrv -rX enblPI -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetVerify -f verify.txt -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDMakeSecure -Lx|-L0,1,2,...|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -DestroySecurityKey | [-Force] -aN
MegaCli -CreateSecurityKey -SecurityKey sssssssssss | [-Passphrase sssssssssss] |[-KeyID kkkkkkkkkkk] -aN
MegaCli -CreateSecurityKey useEKMS -aN
MegaCli -ChangeSecurityKey -OldSecurityKey sssssssssss | -SecurityKey sssssssssss|
[-Passphrase sssssssssss] | [-KeyID kkkkkkkkkkk] -aN
MegaCli -ChangeSecurityKey -SecurityKey sssssssssss|
[-Passphrase sssssssssss] | [-KeyID kkkkkkkkkkk] -aN
MegaCli -ChangeSecurityKey useEKMS -OldSecurityKey sssssssssss -aN
MegaCli -ChangeSecurityKey -useEKMS -aN
MegaCli -GetKeyID [-PhysDrv[E0:S0]] -aN
MegaCli -SetKeyID -KeyID kkkkkkkkkkk -aN
MegaCli -VerifySecurityKey -SecurityKey sssssssssss -aN
MegaCli -GetPreservedCacheList -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -DiscardPreservedCache -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -force -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL

sssssssssss - It must be between eight and thirty-two
characters and contain at least one number,
one lowercase letter, one uppercase
letter and one non-alphanumeric character.
kkkkkkkkkkk - Must be less than 256 characters.
MegaCli -Snapshot -Enbl -szXXX SnapshotRepositoryLD N [-AutoSnapshot] [-AutoDeleteOldestSnapshot] -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -Setprop {-AutoSnapshot -val} | {-AutoDeleteOldestSnapshot -val} -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -Dsbl -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -TakeSnapshot [-SnapshotName NameString] [-CreateView [-viewName NameString] [-RW|RO|Blocked] -szXXX] -Lx|-L0,1,2 -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -DeleteSnapshot -SnapshotTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss | -all [-Force|-Y] -Lx|L0,1,2 -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -CreateView -SnapshotTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss [-viewName NameString] [-RW|RO|Blocked] -szXXX -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -DeleteView [-SnapshotTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss] -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -Info [-SnapshotTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss | -ViewTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss] -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -Clean -Lx -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Snapshot -GetViewInfo [-ViewTargetId N ] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ShowSummary [-f filename] -aN
MegaCli -ELF -GetSafeId -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -ControllerFeatures -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -Applykey key <-val> [Preview] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -TransferToVault -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -DeactivateTrialKey -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -ReHostInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -ELF -ReHostComplete -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDViewMirror -Lx|-L0,1,2,...|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDJoinMirror -DataSrc [-force] -Lx|-L0,1,2,...|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -SecureErase
[Normal [ |ErasePattern ErasePatternA|ErasePattern ErasePatternA ErasePattern ErasePatternB]]|
[Thorough [ |ErasePattern ErasePatternA|ErasePattern ErasePatternA ErasePattern ErasePatternB]]]
| Stop
| ShowProg
| ProgDsply
[-PhysDrv [E0:S0,E1:S1,...] | -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Version -Cli|-Ctrl|-Driver|-Pd -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -Perfmon {-start -interval } | {stop} | {-getresults -f } -aN

Note: The directly connected drives can be specified as :emotion-7:

Wildcard '?' can be used to specify the enclosure ID for the drive in the
only enclosure without direct connected device or the direct connected
drives with no enclosure in the system.

Note:[-aALL] option assumes that the parameters specified are valid
for all the Adapters.

The following options may be given at the end of any command above:

[-Silent] [-AppLogFile filename] [-NoLog] [-page:emotion-45:]
[-] is optional.
N - Number of lines per page.

Exit Code: 0x00
Fatal error - Command Tool invoked with wrong parameters
Exit Code: 0x01
Fatal error - Command Tool invoked with wrong parameters
Exit Code: 0x01
Firmware Term Log Information on controller 0:
DevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57338-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57339-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57340-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57341-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57342-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57343-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57344-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57345-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57346-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57347-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57348-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57349-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57350-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57351-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57352-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:02:29: EVT#57353-06/20/13 9:02:29: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:02:29; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:03:08: EVT#57354-06/20/13 9:03:08: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:03:08: EVT#57355-06/20/13 9:03:08: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57356-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57357-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57358-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57359-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57360-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57361-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57362-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57363-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57364-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57365-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57366-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57367-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57368-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57369-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57370-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57371-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57372-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57373-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57374-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57375-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57376-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57377-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57378-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:05:27: EVT#57379-06/20/13 9:05:27: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:05:27; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:06:06: EVT#57380-06/20/13 9:06:06: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:06:06: EVT#57381-06/20/13 9:06:06: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57382-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57383-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57384-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57385-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57386-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57387-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57388-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57389-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57390-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57391-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57392-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57393-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57394-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57395-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57396-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57397-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57398-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57399-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57400-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57401-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57402-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57403-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57404-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:08:27: EVT#57405-06/20/13 9:08:26: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:08:26; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:09:05: EVT#57406-06/20/13 9:09:05: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:09:05: EVT#57407-06/20/13 9:09:05: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57408-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57409-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57410-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57411-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57412-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57413-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57414-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57415-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57416-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57417-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57418-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57419-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57420-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57421-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57422-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57423-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57424-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57425-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57426-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57427-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57428-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57429-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57430-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:11:25: EVT#57431-06/20/13 9:11:25: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:11:25; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:12:04: EVT#57432-06/20/13 9:12:04: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:12:04: EVT#57433-06/20/13 9:12:04: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57434-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57435-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57436-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57437-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57438-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 23 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57439-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57440-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57441-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57442-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57443-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57444-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57445-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57446-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57447-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57448-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57449-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57450-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57451-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57452-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57453-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57454-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57455-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57456-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:14:23: EVT#57457-06/20/13 9:14:23: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:14:23; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:15:02: EVT#57458-06/20/13 9:15:02: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:15:02: EVT#57459-06/20/13 9:15:02: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57460-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57461-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57462-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57463-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57464-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57465-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57466-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57467-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57468-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57469-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57470-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57471-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57472-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57473-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57474-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57475-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57476-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57477-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57478-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57479-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57480-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57481-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57482-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:17:21: EVT#57483-06/20/13 9:17:21: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:17:21; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:18:00: EVT#57484-06/20/13 9:18:00: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:18:00: EVT#57485-06/20/13 9:18:00: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57486-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57487-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57488-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57489-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57490-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57491-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57492-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57493-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57494-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57495-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57496-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57497-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57498-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57499-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57500-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57501-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57502-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57503-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57504-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57505-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57506-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57507-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57508-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:20:19: EVT#57509-06/20/13 9:20:19: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:20:19; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:20:58: EVT#57510-06/20/13 9:20:58: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:20:58: EVT#57511-06/20/13 9:20:58: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57512-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57513-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57514-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57515-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57516-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57517-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57518-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57519-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57520-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57521-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57522-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57523-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57524-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57525-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57526-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57527-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57528-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57529-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57530-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57531-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57532-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57533-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57534-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:23:17: EVT#57535-06/20/13 9:23:17: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:23:17; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:23:56: EVT#57536-06/20/13 9:23:56: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:23:56: EVT#57537-06/20/13 9:23:56: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57538-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57539-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57540-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57541-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57542-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57543-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57544-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57545-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57546-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57547-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57548-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57549-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57550-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57551-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57552-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57553-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57554-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57555-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57556-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57557-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57558-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57559-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57560-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:26:15: EVT#57561-06/20/13 9:26:15: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:26:15; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:26:54: EVT#57562-06/20/13 9:26:54: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:26:54: EVT#57563-06/20/13 9:26:54: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57564-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57565-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57566-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57567-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57568-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 23 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57569-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57570-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57571-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57572-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57573-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57574-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57575-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57576-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57577-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57578-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57579-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57580-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57581-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57582-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57583-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57584-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57585-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57586-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:29:13: EVT#57587-06/20/13 9:29:13: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:29:13; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:29:52: EVT#57588-06/20/13 9:29:52: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:29:52: EVT#57589-06/20/13 9:29:52: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57590-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57591-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57592-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57593-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57594-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 23 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57595-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57596-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57597-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57598-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57599-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57600-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57601-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57602-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57603-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57604-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57605-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57606-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57607-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57608-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57609-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57610-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57611-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57612-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:32:11: EVT#57613-06/20/13 9:32:11: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:32:11; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:32:50: EVT#57614-06/20/13 9:32:50: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:32:50: EVT#57615-06/20/13 9:32:50: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57616-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57617-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57618-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57619-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57620-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57621-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57622-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57623-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57624-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57625-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57626-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57627-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57628-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57629-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57630-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57631-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57632-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57633-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57634-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57635-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57636-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57637-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57638-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:35:09: EVT#57639-06/20/13 9:35:09: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:35:09; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:35:48: EVT#57640-06/20/13 9:35:48: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:35:48: EVT#57641-06/20/13 9:35:48: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57642-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57643-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57644-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57645-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57646-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57647-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57648-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57649-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57650-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57651-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57652-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57653-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57654-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57655-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57656-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57657-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57658-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57659-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57660-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57661-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57662-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57663-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57664-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:38:06: EVT#57665-06/20/13 9:38:06: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:38:06; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:38:45: EVT#57666-06/20/13 9:38:45: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:38:45: EVT#57667-06/20/13 9:38:45: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57668-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57669-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57670-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57671-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57672-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57673-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57674-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57675-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57676-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57677-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57678-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57679-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57680-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57681-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57682-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57683-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57684-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57685-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57686-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57687-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57688-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57689-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57690-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:41:05: EVT#57691-06/20/13 9:41:05: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:41:05; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:41:44: EVT#57692-06/20/13 9:41:44: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:41:44: EVT#57693-06/20/13 9:41:44: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57694-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57695-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57696-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57697-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57698-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57699-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57700-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57701-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57702-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57703-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57704-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57705-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57706-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57707-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57708-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57709-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57710-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57711-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57712-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57713-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57714-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57715-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57716-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:44:02: EVT#57717-06/20/13 9:44:02: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:44:02; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:44:41: EVT#57718-06/20/13 9:44:41: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:44:41: EVT#57719-06/20/13 9:44:41: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57720-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57721-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57722-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57723-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57724-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57725-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57726-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57727-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57728-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57729-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57730-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57731-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57732-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57733-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57734-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57735-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57736-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57737-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57738-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57739-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57740-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57741-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57742-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:47:00: EVT#57743-06/20/13 9:47:00: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:47:00; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:47:39: EVT#57744-06/20/13 9:47:39: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:47:39: EVT#57745-06/20/13 9:47:39: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57746-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57747-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57748-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57749-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57750-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57751-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57752-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57753-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57754-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57755-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57756-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57757-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57758-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57759-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57760-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57761-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57762-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57763-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57764-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57765-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57766-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57767-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57768-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:49:59: EVT#57769-06/20/13 9:49:59: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:49:59; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:50:38: EVT#57770-06/20/13 9:50:38: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:50:38: EVT#57771-06/20/13 9:50:38: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57772-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57773-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57774-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57775-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57776-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57777-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57778-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57779-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57780-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57781-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57782-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57783-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57784-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57785-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57786-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57787-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57788-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57789-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57790-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57791-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57792-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57793-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57794-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:52:57: EVT#57795-06/20/13 9:52:57: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:52:57; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:53:36: EVT#57796-06/20/13 9:53:36: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:53:36: EVT#57797-06/20/13 9:53:36: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57798-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57799-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57800-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57801-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57802-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57803-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57804-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57805-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57806-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57807-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57808-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57809-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57810-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57811-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57812-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57813-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57814-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57815-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57816-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57817-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57818-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57819-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57820-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:55:55: EVT#57821-06/20/13 9:55:55: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:55:55; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:56:34: EVT#57822-06/20/13 9:56:34: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:56:34: EVT#57823-06/20/13 9:56:34: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57824-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57825-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57826-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57827-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57828-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57829-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57830-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57831-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57832-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57833-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57834-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57835-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57836-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57837-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57838-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57839-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57840-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57841-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57842-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57843-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57844-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57845-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57846-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 9:58:53: EVT#57847-06/20/13 9:58:53: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 9:58:53; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 9:59:32: EVT#57848-06/20/13 9:59:32: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 9:59:32: EVT#57849-06/20/13 9:59:32: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57850-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57851-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57852-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57853-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57854-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57855-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57856-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57857-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57858-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57859-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57860-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57861-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57862-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57863-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57864-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57865-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57866-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57867-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57868-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57869-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57870-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57871-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57872-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T48: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:01:51: EVT#57873-06/20/13 10:01:51: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:01:51; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:02:30: EVT#57874-06/20/13 10:02:30: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:02:30: EVT#57875-06/20/13 10:02:30: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57876-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57877-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57878-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57879-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57880-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 23 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57881-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57882-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57883-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57884-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57885-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57886-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57887-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57888-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57889-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57890-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57891-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57892-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57893-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57894-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57895-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57896-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57897-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57898-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:04:49: EVT#57899-06/20/13 10:04:49: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:04:49; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:05:28: EVT#57900-06/20/13 10:05:28: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:05:28: EVT#57901-06/20/13 10:05:28: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57902-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57903-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57904-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57905-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57906-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57907-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57908-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57909-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57910-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57911-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57912-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57913-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57914-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57915-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57916-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57917-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57918-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57919-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57920-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57921-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57922-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57923-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57924-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:07:47: EVT#57925-06/20/13 10:07:47: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:07:47; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:08:26: EVT#57926-06/20/13 10:08:26: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:08:26: EVT#57927-06/20/13 10:08:26: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57928-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57929-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57930-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57931-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57932-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57933-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57934-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57935-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T24: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T24: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57936-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57937-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57938-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57939-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57940-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57941-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57942-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57943-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57944-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57945-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57946-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57947-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57948-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57949-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57950-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:10:45: EVT#57951-06/20/13 10:10:45: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:10:45; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:11:24: EVT#57952-06/20/13 10:11:24: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:11:24: EVT#57953-06/20/13 10:11:24: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57954-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57955-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57956-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57957-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57958-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57959-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57960-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57961-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57962-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57963-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57964-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57965-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57966-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57967-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57968-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57969-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57970-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57971-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57972-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57973-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#57974-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57975-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#57976-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:13:43: EVT#57977-06/20/13 10:13:43: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:13:43; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:14:22: EVT#57978-06/20/13 10:14:22: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:14:22: EVT#57979-06/20/13 10:14:22: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57980-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57981-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#57982-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#57983-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#57984-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#57985-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#57986-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#57987-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#57988-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#57989-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#57990-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57991-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#57992-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57993-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#57994-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57995-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#57996-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57997-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#57998-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#57999-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58000-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58001-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58002-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:16:42: EVT#58003-06/20/13 10:16:42: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:16:42; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:17:21: EVT#58004-06/20/13 10:17:21: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:17:21: EVT#58005-06/20/13 10:17:21: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58006-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58007-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58008-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58009-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58010-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58011-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58012-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58013-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58014-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58015-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58016-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58017-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58018-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58019-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58020-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58021-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58022-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58023-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58024-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58025-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58026-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58027-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58028-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:19:40: EVT#58029-06/20/13 10:19:40: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:19:40; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:20:19: EVT#58030-06/20/13 10:20:19: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:20:19: EVT#58031-06/20/13 10:20:19: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58032-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58033-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58034-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58035-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58036-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58037-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58038-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58039-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58040-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58041-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58042-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58043-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58044-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58045-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58046-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58047-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58048-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58049-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58050-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58051-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58052-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58053-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58054-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:22:37: EVT#58055-06/20/13 10:22:37: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:22:37; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:23:16: EVT#58056-06/20/13 10:23:16: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:23:16: EVT#58057-06/20/13 10:23:16: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58058-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58059-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58060-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58061-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58062-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58063-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58064-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58065-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58066-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58067-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58068-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58069-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58070-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58071-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58072-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58073-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58074-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58075-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58076-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58077-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58078-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58079-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58080-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:25:35: EVT#58081-06/20/13 10:25:35: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:25:35; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:26:14: EVT#58082-06/20/13 10:26:14: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:26:14: EVT#58083-06/20/13 10:26:14: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58084-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58085-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58086-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58087-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58088-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58089-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58090-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58091-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58092-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58093-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58094-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58095-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58096-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58097-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58098-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58099-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58100-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58101-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58102-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58103-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58104-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58105-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58106-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:28:34: EVT#58107-06/20/13 10:28:34: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:28:34; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:29:13: EVT#58108-06/20/13 10:29:13: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:29:13: EVT#58109-06/20/13 10:29:13: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58110-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58111-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58112-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58113-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58114-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58115-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58116-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58117-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58118-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58119-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58120-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58121-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58122-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58123-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58124-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58125-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58126-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58127-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58128-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58129-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58130-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58131-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58132-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs

5 Practitioner


274.2K 消息

2013年7月10日 23:00

06/20/13 10:31:32: EVT#58133-06/20/13 10:31:32:  44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:31:32; (49 seconds since power on)

06/20/13 10:32:11: EVT#58134-06/20/13 10:32:11: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:32:11: EVT#58135-06/20/13 10:32:11: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58136-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58137-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58138-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58139-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58140-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58141-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58142-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58143-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58144-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58145-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58146-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58147-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58148-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58149-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58150-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58151-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58152-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58153-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58154-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58155-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58156-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58157-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58158-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:34:30: EVT#58159-06/20/13 10:34:30: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:34:30; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:35:09: EVT#58160-06/20/13 10:35:09: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:35:09: EVT#58161-06/20/13 10:35:09: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58162-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58163-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58164-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58165-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58166-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58167-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58168-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58169-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58170-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58171-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58172-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58173-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58174-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58175-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58176-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58177-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58178-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58179-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58180-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58181-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58182-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58183-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58184-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:37:28: EVT#58185-06/20/13 10:37:28: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:37:28; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:38:07: EVT#58186-06/20/13 10:38:07: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:38:07: EVT#58187-06/20/13 10:38:07: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58188-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58189-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58190-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58191-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58192-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58193-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58194-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58195-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58196-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58197-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58198-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58199-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58200-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58201-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58202-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58203-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58204-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58205-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58206-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58207-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58208-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58209-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58210-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:40:26: EVT#58211-06/20/13 10:40:26: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:40:26; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:41:05: EVT#58212-06/20/13 10:41:05: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:41:05: EVT#58213-06/20/13 10:41:05: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58214-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58215-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58216-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58217-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58218-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58219-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58220-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58221-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58222-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58223-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58224-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58225-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58226-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58227-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58228-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58229-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58230-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58231-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58232-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58233-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58234-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58235-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58236-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/20/13 10:43:24: EVT#58237-06/20/13 10:43:24: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:43:24; (49 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:44:03: EVT#58238-06/20/13 10:44:03: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:44:03: EVT#58239-06/20/13 10:44:03: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
06/20/13 10:44:43: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
06/20/13 10:44:43: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
06/20/13 10:44:43: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=1fcf4000
06/20/13 10:44:43: q.producerIndexPtr=13dab000, q.consumerIndexPtr=13dac000
06/20/13 10:44:43: producerIndex=0
06/20/13 10:48:47: EVT#58240-06/20/13 10:48:47: 70=Fast initialization started on VD 00/0
06/20/13 10:48:47: EVT#58241-06/20/13 10:48:47: 72=Initialization complete on VD 00/0
06/20/13 10:48:47: Clearing LDBBM table for LD=0
06/20/13 10:49:02: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1a0 (i=0 state=1 type=2002) removed from vd
06/20/13 10:49:02: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1a0 (i=0 state=1 type=2000) no longer present, removing
06/20/13 10:49:02: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1e0 (i=1 state=1 type=2002) removed from vd
06/20/13 10:49:02: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1e0 (i=1 state=1 type=2000) no longer present, removing
06/20/13 10:49:02: EVT#58242-06/20/13 10:49:02: 139=Deleted VD 00/0
06/20/13 10:49:02: EVT#58243-06/20/13 10:49:02: 114=State change on PD 00(e0x20/s0) from ONLINE(18) to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0)
06/20/13 10:49:02: EVT#58244-06/20/13 10:49:02: 114=State change on PD 01(e0x20/s1) from ONLINE(18) to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0)
06/20/13 10:49:02: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
06/20/13 10:49:02: Leave init_cache early because there are no VD's
06/20/13 10:49:02: resetting the internal & nvram ddf Data structures
06/20/13 10:49:06: EVT#58245-06/20/13 10:49:06: 114=State change on PD 00(e0x20/s0) from UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0) to ONLINE(18)
06/20/13 10:49:06: EVT#58246-06/20/13 10:49:06: 114=State change on PD 01(e0x20/s1) from UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0) to ONLINE(18)
06/20/13 10:49:06: LdConfigAdd: **** add VD 0 with targetId 0
06/20/13 10:49:06: modify_log_drv_state: oldState: 255 newState: 3 pinned_cache_present: 0 targetId: 0
06/20/13 10:49:06: EVT#58247-06/20/13 10:49:06: 249=VD 00/0 is now OPTIMAL
06/20/13 10:49:06: EVT#58248-06/20/13 10:49:06: 138=Created VD 00/0
06/20/13 10:49:06: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
06/20/13 10:49:06: Memory End affffff0
06/20/13 10:49:06: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
06/20/13 10:49:06: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
06/20/13 10:49:06: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
06/20/13 10:49:06: Cache initialization complete...Config info
06/20/13 10:49:06: ARs configured: 1
06/20/13 10:49:06: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
06/20/13 10:49:06: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
06/20/13 10:49:06: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
06/20/13 10:49:06: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
06/20/13 10:49:06: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
06/20/13 10:49:06: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
06/20/13 10:49:06: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
06/20/13 10:52:35: EVT#58249-06/20/13 10:52:35: 53=Background Initialization started on VD 00/0
06/20/13 10:52:51: EVT#58250-06/20/13 10:52:51: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 1.33%(16s)
06/20/13 10:53:01: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
06/20/13 10:53:01: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
06/20/13 10:53:01: EVT#58251-06/20/13 10:53:01: 42=Shutdown command received from host

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58252-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58253-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58254-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58255-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58256-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58257-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58258-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58259-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58260-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58261-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58262-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58263-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58264-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58265-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58266-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58267-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58268-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58269-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58270-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58271-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58272-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58273-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58274-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T73: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T73: Memory End affffff0
T73: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T73: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T73: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T73: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T73: ARs configured: 1
T73: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T73: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T73: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T73: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T73: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: Initializing write journal entries
T73: NOT Flushing Cache
T73: EVT#58275-T73: 53=Background Initialization started on VD 00/0
T73: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
T73: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=06/20 10:53:01 + rtc=73 to set timestamp
06/20/13 10:54:41: EVT#58276-06/20/13 10:54:41: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 10:54:41; (73 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 10:54:56: EVT#58277-06/20/13 10:54:56: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 10:54:56: EVT#58278-06/20/13 10:54:56: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
06/20/13 10:54:57: EVT#58279-06/20/13 10:54:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 3.50%(16s)
06/20/13 10:55:13: EVT#58280-06/20/13 10:55:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 4.86%(32s)
06/20/13 10:55:29: EVT#58281-06/20/13 10:55:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 6.21%(48s)
06/20/13 10:55:45: EVT#58282-06/20/13 10:55:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 7.55%(64s)
06/20/13 10:55:56: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
06/20/13 10:55:56: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
06/20/13 10:55:56: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=1fdbf000
06/20/13 10:55:56: q.producerIndexPtr=361f2000, q.consumerIndexPtr=361f3000
06/20/13 10:55:56: producerIndex=0
06/20/13 10:56:01: EVT#58283-06/20/13 10:56:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 8.89%(80s)
06/20/13 10:56:17: EVT#58284-06/20/13 10:56:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 10.23%(96s)
06/20/13 10:56:33: EVT#58285-06/20/13 10:56:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 11.58%(112s)
06/20/13 10:56:49: EVT#58286-06/20/13 10:56:49: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 12.93%(128s)
06/20/13 10:57:05: EVT#58287-06/20/13 10:57:05: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 14.28%(144s)
06/20/13 10:57:21: EVT#58288-06/20/13 10:57:21: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 15.63%(160s)
06/20/13 10:57:37: EVT#58289-06/20/13 10:57:37: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 16.98%(176s)
06/20/13 10:57:53: EVT#58290-06/20/13 10:57:53: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 18.33%(192s)
06/20/13 10:58:09: EVT#58291-06/20/13 10:58:09: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 19.68%(208s)
06/20/13 10:58:25: EVT#58292-06/20/13 10:58:25: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 20.97%(224s)
06/20/13 10:58:41: EVT#58293-06/20/13 10:58:41: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 21.96%(240s)
06/20/13 10:58:57: EVT#58294-06/20/13 10:58:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 23.30%(256s)
06/20/13 10:59:13: EVT#58295-06/20/13 10:59:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 24.63%(272s)
06/20/13 10:59:29: EVT#58296-06/20/13 10:59:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 25.96%(288s)
06/20/13 10:59:45: EVT#58297-06/20/13 10:59:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 27.29%(304s)
06/20/13 11:00:01: EVT#58298-06/20/13 11:00:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 28.39%(320s)
06/20/13 11:00:17: EVT#58299-06/20/13 11:00:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 28.94%(336s)
06/20/13 11:00:33: EVT#58300-06/20/13 11:00:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 30.28%(352s)
06/20/13 11:00:49: EVT#58301-06/20/13 11:00:49: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 31.53%(368s)
06/20/13 11:01:05: EVT#58302-06/20/13 11:01:05: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 32.75%(384s)
06/20/13 11:01:21: EVT#58303-06/20/13 11:01:21: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 34.04%(400s)
06/20/13 11:01:37: EVT#58304-06/20/13 11:01:37: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 34.62%(416s)
06/20/13 11:01:53: EVT#58305-06/20/13 11:01:53: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 35.88%(432s)
06/20/13 11:02:09: EVT#58306-06/20/13 11:02:09: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 37.20%(448s)
06/20/13 11:02:25: EVT#58307-06/20/13 11:02:25: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 38.35%(464s)
06/20/13 11:02:41: EVT#58308-06/20/13 11:02:41: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 39.69%(480s)
06/20/13 11:02:57: EVT#58309-06/20/13 11:02:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 41.03%(496s)
06/20/13 11:03:13: EVT#58310-06/20/13 11:03:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 42.37%(512s)
06/20/13 11:03:29: EVT#58311-06/20/13 11:03:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 43.71%(528s)
06/20/13 11:03:45: EVT#58312-06/20/13 11:03:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 45.05%(544s)
06/20/13 11:04:01: EVT#58313-06/20/13 11:04:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 46.38%(560s)
06/20/13 11:04:05: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
06/20/13 11:04:05: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
06/20/13 11:04:05: EVT#58314-06/20/13 11:04:05: 42=Shutdown command received from host

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58315-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58316-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58317-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58318-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58319-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58320-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58321-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58322-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58323-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58324-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58325-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58326-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58327-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58328-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58329-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58330-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58331-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58332-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58333-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58334-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58335-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58336-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58337-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T73: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T73: Memory End affffff0
T73: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T73: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T73: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T73: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T73: ARs configured: 1
T73: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T73: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T73: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T73: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T73: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: Initializing write journal entries
T73: NOT Flushing Cache
T73: EVT#58338-T73: 53=Background Initialization started on VD 00/0
T73: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
T73: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=06/20 11:04:05 + rtc=73 to set timestamp
T73: EVT#58339-T73: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 46.74%(564s)
06/20/13 11:05:41: EVT#58340-06/20/13 11:05:41: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 11:05:41; (73 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 11:05:56: EVT#58341-06/20/13 11:05:56: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 11:05:56: EVT#58342-06/20/13 11:05:56: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
06/20/13 11:05:57: EVT#58343-06/20/13 11:05:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 48.03%(580s)
06/20/13 11:06:13: EVT#58344-06/20/13 11:06:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 49.39%(596s)
06/20/13 11:06:29: EVT#58345-06/20/13 11:06:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 50.74%(612s)
06/20/13 11:06:45: EVT#58346-06/20/13 11:06:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 52.09%(628s)
06/20/13 11:07:01: EVT#58347-06/20/13 11:07:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 53.44%(644s)
06/20/13 11:07:13: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
06/20/13 11:07:13: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
06/20/13 11:07:13: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=1fcb1000
06/20/13 11:07:13: q.producerIndexPtr=13d7d000, q.consumerIndexPtr=13d7e000
06/20/13 11:07:13: producerIndex=0
06/20/13 11:07:17: EVT#58348-06/20/13 11:07:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 54.76%(660s)
06/20/13 11:07:33: EVT#58349-06/20/13 11:07:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 56.09%(676s)
06/20/13 11:07:49: EVT#58350-06/20/13 11:07:49: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 57.45%(692s)
06/20/13 11:08:05: EVT#58351-06/20/13 11:08:05: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 58.80%(708s)
06/20/13 11:08:21: EVT#58352-06/20/13 11:08:21: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 60.14%(724s)
06/20/13 11:08:37: EVT#58353-06/20/13 11:08:37: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 61.49%(740s)
06/20/13 11:08:53: EVT#58354-06/20/13 11:08:53: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 62.85%(756s)
06/20/13 11:09:09: EVT#58355-06/20/13 11:09:09: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 64.20%(772s)
06/20/13 11:09:25: EVT#58356-06/20/13 11:09:25: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 65.54%(788s)
06/20/13 11:09:41: EVT#58357-06/20/13 11:09:41: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 66.89%(804s)
06/20/13 11:09:57: EVT#58358-06/20/13 11:09:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 68.24%(820s)
06/20/13 11:10:13: EVT#58359-06/20/13 11:10:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 69.59%(836s)
06/20/13 11:10:29: EVT#58360-06/20/13 11:10:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 70.94%(852s)
06/20/13 11:10:45: EVT#58361-06/20/13 11:10:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 72.28%(868s)
06/20/13 11:11:01: EVT#58362-06/20/13 11:11:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 73.64%(884s)
06/20/13 11:11:17: EVT#58363-06/20/13 11:11:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 74.98%(900s)
06/20/13 11:11:33: EVT#58364-06/20/13 11:11:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 76.32%(916s)
06/20/13 11:11:46: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1a0 (i=0 state=1 type=2002) removed from vd
06/20/13 11:11:46: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1a0 (i=0 state=1 type=2000) no longer present, removing
06/20/13 11:11:46: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1e0 (i=1 state=1 type=2002) removed from vd
06/20/13 11:11:46: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1e0 (i=1 state=1 type=2000) no longer present, removing
06/20/13 11:11:46: EVT#58365-06/20/13 11:11:46: 139=Deleted VD 00/0
06/20/13 11:11:46: EVT#58366-06/20/13 11:11:46: 114=State change on PD 00(e0x20/s0) from ONLINE(18) to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0)
06/20/13 11:11:46: EVT#58367-06/20/13 11:11:46: 114=State change on PD 01(e0x20/s1) from ONLINE(18) to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0)
06/20/13 11:11:46: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
06/20/13 11:11:46: Leave init_cache early because there are no VD's
06/20/13 11:11:46: resetting the internal & nvram ddf Data structures
06/20/13 11:11:50: EVT#58368-06/20/13 11:11:50: 114=State change on PD 00(e0x20/s0) from UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0) to ONLINE(18)
06/20/13 11:11:50: EVT#58369-06/20/13 11:11:50: 114=State change on PD 01(e0x20/s1) from UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0) to ONLINE(18)
06/20/13 11:11:50: LdConfigAdd: **** add VD 0 with targetId 0
06/20/13 11:11:50: modify_log_drv_state: oldState: 255 newState: 3 pinned_cache_present: 0 targetId: 0
06/20/13 11:11:50: EVT#58370-06/20/13 11:11:50: 249=VD 00/0 is now OPTIMAL
06/20/13 11:11:50: EVT#58371-06/20/13 11:11:50: 138=Created VD 00/0
06/20/13 11:11:50: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
06/20/13 11:11:50: Memory End affffff0
06/20/13 11:11:50: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
06/20/13 11:11:50: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
06/20/13 11:11:50: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
06/20/13 11:11:50: Cache initialization complete...Config info
06/20/13 11:11:50: ARs configured: 1
06/20/13 11:11:50: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
06/20/13 11:11:50: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
06/20/13 11:11:50: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
06/20/13 11:11:50: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
06/20/13 11:11:50: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
06/20/13 11:11:50: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
06/20/13 11:11:50: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
06/20/13 11:14:28: EVT#58372-06/20/13 11:14:28: 53=Background Initialization started on VD 00/0
06/20/13 11:14:28: EVT#58373-06/20/13 11:14:28: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 0.00%(0s)
06/20/13 11:14:44: EVT#58374-06/20/13 11:14:44: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 1.33%(16s)
06/20/13 11:15:00: EVT#58375-06/20/13 11:15:00: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 2.68%(32s)
06/20/13 11:15:16: EVT#58376-06/20/13 11:15:16: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 4.04%(48s)
06/20/13 11:15:32: EVT#58377-06/20/13 11:15:32: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 5.39%(64s)
06/20/13 11:15:48: EVT#58378-06/20/13 11:15:48: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 6.73%(80s)
06/20/13 11:16:04: EVT#58379-06/20/13 11:16:04: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 8.09%(96s)
06/20/13 11:16:09: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
06/20/13 11:16:09: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
06/20/13 11:16:09: EVT#58380-06/20/13 11:16:09: 42=Shutdown command received from host

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58381-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58382-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58383-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58384-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58385-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 689 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58386-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58387-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58388-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58389-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58390-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58391-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58392-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58393-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58394-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58395-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58396-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58397-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58398-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58399-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58400-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58401-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58402-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58403-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T73: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T73: Memory End affffff0
T73: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T73: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T73: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T73: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T73: ARs configured: 1
T73: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T73: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T73: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T73: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T73: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: Initializing write journal entries
T73: NOT Flushing Cache
T73: EVT#58404-T73: 53=Background Initialization started on VD 00/0
T73: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
T73: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=06/20 11:16:09 + rtc=73 to set timestamp
06/20/13 11:17:46: EVT#58405-06/20/13 11:17:46: 44=Time established as 06/20/13 11:17:46; (73 seconds since power on)
06/20/13 11:18:01: EVT#58406-06/20/13 11:18:01: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/20/13 11:18:01: EVT#58407-06/20/13 11:18:01: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
06/20/13 11:18:02: EVT#58408-06/20/13 11:18:02: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 9.87%(16s)
06/20/13 11:18:18: EVT#58409-06/20/13 11:18:18: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 11.23%(32s)
06/20/13 11:18:34: EVT#58410-06/20/13 11:18:34: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 12.58%(48s)
06/20/13 11:18:50: EVT#58411-06/20/13 11:18:50: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 13.93%(64s)
06/20/13 11:19:06: EVT#58412-06/20/13 11:19:06: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 15.28%(80s)
06/20/13 11:19:12: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
06/20/13 11:19:12: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
06/20/13 11:19:13: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=1fd97000
06/20/13 11:19:13: q.producerIndexPtr=1fc67000, q.consumerIndexPtr=1fc68000
06/20/13 11:19:13: producerIndex=0
06/20/13 11:19:22: EVT#58413-06/20/13 11:19:22: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 16.58%(96s)
06/20/13 11:19:38: EVT#58414-06/20/13 11:19:38: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 17.93%(112s)
06/20/13 11:19:54: EVT#58415-06/20/13 11:19:54: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 19.28%(128s)
06/20/13 11:20:10: EVT#58416-06/20/13 11:20:10: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 20.63%(144s)
06/20/13 11:20:26: EVT#58417-06/20/13 11:20:26: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 21.98%(160s)
06/20/13 11:20:42: EVT#58418-06/20/13 11:20:42: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 23.33%(176s)
06/20/13 11:20:58: EVT#58419-06/20/13 11:20:58: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 24.68%(192s)
06/20/13 11:21:14: EVT#58420-06/20/13 11:21:14: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 26.03%(208s)
06/20/13 11:21:30: EVT#58421-06/20/13 11:21:30: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 27.38%(224s)
06/20/13 11:21:46: EVT#58422-06/20/13 11:21:46: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 28.73%(240s)
06/20/13 11:22:02: EVT#58423-06/20/13 11:22:02: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 30.03%(256s)
06/20/13 11:22:18: EVT#58424-06/20/13 11:22:18: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 31.03%(272s)
06/20/13 11:22:34: EVT#58425-06/20/13 11:22:34: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 32.37%(288s)
06/20/13 11:22:50: EVT#58426-06/20/13 11:22:50: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 33.69%(304s)
06/20/13 11:23:06: EVT#58427-06/20/13 11:23:06: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 34.85%(320s)
06/20/13 11:23:22: EVT#58428-06/20/13 11:23:22: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 36.19%(336s)
06/20/13 11:23:38: EVT#58429-06/20/13 11:23:38: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 37.53%(352s)
06/20/13 11:23:54: EVT#58430-06/20/13 11:23:54: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 38.87%(368s)
06/20/13 11:24:10: EVT#58431-06/20/13 11:24:10: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 40.21%(384s)
06/20/13 11:24:26: EVT#58432-06/20/13 11:24:26: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 41.55%(400s)
06/20/13 11:24:42: EVT#58433-06/20/13 11:24:42: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 42.89%(416s)
06/20/13 11:24:58: EVT#58434-06/20/13 11:24:58: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 44.23%(432s)
06/20/13 11:25:14: EVT#58435-06/20/13 11:25:14: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 45.57%(448s)
06/20/13 11:25:30: EVT#58436-06/20/13 11:25:30: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 46.91%(464s)
06/20/13 11:25:46: EVT#58437-06/20/13 11:25:46: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 48.25%(480s)
06/20/13 11:26:02: EVT#58438-06/20/13 11:26:02: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 49.59%(496s)
06/20/13 11:26:18: EVT#58439-06/20/13 11:26:18: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 50.93%(512s)
06/20/13 11:26:34: EVT#58440-06/20/13 11:26:34: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 52.27%(528s)
06/20/13 11:26:50: EVT#58441-06/20/13 11:26:50: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 53.61%(544s)
06/20/13 11:27:06: EVT#58442-06/20/13 11:27:06: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 54.95%(560s)
06/20/13 11:27:22: EVT#58443-06/20/13 11:27:22: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 56.29%(576s)
06/20/13 11:27:38: EVT#58444-06/20/13 11:27:38: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 57.63%(592s)
06/20/13 11:27:54: EVT#58445-06/20/13 11:27:54: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 58.97%(608s)
06/20/13 11:28:10: EVT#58446-06/20/13 11:28:10: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 60.31%(624s)
06/20/13 11:28:26: EVT#58447-06/20/13 11:28:26: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 61.65%(640s)
06/20/13 11:28:42: EVT#58448-06/20/13 11:28:42: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 62.99%(656s)
06/20/13 11:28:58: EVT#58449-06/20/13 11:28:58: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 64.33%(672s)
06/20/13 11:29:14: EVT#58450-06/20/13 11:29:14: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 65.67%(688s)
06/20/13 11:29:30: EVT#58451-06/20/13 11:29:30: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 67.02%(704s)
06/20/13 11:29:46: EVT#58452-06/20/13 11:29:46: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 68.36%(720s)
06/20/13 11:30:02: EVT#58453-06/20/13 11:30:02: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 69.70%(736s)
06/20/13 11:30:18: EVT#58454-06/20/13 11:30:18: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 71.04%(752s)
06/20/13 11:30:34: EVT#58455-06/20/13 11:30:34: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 72.38%(768s)
06/20/13 11:30:50: EVT#58456-06/20/13 11:30:50: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 73.72%(784s)
06/20/13 11:31:06: EVT#58457-06/20/13 11:31:06: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 75.06%(800s)
06/20/13 11:31:22: EVT#58458-06/20/13 11:31:22: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 76.40%(816s)
06/20/13 11:31:38: EVT#58459-06/20/13 11:31:38: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 77.74%(832s)
06/20/13 11:31:54: EVT#58460-06/20/13 11:31:54: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 79.08%(848s)
06/20/13 11:32:10: EVT#58461-06/20/13 11:32:10: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 80.42%(864s)
06/20/13 11:32:21: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
06/20/13 11:32:26: EVT#58462-06/20/13 11:32:26: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 81.76%(880s)
06/20/13 11:32:42: EVT#58463-06/20/13 11:32:42: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 83.10%(896s)
06/20/13 11:32:58: EVT#58464-06/20/13 11:32:58: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 84.44%(912s)
06/20/13 11:33:14: EVT#58465-06/20/13 11:33:14: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 85.78%(928s)
06/20/13 11:33:30: EVT#58466-06/20/13 11:33:30: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 87.11%(944s)
06/20/13 11:33:46: EVT#58467-06/20/13 11:33:46: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 88.45%(960s)
06/20/13 11:34:02: EVT#58468-06/20/13 11:34:02: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 89.75%(976s)
06/20/13 11:34:18: EVT#58469-06/20/13 11:34:18: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 91.02%(992s)
06/20/13 11:34:34: EVT#58470-06/20/13 11:34:34: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 92.28%(1008s)
06/20/13 11:34:50: EVT#58471-06/20/13 11:34:50: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 93.55%(1024s)
06/20/13 11:35:06: EVT#58472-06/20/13 11:35:06: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 94.81%(1040s)
06/20/13 11:35:22: EVT#58473-06/20/13 11:35:22: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 96.07%(1056s)
06/20/13 11:35:38: EVT#58474-06/20/13 11:35:38: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 97.31%(1072s)
06/20/13 11:35:54: EVT#58475-06/20/13 11:35:54: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 98.56%(1088s)
06/20/13 11:36:10: EVT#58476-06/20/13 11:36:10: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 99.79%(1104s)
06/20/13 11:36:12: EVT#58477-06/20/13 11:36:12: 48=Background Initialization completed on VD 00/0
06/22/13 3:00:00: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00
06/22/13 3:00:00: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01
06/22/13 3:00:00: prDiskCheckOkToRun: PR cannot run on this pd=2 not a spare and online
06/22/13 3:00:00: prDiskCheckOkToRun: PR cannot run on this pd=3 not a spare and online
06/22/13 3:00:00: prDiskCheckOkToRun: PR cannot run on this pd=4 not a spare and online
06/22/13 3:00:00: prDiskCheckOkToRun: PR cannot run on this pd=5 not a spare and online
06/22/13 3:00:00: EVT#58478-06/22/13 3:00:00: 39=Patrol Read started
06/22/13 3:01:22: EVT#58479-06/22/13 3:01:22: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 10.00%(82s)
06/22/13 3:01:25: EVT#58480-06/22/13 3:01:25: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 10.00%(85s)
06/22/13 3:02:55: EVT#58481-06/22/13 3:02:55: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 20.00%(175s)
06/22/13 3:03:01: EVT#58482-06/22/13 3:03:01: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 20.00%(181s)
06/22/13 3:04:22: EVT#58483-06/22/13 3:04:22: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 30.00%(262s)
06/22/13 3:04:32: EVT#58484-06/22/13 3:04:32: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 30.00%(272s)
06/22/13 3:05:53: EVT#58485-06/22/13 3:05:53: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 40.00%(353s)
06/22/13 3:06:06: EVT#58486-06/22/13 3:06:06: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 40.00%(366s)
06/22/13 3:07:27: EVT#58487-06/22/13 3:07:27: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 50.00%(447s)
06/22/13 3:07:43: EVT#58488-06/22/13 3:07:43: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 50.00%(463s)
06/22/13 3:09:12: EVT#58489-06/22/13 3:09:12: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 60.00%(552s)
06/22/13 3:09:32: EVT#58490-06/22/13 3:09:32: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 60.00%(572s)
06/22/13 3:10:55: EVT#58491-06/22/13 3:10:55: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 70.00%(655s)
06/22/13 3:11:17: EVT#58492-06/22/13 3:11:17: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 70.00%(677s)
06/22/13 3:12:41: EVT#58493-06/22/13 3:12:41: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 80.00%(761s)
06/22/13 3:13:17: EVT#58494-06/22/13 3:13:17: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 80.00%(797s)
06/22/13 3:14:43: EVT#58495-06/22/13 3:14:43: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 90.00%(883s)
06/22/13 3:15:16: EVT#58496-06/22/13 3:15:16: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 90.00%(916s)
06/22/13 3:16:45: EVT#58497-06/22/13 3:16:45: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 100.00%(1005s)
06/22/13 3:16:45: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00
06/22/13 3:17:24: EVT#58498-06/22/13 3:17:24: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 100.00%(1044s)
06/22/13 3:17:24: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01
06/22/13 3:17:24: PR cycle complete
06/22/13 3:17:24: EVT#58499-06/22/13 3:17:24: 35=Patrol Read complete
06/22/13 3:17:24: Next PR scheduled to start at 06/29/13 3:00:00
06/24/13 2:42:23: EVT#58500-06/24/13 2:42:23: 70=Fast initialization started on VD 00/0
06/24/13 2:42:23: EVT#58501-06/24/13 2:42:23: 72=Initialization complete on VD 00/0
06/24/13 2:42:23: Clearing LDBBM table for LD=0
06/24/13 2:42:38: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1a0 (i=0 state=1 type=2002) removed from vd
06/24/13 2:42:38: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1a0 (i=0 state=1 type=2000) no longer present, removing
06/24/13 2:42:38: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1e0 (i=1 state=1 type=2002) removed from vd
06/24/13 2:42:38: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1e0 (i=1 state=1 type=2000) no longer present, removing
06/24/13 2:42:38: EVT#58502-06/24/13 2:42:38: 139=Deleted VD 00/0
06/24/13 2:42:38: EVT#58503-06/24/13 2:42:38: 114=State change on PD 00(e0x20/s0) from ONLINE(18) to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0)
06/24/13 2:42:38: EVT#58504-06/24/13 2:42:38: 114=State change on PD 01(e0x20/s1) from ONLINE(18) to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0)
06/24/13 2:42:38: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
06/24/13 2:42:38: Leave init_cache early because there are no VD's
06/24/13 2:42:38: resetting the internal & nvram ddf Data structures
06/24/13 2:42:42: EVT#58505-06/24/13 2:42:42: 114=State change on PD 00(e0x20/s0) from UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0) to ONLINE(18)
06/24/13 2:42:42: EVT#58506-06/24/13 2:42:42: 114=State change on PD 01(e0x20/s1) from UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0) to ONLINE(18)
06/24/13 2:42:42: LdConfigAdd: **** add VD 0 with targetId 0
06/24/13 2:42:42: modify_log_drv_state: oldState: 255 newState: 3 pinned_cache_present: 0 targetId: 0
06/24/13 2:42:42: EVT#58507-06/24/13 2:42:42: 249=VD 00/0 is now OPTIMAL
06/24/13 2:42:42: EVT#58508-06/24/13 2:42:42: 138=Created VD 00/0
06/24/13 2:42:42: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
06/24/13 2:42:42: Memory End affffff0
06/24/13 2:42:42: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
06/24/13 2:42:42: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
06/24/13 2:42:42: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
06/24/13 2:42:42: Cache initialization complete...Config info
06/24/13 2:42:42: ARs configured: 1
06/24/13 2:42:42: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
06/24/13 2:42:42: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
06/24/13 2:42:42: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
06/24/13 2:42:42: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
06/24/13 2:42:42: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
06/24/13 2:42:42: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
06/24/13 2:42:42: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
06/24/13 2:46:33: EVT#58509-06/24/13 2:46:33: 53=Background Initialization started on VD 00/0
06/24/13 2:46:33: EVT#58510-06/24/13 2:46:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 0.00%(0s)
06/24/13 2:46:39: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
06/24/13 2:46:39: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
06/24/13 2:46:39: EVT#58511-06/24/13 2:46:39: 42=Shutdown command received from host

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58512-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58513-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58514-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58515-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58516-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 92 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 38 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 643 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4026 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : c0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 643 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 92 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58517-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58518-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58519-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58520-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58521-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58522-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58523-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58524-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58525-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58526-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58527-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58528-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58529-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58530-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58531-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58532-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58533-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58534-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T72: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T72: Memory End affffff0
T72: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T72: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T72: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T72: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T72: ARs configured: 1
T72: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T72: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T72: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T72: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T72: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T72: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T72: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T72: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T72: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T72: Initializing write journal entries
T72: NOT Flushing Cache
T72: EVT#58535-T72: 53=Background Initialization started on VD 00/0
T72: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
T72: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=06/24 2:46:39 + rtc=72 to set timestamp
06/24/13 2:47:39: EVT#58536-06/24/13 2:47:39: 44=Time established as 06/24/13 2:47:39; (73 seconds since power on)
06/24/13 2:47:39: ccScheduleSetNextStartTime: RTC_TimeStamp=195a6fcb, nextStartTime=19610a30
06/24/13 2:47:39: Next cc scheduled to start at 06/29/13 3:00:00
06/24/13 2:47:54: EVT#58537-06/24/13 2:47:54: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/24/13 2:47:54: EVT#58538-06/24/13 2:47:54: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
06/24/13 2:47:54: EVT#58539-06/24/13 2:47:54: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 1.78%(16s)
06/24/13 2:48:10: EVT#58540-06/24/13 2:48:10: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 3.11%(32s)
06/24/13 2:48:26: EVT#58541-06/24/13 2:48:26: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 4.46%(48s)
06/24/13 2:48:42: EVT#58542-06/24/13 2:48:42: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 5.81%(64s)
06/24/13 2:48:57: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
06/24/13 2:48:57: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
06/24/13 2:48:57: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=1fd84000
06/24/13 2:48:57: q.producerIndexPtr=1fc20000, q.consumerIndexPtr=1fc21000
06/24/13 2:48:57: producerIndex=0
06/24/13 2:48:58: EVT#58543-06/24/13 2:48:58: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 7.16%(80s)
06/24/13 2:48:59: EVT#58544-06/24/13 2:48:59: 147=Battery started charging
06/24/13 2:49:14: EVT#58545-06/24/13 2:49:14: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 8.49%(96s)
06/24/13 2:49:30: EVT#58546-06/24/13 2:49:30: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 9.84%(112s)
06/24/13 2:49:46: EVT#58547-06/24/13 2:49:46: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 11.19%(128s)
06/24/13 2:50:02: EVT#58548-06/24/13 2:50:02: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 12.55%(144s)
06/24/13 2:50:18: EVT#58549-06/24/13 2:50:18: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 13.90%(160s)
06/24/13 2:50:34: EVT#58550-06/24/13 2:50:34: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 15.25%(176s)
06/24/13 2:50:50: EVT#58551-06/24/13 2:50:50: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 16.60%(192s)
06/24/13 2:51:06: EVT#58552-06/24/13 2:51:06: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 17.95%(208s)
06/24/13 2:51:22: EVT#58553-06/24/13 2:51:22: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 19.30%(224s)
06/24/13 2:51:38: EVT#58554-06/24/13 2:51:38: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 20.66%(240s)
06/24/13 2:51:54: EVT#58555-06/24/13 2:51:54: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 22.01%(256s)
06/24/13 2:52:10: EVT#58556-06/24/13 2:52:10: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 23.36%(272s)
06/24/13 2:52:26: EVT#58557-06/24/13 2:52:26: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 24.63%(288s)
06/24/13 2:52:42: EVT#58558-06/24/13 2:52:42: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 25.63%(304s)
06/24/13 2:52:58: EVT#58559-06/24/13 2:52:58: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 26.97%(320s)
06/24/13 2:53:14: EVT#58560-06/24/13 2:53:14: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 28.19%(336s)
06/24/13 2:53:30: EVT#58561-06/24/13 2:53:30: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 29.45%(352s)
06/24/13 2:53:46: EVT#58562-06/24/13 2:53:46: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 30.79%(368s)
06/24/13 2:54:02: EVT#58563-06/24/13 2:54:02: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 32.13%(384s)
06/24/13 2:54:18: EVT#58564-06/24/13 2:54:18: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 33.47%(400s)
06/24/13 2:54:34: EVT#58565-06/24/13 2:54:34: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 34.81%(416s)
06/24/13 2:54:50: EVT#58566-06/24/13 2:54:50: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 36.15%(432s)
06/24/13 2:55:06: EVT#58567-06/24/13 2:55:06: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 37.49%(448s)
06/24/13 2:55:22: EVT#58568-06/24/13 2:55:22: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 38.82%(464s)
06/24/13 2:55:38: EVT#58569-06/24/13 2:55:38: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 40.16%(480s)
06/24/13 2:55:54: EVT#58570-06/24/13 2:55:54: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 41.50%(496s)
06/24/13 2:56:10: EVT#58571-06/24/13 2:56:10: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 42.84%(512s)
06/24/13 2:56:26: EVT#58572-06/24/13 2:56:26: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 44.13%(528s)
06/24/13 2:56:42: EVT#58573-06/24/13 2:56:42: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 44.67%(544s)
06/24/13 2:56:58: EVT#58574-06/24/13 2:56:58: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 46.01%(560s)
06/24/13 2:57:14: EVT#58575-06/24/13 2:57:14: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 47.34%(576s)
06/24/13 2:57:30: EVT#58576-06/24/13 2:57:30: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 48.49%(592s)
06/24/13 2:57:46: EVT#58577-06/24/13 2:57:46: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 49.83%(608s)
06/24/13 2:58:02: EVT#58578-06/24/13 2:58:02: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 51.17%(624s)
06/24/13 2:58:18: EVT#58579-06/24/13 2:58:18: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 52.51%(640s)
06/24/13 2:58:34: EVT#58580-06/24/13 2:58:34: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 53.85%(656s)
06/24/13 2:58:50: EVT#58581-06/24/13 2:58:50: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 55.18%(672s)
06/24/13 2:59:06: EVT#58582-06/24/13 2:59:06: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 56.52%(688s)
06/24/13 2:59:22: EVT#58583-06/24/13 2:59:22: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 57.86%(704s)
06/24/13 2:59:38: EVT#58584-06/24/13 2:59:38: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 59.20%(720s)
06/24/13 2:59:54: EVT#58585-06/24/13 2:59:54: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 60.54%(736s)
06/24/13 3:00:10: EVT#58586-06/24/13 3:00:10: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 61.88%(752s)
06/24/13 3:00:26: EVT#58587-06/24/13 3:00:26: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 63.22%(768s)
06/24/13 3:00:42: EVT#58588-06/24/13 3:00:42: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 64.56%(784s)
06/24/13 3:00:58: EVT#58589-06/24/13 3:00:58: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 65.90%(800s)
06/24/13 3:01:14: EVT#58590-06/24/13 3:01:14: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 67.24%(816s)
06/24/13 3:01:30: EVT#58591-06/24/13 3:01:30: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 68.57%(832s)
06/24/13 3:01:46: EVT#58592-06/24/13 3:01:46: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 69.91%(848s)
06/24/13 3:02:02: EVT#58593-06/24/13 3:02:02: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 70.66%(864s)
06/24/13 3:02:14: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
06/24/13 3:02:18: EVT#58594-06/24/13 3:02:18: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 71.76%(880s)
06/24/13 3:02:34: EVT#58595-06/24/13 3:02:34: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 73.08%(896s)
06/24/13 3:02:50: EVT#58596-06/24/13 3:02:50: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 74.23%(912s)
06/24/13 3:03:06: EVT#58597-06/24/13 3:03:06: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 75.57%(928s)
06/24/13 3:03:22: EVT#58598-06/24/13 3:03:22: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 76.91%(944s)
06/24/13 3:03:38: EVT#58599-06/24/13 3:03:38: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 78.25%(960s)
06/24/13 3:03:54: EVT#58600-06/24/13 3:03:54: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 79.59%(976s)
06/24/13 3:04:10: EVT#58601-06/24/13 3:04:10: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 80.92%(992s)
06/24/13 3:04:26: EVT#58602-06/24/13 3:04:26: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 82.26%(1008s)
06/24/13 3:04:42: EVT#58603-06/24/13 3:04:42: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 83.60%(1024s)
06/24/13 3:04:58: EVT#58604-06/24/13 3:04:58: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 84.94%(1040s)
06/24/13 3:05:14: EVT#58605-06/24/13 3:05:14: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 86.28%(1056s)
06/24/13 3:05:30: EVT#58606-06/24/13 3:05:30: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 87.61%(1072s)
06/24/13 3:05:46: EVT#58607-06/24/13 3:05:46: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 88.94%(1088s)
06/24/13 3:06:02: EVT#58608-06/24/13 3:06:02: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 90.22%(1104s)
06/24/13 3:06:18: EVT#58609-06/24/13 3:06:18: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 91.49%(1120s)
06/24/13 3:06:34: EVT#58610-06/24/13 3:06:34: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 92.75%(1136s)
06/24/13 3:06:50: EVT#58611-06/24/13 3:06:50: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 94.01%(1152s)
06/24/13 3:07:06: EVT#58612-06/24/13 3:07:06: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 95.28%(1168s)
06/24/13 3:07:22: EVT#58613-06/24/13 3:07:22: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 96.53%(1184s)
06/24/13 3:07:38: EVT#58614-06/24/13 3:07:38: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 97.78%(1200s)
06/24/13 3:07:54: EVT#58615-06/24/13 3:07:54: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 99.02%(1216s)
06/24/13 3:08:06: EVT#58616-06/24/13 3:08:06: 48=Background Initialization completed on VD 00/0
06/24/13 3:21:29: EVT#58617-06/24/13 3:21:29: 242=Battery charge complete
06/24/13 5:37:59: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
06/24/13 5:37:59: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
06/24/13 5:37:59: EVT#58618-06/24/13 5:37:59: 42=Shutdown command received from host

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58619-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58620-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58621-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58622-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58623-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 100 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4043 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 700 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 100 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58624-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58625-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58626-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58627-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58628-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58629-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58630-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58631-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58632-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58633-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58634-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58635-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58636-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58637-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58638-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58639-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58640-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58641-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T73: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T73: Memory End affffff0
T73: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T73: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T73: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T73: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T73: ARs configured: 1
T73: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T73: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T73: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T73: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T73: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: Initializing write journal entries
T73: NOT Flushing Cache
T73: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/24/13 5:40:12: EVT#58642-06/24/13 5:40:12: 44=Time established as 06/24/13 5:40:12; (73 seconds since power on)
06/24/13 5:40:27: EVT#58643-06/24/13 5:40:27: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/24/13 5:40:27: EVT#58644-06/24/13 5:40:27: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
06/24/13 5:41:32: EVT#58645-06/24/13 5:41:32: 147=Battery started charging
06/24/13 5:42:20: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
06/24/13 5:42:20: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
06/24/13 5:42:20: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=1fd6d000
06/24/13 5:42:20: q.producerIndexPtr=13c55000, q.consumerIndexPtr=13c54000
06/24/13 5:42:20: producerIndex=0
06/24/13 5:44:47: EVT#58646-06/24/13 5:44:47: 242=Battery charge complete
06/24/13 5:45:52: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
06/24/13 5:45:52: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
06/24/13 5:45:52: EVT#58647-06/24/13 5:45:52: 42=Shutdown command received from host

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58648-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58649-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58650-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58651-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58652-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 100 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4046 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 700 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 100 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58653-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58654-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58655-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58656-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58657-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58658-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58659-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58660-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58661-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58662-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58663-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58664-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58665-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58666-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58667-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58668-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58669-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58670-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T48: configRaid: adding to raid config
T48: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T72: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T72: Memory End affffff0
T72: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T72: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T72: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T72: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T72: ARs configured: 1
T72: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T72: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T72: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T72: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T72: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T72: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T72: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T72: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T72: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T72: Initializing write journal entries
T72: NOT Flushing Cache
T72: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/24/13 5:47:28: EVT#58671-06/24/13 5:47:28: 44=Time established as 06/24/13 5:47:28; (72 seconds since power on)
06/24/13 5:47:44: EVT#58672-06/24/13 5:47:44: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/24/13 5:47:44: EVT#58673-06/24/13 5:47:44: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
06/24/13 5:48:49: EVT#58674-06/24/13 5:48:49: 147=Battery started charging
06/24/13 5:49:15: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
06/24/13 5:49:15: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
06/24/13 5:49:15: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
06/24/13 5:49:15: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
06/24/13 5:49:15: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=28e67ea0
06/24/13 5:49:15: q.producerIndexPtr=28e67e98, q.consumerIndexPtr=28e67e9c
06/24/13 5:49:15: producerIndex=0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58675-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58676-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58677-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58678-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58679-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 100 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4046 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 700 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 100 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58680-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58681-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58682-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58683-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58684-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58685-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58686-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58687-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58688-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58689-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58690-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58691-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58692-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58693-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58694-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58695-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58696-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58697-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T48: configRaid: adding to raid config
T48: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/24/13 5:50:54: EVT#58698-06/24/13 5:50:54: 44=Time established as 06/24/13 5:50:54; (49 seconds since power on)
06/24/13 5:51:33: EVT#58699-06/24/13 5:51:33: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/24/13 5:51:33: EVT#58700-06/24/13 5:51:33: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
06/24/13 5:52:42: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
06/24/13 5:52:42: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
06/24/13 5:52:42: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
06/24/13 5:52:42: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
06/24/13 5:52:42: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=28e67ea0
06/24/13 5:52:42: q.producerIndexPtr=28e67e98, q.consumerIndexPtr=28e67e9c
06/24/13 5:52:42: producerIndex=0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58701-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58702-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58703-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58704-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58705-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 100 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4046 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 700 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 100 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58706-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58707-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58708-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58709-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58710-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58711-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58712-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58713-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58714-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58715-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58716-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58717-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58718-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58719-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58720-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58721-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58722-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58723-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T48: configRaid: adding to raid config
T48: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
06/24/13 5:54:22: EVT#58724-06/24/13 5:54:22: 44=Time established as 06/24/13 5:54:22; (49 seconds since power on)
06/24/13 5:55:01: EVT#58725-06/24/13 5:55:01: 149=Battery temperature is normal
06/24/13 5:55:01: EVT#58726-06/24/13 5:55:01: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
06/24/13 5:56:24: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
06/24/13 5:56:24: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
06/24/13 5:56:25: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=1fdba000
06/24/13 5:56:25: q.producerIndexPtr=37ac5000, q.consumerIndexPtr=37ac1000
06/24/13 5:56:25: producerIndex=0
06/24/13 6:09:21: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
06/29/13 3:00:00: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00
06/29/13 3:00:00: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01
06/29/13 3:00:00: prDiskCheckOkToRun: PR cannot run on this pd=2 not a spare and online
06/29/13 3:00:00: prDiskCheckOkToRun: PR cannot run on this pd=3 not a spare and online
06/29/13 3:00:00: prDiskCheckOkToRun: PR cannot run on this pd=4 not a spare and online
06/29/13 3:00:00: prDiskCheckOkToRun: PR cannot run on this pd=5 not a spare and online
06/29/13 3:00:00: EVT#58727-06/29/13 3:00:00: 39=Patrol Read started
06/29/13 3:01:22: EVT#58728-06/29/13 3:01:22: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 10.00%(82s)
06/29/13 3:01:25: EVT#58729-06/29/13 3:01:25: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 10.00%(85s)
06/29/13 3:02:47: EVT#58730-06/29/13 3:02:47: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 20.00%(167s)
06/29/13 3:02:53: EVT#58731-06/29/13 3:02:53: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 20.00%(173s)
06/29/13 3:04:14: EVT#58732-06/29/13 3:04:14: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 30.00%(254s)
06/29/13 3:04:32: EVT#58733-06/29/13 3:04:32: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 30.00%(272s)
06/29/13 3:05:53: EVT#58734-06/29/13 3:05:53: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 40.00%(353s)
06/29/13 3:06:06: EVT#58735-06/29/13 3:06:06: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 40.00%(366s)
06/29/13 3:07:27: EVT#58736-06/29/13 3:07:27: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 50.00%(447s)
06/29/13 3:07:43: EVT#58737-06/29/13 3:07:43: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 50.00%(463s)
06/29/13 3:09:04: EVT#58738-06/29/13 3:09:04: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 60.00%(544s)
06/29/13 3:09:32: EVT#58739-06/29/13 3:09:32: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 60.00%(572s)
06/29/13 3:10:55: EVT#58740-06/29/13 3:10:55: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 70.00%(655s)
06/29/13 3:11:17: EVT#58741-06/29/13 3:11:17: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 70.00%(677s)
06/29/13 3:12:41: EVT#58742-06/29/13 3:12:41: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 80.00%(761s)
06/29/13 3:13:09: EVT#58743-06/29/13 3:13:09: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 80.00%(789s)
06/29/13 3:14:43: EVT#58744-06/29/13 3:14:43: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 90.00%(883s)
06/29/13 3:15:16: EVT#58745-06/29/13 3:15:16: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 90.00%(916s)
06/29/13 3:16:45: EVT#58746-06/29/13 3:16:45: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 100.00%(1005s)
06/29/13 3:16:45: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00
06/29/13 3:17:24: EVT#58747-06/29/13 3:17:24: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 100.00%(1044s)
06/29/13 3:17:24: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01
06/29/13 3:17:24: PR cycle complete
06/29/13 3:17:24: EVT#58748-06/29/13 3:17:24: 35=Patrol Read complete
06/29/13 3:17:24: Next PR scheduled to start at 07/06/13 3:00:00
07/02/13 6:28:09: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/02/13 6:28:09: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/02/13 6:28:09: EVT#58749-07/02/13 6:28:09: 42=Shutdown command received from host

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58750-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58751-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58752-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58753-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58754-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 0
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 86 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 35 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 602 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4002 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : c0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 602 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 86 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58755-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58756-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58757-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58758-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58759-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58760-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58761-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58762-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58763-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58764-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58765-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58766-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58767-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58768-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58769-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58770-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58771-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58772-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T80: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T80: Memory End affffff0
T80: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T80: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T80: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T80: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T80: ARs configured: 1
T80: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T80: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T80: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T80: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T80: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T80: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T80: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T80: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T80: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T80: Initializing write journal entries
T80: NOT Flushing Cache
T80: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/02/13 6:28:40: EVT#58773-07/02/13 6:28:40: 44=Time established as 07/02/13 6:28:40; (81 seconds since power on)
07/02/13 6:28:40: ccScheduleSetNextStartTime: RTC_TimeStamp=19652f98, nextStartTime=196a44b0
07/02/13 6:28:40: Next cc scheduled to start at 07/06/13 3:00:00
07/02/13 6:28:47: EVT#58774-07/02/13 6:28:47: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/02/13 6:28:47: EVT#58775-07/02/13 6:28:47: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/02/13 6:29:52: EVT#58776-07/02/13 6:29:52: 147=Battery started charging
07/02/13 6:30:28: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/02/13 6:30:28: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/02/13 6:30:28: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/02/13 6:30:28: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/02/13 6:30:28: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=28e6dea0
07/02/13 6:30:28: q.producerIndexPtr=28e6de98, q.consumerIndexPtr=28e6de9c
07/02/13 6:30:28: producerIndex=0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58777-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58778-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58779-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58780-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58781-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 0
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 87 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 36 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 608 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 29 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4025 V
T23: Current : 109 mA GasGaugeStat : 80
T23: GPID : 68ffb899 ChargerStatus : 2
T23: Remaining Capacity : 608 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 87 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58782-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58783-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58784-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58785-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58786-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58787-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58788-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58789-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58790-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58791-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58792-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58793-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58794-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58795-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58796-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58797-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58798-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58799-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T48: configRaid: adding to raid config
T48: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/02/13 6:32:09: EVT#58800-07/02/13 6:32:09: 44=Time established as 07/02/13 6:32:09; (50 seconds since power on)
07/02/13 6:32:47: EVT#58801-07/02/13 6:32:47: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/02/13 6:32:47: EVT#58802-07/02/13 6:32:47: 147=Battery started charging
07/02/13 6:32:47: EVT#58803-07/02/13 6:32:47: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/02/13 6:33:57: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/02/13 6:33:57: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/02/13 6:33:57: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/02/13 6:33:57: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/02/13 6:33:57: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=28e6dea0
07/02/13 6:33:57: q.producerIndexPtr=28e6de98, q.consumerIndexPtr=28e6de9c
07/02/13 6:33:57: producerIndex=0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58804-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58805-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58806-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58807-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58808-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 0
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 88 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 36 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 613 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 27 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4028 V
T23: Current : 102 mA GasGaugeStat : 80
T23: GPID : 68ffb899 ChargerStatus : 2
T23: Remaining Capacity : 613 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 88 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58809-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58810-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58811-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58812-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58813-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58814-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58815-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58816-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58817-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58818-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58819-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58820-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58821-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58822-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58823-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58824-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58825-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58826-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T48: configRaid: adding to raid config
T48: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/02/13 6:35:38: EVT#58827-07/02/13 6:35:38: 44=Time established as 07/02/13 6:35:38; (49 seconds since power on)
07/02/13 6:36:17: EVT#58828-07/02/13 6:36:17: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/02/13 6:36:17: EVT#58829-07/02/13 6:36:17: 147=Battery started charging
07/02/13 6:36:17: EVT#58830-07/02/13 6:36:17: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/02/13 6:37:26: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/02/13 6:37:26: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/02/13 6:37:26: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/02/13 6:37:26: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/02/13 6:37:26: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=28e6dea0
07/02/13 6:37:26: q.producerIndexPtr=28e6de98, q.consumerIndexPtr=28e6de9c
07/02/13 6:37:26: producerIndex=0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58831-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58832-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58833-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58834-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58835-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 0
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 88 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 36 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 618 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 25 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4030 V
T23: Current : 98 mA GasGaugeStat : 80
T23: GPID : 68ffb899 ChargerStatus : 2
T23: Remaining Capacity : 618 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 88 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58836-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58837-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58838-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T23: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58839-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58840-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58841-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58842-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58843-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58844-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58845-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58846-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58847-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58848-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58849-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58850-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58851-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58852-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58853-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T48: configRaid: adding to raid config
T48: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/02/13 6:39:07: EVT#58854-07/02/13 6:39:07: 44=Time established as 07/02/13 6:39:07; (50 seconds since power on)
07/02/13 6:39:45: EVT#58855-07/02/13 6:39:45: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/02/13 6:39:45: EVT#58856-07/02/13 6:39:45: 147=Battery started charging
07/02/13 6:39:45: EVT#58857-07/02/13 6:39:45: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/02/13 6:40:54: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/02/13 6:40:54: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/02/13 6:40:54: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/02/13 6:40:54: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/02/13 6:40:54: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=28e6dea0
07/02/13 6:40:54: q.producerIndexPtr=28e6de98, q.consumerIndexPtr=28e6de9c
07/02/13 6:40:54: producerIndex=0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58858-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58859-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58860-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58861-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58862-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 0
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 89 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 37 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 624 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 24 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4032 V
T23: Current : 93 mA GasGaugeStat : 80
T23: GPID : 68ffb899 ChargerStatus : 2
T23: Remaining Capacity : 624 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 89 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58863-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58864-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58865-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58866-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58867-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58868-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58869-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58870-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58871-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58872-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58873-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58874-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58875-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58876-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58877-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58878-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58879-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58880-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T48: configRaid: adding to raid config
T48: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/02/13 6:42:36: EVT#58881-07/02/13 6:42:36: 44=Time established as 07/02/13 6:42:36; (50 seconds since power on)
07/02/13 6:43:14: EVT#58882-07/02/13 6:43:14: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/02/13 6:43:14: EVT#58883-07/02/13 6:43:14: 147=Battery started charging
07/02/13 6:43:14: EVT#58884-07/02/13 6:43:14: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/02/13 6:44:24: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/02/13 6:44:24: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/02/13 6:44:24: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/02/13 6:44:24: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/02/13 6:44:24: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=28e6dea0
07/02/13 6:44:25: q.producerIndexPtr=28e6de98, q.consumerIndexPtr=28e6de9c
07/02/13 6:44:25: producerIndex=0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58885-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58886-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58887-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58888-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58889-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 0
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 90 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 37 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 629 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 700 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 21 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4034 V
T23: Current : 90 mA GasGaugeStat : 80
T23: GPID : 68ffb899 ChargerStatus : 2
T23: Remaining Capacity : 629 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 700 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 90 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58890-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58891-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58892-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58893-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58894-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58895-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58896-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58897-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58898-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58899-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58900-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58901-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58902-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58903-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58904-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58905-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58906-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58907-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T48: configRaid: adding to raid config
T48: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/02/13 6:46:06: EVT#58908-07/02/13 6:46:06: 44=Time established as 07/02/13 6:46:06; (50 seconds since power on)
07/02/13 6:46:44: EVT#58909-07/02/13 6:46:44: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/02/13 6:46:44: EVT#58910-07/02/13 6:46:44: 147=Battery started charging
07/02/13 6:46:44: EVT#58911-07/02/13 6:46:44: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/02/13 6:47:47: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/02/13 6:47:47: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/02/13 6:47:47: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=1fcfa000
07/02/13 6:47:47: q.producerIndexPtr=13dcb000, q.consumerIndexPtr=13dcc000
07/02/13 6:47:47: producerIndex=0
07/02/13 7:01:04: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
07/02/13 7:36:42: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/02/13 7:36:42: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/02/13 7:36:42: EVT#58912-07/02/13 7:36:42: 42=Shutdown command received from host

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58913-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58914-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58915-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58916-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58917-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 0
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 100 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 0 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4054 V
T23: Current : 51 mA GasGaugeStat : c0a0
T23: GPID : 68ffb899 ChargerStatus : 2
T23: Remaining Capacity : 691 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 100 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58918-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58919-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58920-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58921-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58922-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58923-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58924-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58925-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58926-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58927-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58928-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58929-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58930-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58931-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58932-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58933-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58934-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58935-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T73: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T73: Memory End affffff0
T73: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T73: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T73: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T73: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T73: ARs configured: 1
T73: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T73: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T73: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T73: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T73: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: Initializing write journal entries
T73: NOT Flushing Cache
T73: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/02/13 7:39:36: EVT#58936-07/02/13 7:39:36: 44=Time established as 07/02/13 7:39:36; (73 seconds since power on)
07/02/13 7:39:51: EVT#58937-07/02/13 7:39:51: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/02/13 7:39:51: EVT#58938-07/02/13 7:39:51: 147=Battery started charging
07/02/13 7:39:51: EVT#58939-07/02/13 7:39:51: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/02/13 7:42:01: EVT#58940-07/02/13 7:42:01: 242=Battery charge complete
07/02/13 7:43:03: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/02/13 7:43:03: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/02/13 7:43:03: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=1fd7f000
07/02/13 7:43:03: q.producerIndexPtr=13dc0000, q.consumerIndexPtr=13dc1000
07/02/13 7:43:03: producerIndex=0
07/02/13 7:54:11: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
07/02/13 7:55:09: EVT#58941-07/02/13 7:55:09: 70=Fast initialization started on VD 00/0
07/02/13 7:55:09: EVT#58942-07/02/13 7:55:09: 72=Initialization complete on VD 00/0
07/02/13 7:55:09: Clearing LDBBM table for LD=0
07/02/13 7:55:24: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1a0 (i=0 state=1 type=2002) removed from vd
07/02/13 7:55:24: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1a0 (i=0 state=1 type=2000) no longer present, removing
07/02/13 7:55:24: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1e0 (i=1 state=1 type=2002) removed from vd
07/02/13 7:55:24: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1e0 (i=1 state=1 type=2000) no longer present, removing
07/02/13 7:55:24: EVT#58943-07/02/13 7:55:24: 139=Deleted VD 00/0
07/02/13 7:55:24: EVT#58944-07/02/13 7:55:24: 114=State change on PD 00(e0x20/s0) from ONLINE(18) to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0)
07/02/13 7:55:24: EVT#58945-07/02/13 7:55:24: 114=State change on PD 01(e0x20/s1) from ONLINE(18) to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0)
07/02/13 7:55:24: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
07/02/13 7:55:24: Leave init_cache early because there are no VD's
07/02/13 7:55:24: resetting the internal & nvram ddf Data structures
07/02/13 7:55:28: EVT#58946-07/02/13 7:55:28: 114=State change on PD 00(e0x20/s0) from UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0) to ONLINE(18)
07/02/13 7:55:28: EVT#58947-07/02/13 7:55:28: 114=State change on PD 01(e0x20/s1) from UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0) to ONLINE(18)
07/02/13 7:55:28: LdConfigAdd: **** add VD 0 with targetId 0
07/02/13 7:55:28: modify_log_drv_state: oldState: 255 newState: 3 pinned_cache_present: 0 targetId: 0
07/02/13 7:55:28: EVT#58948-07/02/13 7:55:28: 249=VD 00/0 is now OPTIMAL
07/02/13 7:55:28: EVT#58949-07/02/13 7:55:28: 138=Created VD 00/0
07/02/13 7:55:28: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
07/02/13 7:55:28: Memory End affffff0
07/02/13 7:55:28: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
07/02/13 7:55:28: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
07/02/13 7:55:28: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
07/02/13 7:55:28: Cache initialization complete...Config info
07/02/13 7:55:28: ARs configured: 1
07/02/13 7:55:28: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
07/02/13 7:55:28: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
07/02/13 7:55:28: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
07/02/13 7:55:28: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
07/02/13 7:55:28: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
07/02/13 7:55:28: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
07/02/13 7:55:28: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
07/02/13 7:58:23: EVT#58950-07/02/13 7:58:23: 53=Background Initialization started on VD 00/0
07/02/13 7:58:39: EVT#58951-07/02/13 7:58:39: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 1.33%(16s)
07/02/13 7:58:55: EVT#58952-07/02/13 7:58:55: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 2.69%(32s)
07/02/13 7:59:11: EVT#58953-07/02/13 7:59:11: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 4.04%(48s)
07/02/13 7:59:27: EVT#58954-07/02/13 7:59:27: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 5.39%(64s)
07/02/13 7:59:43: EVT#58955-07/02/13 7:59:43: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 6.73%(80s)
07/02/13 7:59:49: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/02/13 7:59:49: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/02/13 7:59:49: EVT#58956-07/02/13 7:59:49: 42=Shutdown command received from host

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58957-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58958-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#58959-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#58960-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#58961-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 100 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4044 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 691 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 100 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#58962-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#58963-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#58964-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#58965-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#58966-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#58967-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58968-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#58969-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58970-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#58971-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58972-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#58973-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58974-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#58975-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58976-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#58977-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#58978-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#58979-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T72: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T72: Memory End affffff0
T72: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T72: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T72: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T72: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T72: ARs configured: 1
T72: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T73: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T73: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T73: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T73: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: Initializing write journal entries
T73: NOT Flushing Cache
T73: EVT#58980-T73: 53=Background Initialization started on VD 00/0
T73: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
T73: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=07/02 7:59:49 + rtc=73 to set timestamp
07/02/13 8:01:25: EVT#58981-07/02/13 8:01:25: 44=Time established as 07/02/13 8:01:25; (73 seconds since power on)
07/02/13 8:01:40: EVT#58982-07/02/13 8:01:40: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/02/13 8:01:40: EVT#58983-07/02/13 8:01:40: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/02/13 8:01:41: EVT#58984-07/02/13 8:01:41: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 8.55%(16s)
07/02/13 8:01:57: EVT#58985-07/02/13 8:01:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 9.90%(32s)
07/02/13 8:02:13: EVT#58986-07/02/13 8:02:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 11.25%(48s)
07/02/13 8:02:29: EVT#58987-07/02/13 8:02:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 12.60%(64s)
07/02/13 8:02:45: EVT#58988-07/02/13 8:02:45: 147=Battery started charging
07/02/13 8:02:45: EVT#58989-07/02/13 8:02:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 13.95%(80s)
07/02/13 8:03:01: EVT#58990-07/02/13 8:03:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 15.30%(96s)
07/02/13 8:03:17: EVT#58991-07/02/13 8:03:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 16.65%(112s)
07/02/13 8:03:33: EVT#58992-07/02/13 8:03:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 18.00%(128s)
07/02/13 8:03:49: EVT#58993-07/02/13 8:03:49: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 19.35%(144s)
07/02/13 8:04:05: EVT#58994-07/02/13 8:04:05: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 20.70%(160s)
07/02/13 8:04:21: EVT#58995-07/02/13 8:04:21: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 22.06%(176s)
07/02/13 8:04:37: EVT#58996-07/02/13 8:04:37: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 23.41%(192s)
07/02/13 8:04:53: EVT#58997-07/02/13 8:04:53: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 24.76%(208s)
07/02/13 8:04:55: EVT#58998-07/02/13 8:04:55: 242=Battery charge complete
07/02/13 8:05:09: EVT#58999-07/02/13 8:05:09: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 26.11%(224s)
07/02/13 8:05:25: EVT#59000-07/02/13 8:05:25: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 27.46%(240s)
07/02/13 8:05:41: EVT#59001-07/02/13 8:05:41: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 28.81%(256s)
07/02/13 8:05:57: EVT#59002-07/02/13 8:05:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 30.17%(272s)
07/02/13 8:06:13: EVT#59003-07/02/13 8:06:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 31.52%(288s)
07/02/13 8:06:29: EVT#59004-07/02/13 8:06:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 32.87%(304s)
07/02/13 8:06:45: EVT#59005-07/02/13 8:06:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 34.22%(320s)
07/02/13 8:07:01: EVT#59006-07/02/13 8:07:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 35.57%(336s)
07/02/13 8:07:17: EVT#59007-07/02/13 8:07:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 36.92%(352s)
07/02/13 8:07:33: EVT#59008-07/02/13 8:07:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 38.28%(368s)
07/02/13 8:07:49: EVT#59009-07/02/13 8:07:49: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 39.63%(384s)
07/02/13 8:08:05: EVT#59010-07/02/13 8:08:05: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 40.98%(400s)
07/02/13 8:08:21: EVT#59011-07/02/13 8:08:21: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 42.33%(416s)
07/02/13 8:08:37: EVT#59012-07/02/13 8:08:37: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 43.68%(432s)
07/02/13 8:08:53: EVT#59013-07/02/13 8:08:53: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 45.03%(448s)
07/02/13 8:09:09: EVT#59014-07/02/13 8:09:09: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 46.38%(464s)
07/02/13 8:09:25: EVT#59015-07/02/13 8:09:25: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 47.74%(480s)
07/02/13 8:09:41: EVT#59016-07/02/13 8:09:41: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 49.09%(496s)
07/02/13 8:09:57: EVT#59017-07/02/13 8:09:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 50.44%(512s)
07/02/13 8:10:13: EVT#59018-07/02/13 8:10:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 51.79%(528s)
07/02/13 8:10:29: EVT#59019-07/02/13 8:10:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 53.14%(544s)
07/02/13 8:10:45: EVT#59020-07/02/13 8:10:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 54.50%(560s)
07/02/13 8:11:01: EVT#59021-07/02/13 8:11:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 55.85%(576s)
07/02/13 8:11:17: EVT#59022-07/02/13 8:11:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 57.20%(592s)
07/02/13 8:11:33: EVT#59023-07/02/13 8:11:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 58.55%(608s)
07/02/13 8:11:49: EVT#59024-07/02/13 8:11:49: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 59.90%(624s)
07/02/13 8:12:05: EVT#59025-07/02/13 8:12:05: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 61.25%(640s)
07/02/13 8:12:21: EVT#59026-07/02/13 8:12:21: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 62.60%(656s)
07/02/13 8:12:37: EVT#59027-07/02/13 8:12:37: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 63.96%(672s)
07/02/13 8:12:53: EVT#59028-07/02/13 8:12:53: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 65.31%(688s)
07/02/13 8:13:09: EVT#59029-07/02/13 8:13:09: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 66.66%(704s)
07/02/13 8:13:25: EVT#59030-07/02/13 8:13:25: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 68.01%(720s)
07/02/13 8:13:41: EVT#59031-07/02/13 8:13:41: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 69.36%(736s)
07/02/13 8:13:57: EVT#59032-07/02/13 8:13:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 70.71%(752s)
07/02/13 8:14:13: EVT#59033-07/02/13 8:14:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 72.07%(768s)
07/02/13 8:14:29: EVT#59034-07/02/13 8:14:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 73.42%(784s)
07/02/13 8:14:45: EVT#59035-07/02/13 8:14:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 74.77%(800s)
07/02/13 8:15:01: EVT#59036-07/02/13 8:15:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 76.12%(816s)
07/02/13 8:15:17: EVT#59037-07/02/13 8:15:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 77.47%(832s)
07/02/13 8:15:33: EVT#59038-07/02/13 8:15:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 78.82%(848s)
07/02/13 8:15:49: EVT#59039-07/02/13 8:15:49: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 80.18%(864s)
07/02/13 8:16:00: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
07/02/13 8:16:05: EVT#59040-07/02/13 8:16:05: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 81.53%(880s)
07/02/13 8:16:21: EVT#59041-07/02/13 8:16:21: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 82.88%(896s)
07/02/13 8:16:37: EVT#59042-07/02/13 8:16:37: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 84.23%(912s)
07/02/13 8:16:53: EVT#59043-07/02/13 8:16:53: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 85.58%(928s)
07/02/13 8:17:09: EVT#59044-07/02/13 8:17:09: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 86.91%(944s)
07/02/13 8:17:25: EVT#59045-07/02/13 8:17:25: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 88.25%(960s)
07/02/13 8:17:41: EVT#59046-07/02/13 8:17:41: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 89.57%(976s)
07/02/13 8:17:57: EVT#59047-07/02/13 8:17:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 90.83%(992s)
07/02/13 8:18:13: EVT#59048-07/02/13 8:18:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 92.10%(1008s)
07/02/13 8:18:29: EVT#59049-07/02/13 8:18:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 93.36%(1024s)
07/02/13 8:18:45: EVT#59050-07/02/13 8:18:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 94.63%(1040s)

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59051-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59052-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59053-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59054-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59055-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 0
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 100 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 0 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4054 V
T23: Current : 52 mA GasGaugeStat : c0a0
T23: GPID : 68ffb899 ChargerStatus : 2
T23: Remaining Capacity : 691 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 100 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59056-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59057-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59058-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 0 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
T48: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
T48: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 1 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
T48: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
T48: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 2 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
T48: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
T48: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 3 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
T48: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
T48: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 5 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
T48: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
T48: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 4 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
T48: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59059-T48: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5a4ba0b050220800, CDB: 12 00 00 00 04 00, Sense: 6/29/00
T48: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 06 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 00 00
T48: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =2 retries: 0
T48: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 04 00
T48: CDB: 1c 01 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 LEN=6

T48: Sense Data at: a0520040
T48: responseCode: 70 valid: 0 segmentNumber: 0 senseKey: 6 ili: 0 eom: 0 filemark: 0 information: 0 additionalSenseLength: a commandSepcificInfo: 0 asc: 29 ascq: 0 fruCode: 0 sksv: 0 fieldPointer: 0
T49: EVT#59060-T49: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T49: EVT#59061-T49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
T49: EVT#59062-T49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
T49: EVT#59063-T49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
T49: EVT#59064-T49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
T49: EVT#59065-T49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
T49: EVT#59066-T49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
T49: EVT#59067-T49: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T49: EVT#59068-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T49: EVT#59069-T49: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T49: EVT#59070-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T49: EVT#59071-T49: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T49: EVT#59072-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T49: EVT#59073-T49: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T49: EVT#59074-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T49: EVT#59075-T49: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T49: EVT#59076-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T49: EVT#59077-T49: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T49: EVT#59078-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T49: EVT#59079-T49: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T49: EVT#59080-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T49: Frames start at a0400000
T49: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T49: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T49: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T72: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T72: Memory End affffff0
T72: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T72: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T72: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T72: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T72: ARs configured: 1
T72: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T72: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T72: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T72: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T72: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T72: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T72: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T72: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T72: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T72: Initializing write journal entries
T72: NOT Flushing Cache
T72: EVT#59081-T72: 53=Background Initialization started on VD 00/0
T72: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
T72: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=07/02 8:18:50 + rtc=72 to set timestamp
T72: EVT#59082-T72: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 95.06%(1045s)
07/02/13 8:20:35: EVT#59083-07/02/13 8:20:35: 44=Time established as 07/02/13 8:20:35; (72 seconds since power on)
07/02/13 8:20:51: EVT#59084-07/02/13 8:20:51: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 96.27%(1061s)
07/02/13 8:20:51: EVT#59085-07/02/13 8:20:51: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/02/13 8:20:51: EVT#59086-07/02/13 8:20:51: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/02/13 8:21:07: EVT#59087-07/02/13 8:21:07: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 97.50%(1077s)
07/02/13 8:21:23: EVT#59088-07/02/13 8:21:23: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 98.74%(1093s)
07/02/13 8:21:39: EVT#59089-07/02/13 8:21:39: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 99.97%(1109s)
07/02/13 8:21:39: EVT#59090-07/02/13 8:21:39: 48=Background Initialization completed on VD 00/0
07/02/13 8:21:56: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/02/13 8:21:56: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/02/13 8:21:56: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=1fda9000
07/02/13 8:21:56: q.producerIndexPtr=36199000, q.consumerIndexPtr=36ee8000
07/02/13 8:21:56: producerIndex=0
07/02/13 8:31:12: EVT#59091-07/02/13 8:31:12: 70=Fast initialization started on VD 00/0
07/02/13 8:31:13: EVT#59092-07/02/13 8:31:13: 72=Initialization complete on VD 00/0
07/02/13 8:31:13: Clearing LDBBM table for LD=0
07/02/13 8:31:28: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1a0 (i=0 state=1 type=2002) removed from vd
07/02/13 8:31:28: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1a0 (i=0 state=1 type=2000) no longer present, removing
07/02/13 8:31:28: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1e0 (i=1 state=1 type=2002) removed from vd
07/02/13 8:31:28: DDF_PdRecPurge: entry=a0e0e1e0 (i=1 state=1 type=2000) no longer present, removing
07/02/13 8:31:28: EVT#59093-07/02/13 8:31:28: 139=Deleted VD 00/0
07/02/13 8:31:28: EVT#59094-07/02/13 8:31:28: 114=State change on PD 00(e0x20/s0) from ONLINE(18) to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0)
07/02/13 8:31:28: EVT#59095-07/02/13 8:31:28: 114=State change on PD 01(e0x20/s1) from ONLINE(18) to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0)
07/02/13 8:31:28: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
07/02/13 8:31:28: Leave init_cache early because there are no VD's
07/02/13 8:31:28: resetting the internal & nvram ddf Data structures
07/02/13 8:31:32: EVT#59096-07/02/13 8:31:32: 114=State change on PD 00(e0x20/s0) from UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0) to ONLINE(18)
07/02/13 8:31:32: EVT#59097-07/02/13 8:31:32: 114=State change on PD 01(e0x20/s1) from UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0) to ONLINE(18)
07/02/13 8:31:32: LdConfigAdd: **** add VD 0 with targetId 0
07/02/13 8:31:32: modify_log_drv_state: oldState: 255 newState: 3 pinned_cache_present: 0 targetId: 0
07/02/13 8:31:32: EVT#59098-07/02/13 8:31:32: 249=VD 00/0 is now OPTIMAL
07/02/13 8:31:32: EVT#59099-07/02/13 8:31:32: 138=Created VD 00/0
07/02/13 8:31:32: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
07/02/13 8:31:32: Memory End affffff0
07/02/13 8:31:32: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
07/02/13 8:31:32: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
07/02/13 8:31:32: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
07/02/13 8:31:32: Cache initialization complete...Config info
07/02/13 8:31:32: ARs configured: 1
07/02/13 8:31:32: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
07/02/13 8:31:32: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
07/02/13 8:31:32: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
07/02/13 8:31:32: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
07/02/13 8:31:32: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
07/02/13 8:31:32: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
07/02/13 8:31:32: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
07/02/13 8:34:23: EVT#59100-07/02/13 8:34:23: 53=Background Initialization started on VD 00/0
07/02/13 8:34:23: EVT#59101-07/02/13 8:34:23: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 0.00%(0s)
07/02/13 8:34:39: EVT#59102-07/02/13 8:34:39: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 1.33%(16s)
07/02/13 8:34:55: EVT#59103-07/02/13 8:34:55: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 2.69%(32s)
07/02/13 8:35:11: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
07/02/13 8:35:11: EVT#59104-07/02/13 8:35:11: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 4.04%(48s)
07/02/13 8:35:27: EVT#59105-07/02/13 8:35:27: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 5.39%(64s)
07/02/13 8:35:43: EVT#59106-07/02/13 8:35:43: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 6.73%(80s)
07/02/13 8:35:59: EVT#59107-07/02/13 8:35:59: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 8.08%(96s)
07/02/13 8:36:09: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/02/13 8:36:09: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/02/13 8:36:09: EVT#59108-07/02/13 8:36:09: 42=Shutdown command received from host

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59109-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59110-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59111-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59112-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59113-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 100 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 41 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4045 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 691 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 100 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59114-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59115-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59116-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59117-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59118-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59119-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59120-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59121-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59122-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59123-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59124-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59125-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59126-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59127-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59128-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59129-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59130-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59131-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T73: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T73: Memory End affffff0
T73: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T73: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T73: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T73: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T73: ARs configured: 1
T73: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T73: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T73: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T73: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T73: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: Initializing write journal entries
T73: NOT Flushing Cache
T73: EVT#59132-T73: 53=Background Initialization started on VD 00/0
T73: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
T73: DDF_TimestampGet: using nvram time=07/02 8:36:09 + rtc=73 to set timestamp
07/02/13 8:37:45: EVT#59133-07/02/13 8:37:45: 44=Time established as 07/02/13 8:37:45; (73 seconds since power on)
07/02/13 8:38:00: EVT#59134-07/02/13 8:38:00: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/02/13 8:38:00: EVT#59135-07/02/13 8:38:00: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/02/13 8:38:01: EVT#59136-07/02/13 8:38:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 10.23%(16s)
07/02/13 8:38:17: EVT#59137-07/02/13 8:38:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 11.58%(32s)
07/02/13 8:38:33: EVT#59138-07/02/13 8:38:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 12.93%(48s)
07/02/13 8:38:49: EVT#59139-07/02/13 8:38:49: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 14.28%(64s)
07/02/13 8:38:59: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/02/13 8:38:59: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/02/13 8:38:59: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=1fd3e000
07/02/13 8:38:59: q.producerIndexPtr=13dd0000, q.consumerIndexPtr=13dd1000
07/02/13 8:38:59: producerIndex=0
07/02/13 8:39:05: EVT#59140-07/02/13 8:39:05: 147=Battery started charging
07/02/13 8:39:05: EVT#59141-07/02/13 8:39:05: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 15.62%(80s)
07/02/13 8:39:21: EVT#59142-07/02/13 8:39:21: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 16.96%(96s)
07/02/13 8:39:37: EVT#59143-07/02/13 8:39:37: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 18.32%(112s)
07/02/13 8:39:53: EVT#59144-07/02/13 8:39:53: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 19.67%(128s)
07/02/13 8:40:09: EVT#59145-07/02/13 8:40:09: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 21.02%(144s)
07/02/13 8:40:10: EVT#59146-07/02/13 8:40:10: 242=Battery charge complete
07/02/13 8:40:25: EVT#59147-07/02/13 8:40:25: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 22.37%(160s)
07/02/13 8:40:41: EVT#59148-07/02/13 8:40:41: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 23.72%(176s)
07/02/13 8:40:57: EVT#59149-07/02/13 8:40:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 25.07%(192s)
07/02/13 8:41:13: EVT#59150-07/02/13 8:41:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 26.43%(208s)
07/02/13 8:41:29: EVT#59151-07/02/13 8:41:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 27.77%(224s)
07/02/13 8:41:45: EVT#59152-07/02/13 8:41:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 29.12%(240s)
07/02/13 8:42:01: EVT#59153-07/02/13 8:42:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 30.44%(256s)
07/02/13 8:42:17: EVT#59154-07/02/13 8:42:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 31.78%(272s)
07/02/13 8:42:33: EVT#59155-07/02/13 8:42:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 33.13%(288s)
07/02/13 8:42:49: EVT#59156-07/02/13 8:42:49: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 34.48%(304s)
07/02/13 8:43:05: EVT#59157-07/02/13 8:43:05: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 35.82%(320s)
07/02/13 8:43:21: EVT#59158-07/02/13 8:43:21: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 37.17%(336s)
07/02/13 8:43:37: EVT#59159-07/02/13 8:43:37: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 38.51%(352s)
07/02/13 8:43:53: EVT#59160-07/02/13 8:43:53: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 39.85%(368s)
07/02/13 8:44:09: EVT#59161-07/02/13 8:44:09: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 41.19%(384s)
07/02/13 8:44:25: EVT#59162-07/02/13 8:44:25: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 42.53%(400s)
07/02/13 8:44:41: EVT#59163-07/02/13 8:44:41: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 43.87%(416s)
07/02/13 8:44:57: EVT#59164-07/02/13 8:44:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 45.20%(432s)
07/02/13 8:45:13: EVT#59165-07/02/13 8:45:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 46.54%(448s)
07/02/13 8:45:29: EVT#59166-07/02/13 8:45:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 47.89%(464s)
07/02/13 8:45:45: EVT#59167-07/02/13 8:45:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 49.23%(480s)
07/02/13 8:46:01: EVT#59168-07/02/13 8:46:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 50.55%(496s)
07/02/13 8:46:17: EVT#59169-07/02/13 8:46:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 51.89%(512s)
07/02/13 8:46:33: EVT#59170-07/02/13 8:46:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 53.23%(528s)
07/02/13 8:46:49: EVT#59171-07/02/13 8:46:49: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 54.57%(544s)
07/02/13 8:47:05: EVT#59172-07/02/13 8:47:05: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 55.91%(560s)
07/02/13 8:47:21: EVT#59173-07/02/13 8:47:21: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 57.25%(576s)
07/02/13 8:47:37: EVT#59174-07/02/13 8:47:37: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 58.59%(592s)
07/02/13 8:47:53: EVT#59175-07/02/13 8:47:53: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 59.93%(608s)
07/02/13 8:48:09: EVT#59176-07/02/13 8:48:09: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 61.27%(624s)
07/02/13 8:48:25: EVT#59177-07/02/13 8:48:25: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 62.61%(640s)
07/02/13 8:48:41: EVT#59178-07/02/13 8:48:41: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 63.95%(656s)
07/02/13 8:48:57: EVT#59179-07/02/13 8:48:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 65.30%(672s)
07/02/13 8:49:13: EVT#59180-07/02/13 8:49:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 66.64%(688s)
07/02/13 8:49:29: EVT#59181-07/02/13 8:49:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 67.98%(704s)
07/02/13 8:49:45: EVT#59182-07/02/13 8:49:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 69.32%(720s)
07/02/13 8:50:01: EVT#59183-07/02/13 8:50:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 70.66%(736s)
07/02/13 8:50:17: EVT#59184-07/02/13 8:50:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 72.00%(752s)
07/02/13 8:50:33: EVT#59185-07/02/13 8:50:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 73.34%(768s)
07/02/13 8:50:49: EVT#59186-07/02/13 8:50:49: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 74.68%(784s)
07/02/13 8:51:05: EVT#59187-07/02/13 8:51:05: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 76.02%(800s)
07/02/13 8:51:21: EVT#59188-07/02/13 8:51:21: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 77.37%(816s)
07/02/13 8:51:37: EVT#59189-07/02/13 8:51:37: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 78.71%(832s)
07/02/13 8:51:53: EVT#59190-07/02/13 8:51:53: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 80.05%(848s)
07/02/13 8:52:09: EVT#59191-07/02/13 8:52:09: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 81.39%(864s)
07/02/13 8:52:20: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
07/02/13 8:52:25: EVT#59192-07/02/13 8:52:25: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 82.73%(880s)
07/02/13 8:52:41: EVT#59193-07/02/13 8:52:41: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 84.07%(896s)
07/02/13 8:52:57: EVT#59194-07/02/13 8:52:57: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 85.40%(912s)
07/02/13 8:53:13: EVT#59195-07/02/13 8:53:13: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 86.74%(928s)
07/02/13 8:53:29: EVT#59196-07/02/13 8:53:29: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 88.07%(944s)
07/02/13 8:53:45: EVT#59197-07/02/13 8:53:45: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 89.39%(960s)
07/02/13 8:54:01: EVT#59198-07/02/13 8:54:01: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 90.66%(976s)
07/02/13 8:54:17: EVT#59199-07/02/13 8:54:17: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 91.92%(992s)
07/02/13 8:54:33: EVT#59200-07/02/13 8:54:33: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 93.19%(1008s)
07/02/13 8:54:49: EVT#59201-07/02/13 8:54:49: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 94.45%(1024s)
07/02/13 8:55:05: EVT#59202-07/02/13 8:55:05: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 95.72%(1040s)
07/02/13 8:55:21: EVT#59203-07/02/13 8:55:21: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 96.96%(1056s)
07/02/13 8:55:37: EVT#59204-07/02/13 8:55:37: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 98.21%(1072s)
07/02/13 8:55:53: EVT#59205-07/02/13 8:55:53: 52=Background Initialization progress on VD 00/0 is 99.45%(1088s)
07/02/13 8:56:00: EVT#59206-07/02/13 8:56:00: 48=Background Initialization completed on VD 00/0
07/03/13 2:17:38: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/03/13 2:17:38: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/03/13 2:17:38: EVT#59207-07/03/13 2:17:38: 42=Shutdown command received from host

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59208-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59209-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59210-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59211-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59212-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 99 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 682 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4040 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 682 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 99 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59213-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59214-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59215-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59216-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59217-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59218-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59219-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59220-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59221-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59222-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59223-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59224-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59225-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59226-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59227-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59228-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59229-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59230-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T73: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T73: Memory End affffff0
T73: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T73: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T73: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T73: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T73: ARs configured: 1
T73: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T73: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T73: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T73: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T73: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T73: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T73: Initializing write journal entries
T73: NOT Flushing Cache
T73: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/03/13 2:19:08: EVT#59231-07/03/13 2:19:08: 44=Time established as 07/03/13 2:19:08; (73 seconds since power on)
07/03/13 2:19:23: EVT#59232-07/03/13 2:19:23: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/03/13 2:19:23: EVT#59233-07/03/13 2:19:23: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/03/13 2:20:28: EVT#59234-07/03/13 2:20:28: 147=Battery started charging
07/03/13 2:20:56: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/03/13 2:20:56: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/03/13 2:20:56: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/03/13 2:20:56: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/03/13 2:20:56: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=28e67ea0
07/03/13 2:20:56: q.producerIndexPtr=28e67e98, q.consumerIndexPtr=28e67e9c
07/03/13 2:20:56: producerIndex=0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: DRAM Sig from the Prev boot
T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59235-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59236-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: DRAM Sig from the Prev boot
T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59237-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59238-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 1

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59239-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 0
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 99 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 682 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 2 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4052 V
T23: Current : 54 mA GasGaugeStat : c0a0
T23: GPID : 6fffb899 ChargerStatus : 2
T23: Remaining Capacity : 682 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 99 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59240-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59241-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59242-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59243-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59244-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59245-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59246-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59247-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59248-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59249-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59250-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59251-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59252-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59253-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59254-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59255-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59256-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59257-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 1 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 4
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 4 recoverCache: 1
T49: init_cache: setup flush_pattern since recoverCache is set
T49: init_cache: ***** flush_pattern is 1
T49: init_cache: ***** num_dirty_lines: 4
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: EVT#59258-T49: 12=Cache data recovered successfully
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/03/13 2:22:37: EVT#59259-07/03/13 2:22:37: 44=Time established as 07/03/13 2:22:37; (49 seconds since power on)
07/03/13 2:23:16: EVT#59260-07/03/13 2:23:16: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/03/13 2:23:16: EVT#59261-07/03/13 2:23:16: 147=Battery started charging
07/03/13 2:23:16: EVT#59262-07/03/13 2:23:16: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/03/13 2:24:05: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/03/13 2:24:05: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/03/13 2:24:05: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=1fd5b000
07/03/13 2:24:05: q.producerIndexPtr=1fc0c000, q.consumerIndexPtr=1fc0d000
07/03/13 2:24:05: producerIndex=0
07/03/13 2:28:41: EVT#59263-07/03/13 2:28:41: 242=Battery charge complete
07/03/13 2:37:36: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
07/03/13 4:32:28: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/03/13 4:32:28: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/03/13 4:32:28: EVT#59264-07/03/13 4:32:28: 42=Shutdown command received from host

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59265-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59266-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59267-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59268-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59269-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 680 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4044 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 680 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59270-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59271-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59272-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59273-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59274-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59275-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59276-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59277-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59278-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59279-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59280-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59281-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59282-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59283-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59284-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59285-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59286-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59287-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T72: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T72: Memory End affffff0
T72: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T72: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T72: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T72: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T72: ARs configured: 1
T72: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T72: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T72: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T72: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T72: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T72: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T72: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T72: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T72: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T72: Initializing write journal entries
T72: NOT Flushing Cache
T72: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/03/13 4:34:10: EVT#59288-07/03/13 4:34:10: 44=Time established as 07/03/13 4:34:10; (73 seconds since power on)
07/03/13 4:34:25: EVT#59289-07/03/13 4:34:25: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/03/13 4:34:25: EVT#59290-07/03/13 4:34:25: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/03/13 4:35:30: EVT#59291-07/03/13 4:35:30: 147=Battery started charging
07/03/13 4:35:58: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/03/13 4:35:58: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/03/13 4:35:58: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/03/13 4:35:58: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/03/13 4:35:58: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=28e67ea0
07/03/13 4:35:58: q.producerIndexPtr=28e67e98, q.consumerIndexPtr=28e67e9c
07/03/13 4:35:58: producerIndex=0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: DRAM Sig from the Prev boot
T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59292-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59293-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: DRAM Sig from the Prev boot
T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59294-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59295-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 1

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59296-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 680 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : afffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 680 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59297-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59298-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59299-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59300-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59301-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59302-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59303-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59304-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59305-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59306-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59307-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59308-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59309-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59310-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59311-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59312-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59313-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59314-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 1 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 4
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 4 recoverCache: 1
T49: init_cache: setup flush_pattern since recoverCache is set
T49: init_cache: ***** flush_pattern is 1
T49: init_cache: ***** num_dirty_lines: 4
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: EVT#59315-T49: 12=Cache data recovered successfully
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/03/13 4:37:39: EVT#59316-07/03/13 4:37:39: 44=Time established as 07/03/13 4:37:39; (49 seconds since power on)
07/03/13 4:38:18: EVT#59317-07/03/13 4:38:18: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/03/13 4:38:18: EVT#59318-07/03/13 4:38:18: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/03/13 4:39:47: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/03/13 4:39:47: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/03/13 4:39:47: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/03/13 4:39:47: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/03/13 4:39:47: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=ce96df00
07/03/13 4:39:47: q.producerIndexPtr=ce96de98, q.consumerIndexPtr=ce96de9c
07/03/13 4:39:47: producerIndex=0
07/03/13 4:47:02: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/03/13 4:47:02: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/03/13 4:47:02: EVT#59319-07/03/13 4:47:02: 29=Hibernate command received from host
07/03/13 4:47:02: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D3
07/03/13 4:47:02: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59320-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59321-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59322-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59323-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59324-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 680 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4046 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 680 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59325-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59326-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59327-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59328-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59329-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59330-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59331-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59332-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59333-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59334-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59335-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59336-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59337-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59338-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59339-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59340-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59341-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59342-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/03/13 4:48:13: EVT#59343-07/03/13 4:48:13: 44=Time established as 07/03/13 4:48:13; (49 seconds since power on)
07/03/13 4:48:52: EVT#59344-07/03/13 4:48:52: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/03/13 4:48:52: EVT#59345-07/03/13 4:48:52: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/03/13 4:50:09: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/03/13 4:50:09: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/03/13 4:50:09: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/03/13 4:50:09: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/03/13 4:50:09: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=cf61cf00
07/03/13 4:50:09: q.producerIndexPtr=cf61ce98, q.consumerIndexPtr=cf61ce9c
07/03/13 4:50:09: producerIndex=0
07/03/13 4:52:31: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/03/13 4:52:31: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/03/13 4:52:31: EVT#59346-07/03/13 4:52:31: 29=Hibernate command received from host
07/03/13 4:52:31: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D3
07/03/13 4:52:31: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59347-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59348-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59349-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59350-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59351-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 680 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4046 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 680 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59352-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59353-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59354-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59355-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59356-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59357-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59358-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59359-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59360-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59361-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59362-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59363-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59364-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59365-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59366-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59367-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59368-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59369-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/03/13 5:53:42: EVT#59370-07/03/13 5:53:42: 44=Time established as 07/03/13 5:53:42; (49 seconds since power on)
07/03/13 5:54:21: EVT#59371-07/03/13 5:54:21: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/03/13 5:54:21: EVT#59372-07/03/13 5:54:21: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/03/13 5:55:27: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/03/13 5:55:27: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/03/13 5:55:27: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/03/13 5:55:27: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/03/13 5:55:27: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=cf61cf00
07/03/13 5:55:27: q.producerIndexPtr=cf61ce98, q.consumerIndexPtr=cf61ce9c
07/03/13 5:55:27: producerIndex=0
07/03/13 6:08:41: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
07/03/13 6:13:18: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/03/13 6:13:18: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/03/13 6:13:18: EVT#59373-07/03/13 6:13:18: 29=Hibernate command received from host
07/03/13 6:13:18: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D3
07/03/13 6:13:18: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59374-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59375-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59376-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59377-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59378-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 680 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4046 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 680 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59379-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59380-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59381-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59382-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59383-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59384-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59385-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59386-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59387-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59388-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59389-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59390-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59391-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59392-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59393-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59394-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59395-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59396-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/02/13 22:14:30: EVT#59397-07/02/13 22:14:30: 44=Time established as 07/02/13 22:14:30; (49 seconds since power on)
07/02/13 22:15:09: EVT#59398-07/02/13 22:15:09: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/02/13 22:15:09: EVT#59399-07/02/13 22:15:09: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/02/13 22:16:19: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/02/13 22:16:19: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/02/13 22:16:19: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/02/13 22:16:19: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/02/13 22:16:19: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=cf61cf00
07/02/13 22:16:19: q.producerIndexPtr=cf61ce98, q.consumerIndexPtr=cf61ce9c
07/02/13 22:16:19: producerIndex=0
07/02/13 22:29:29: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
07/02/13 22:59:18: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/02/13 22:59:18: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/02/13 22:59:18: EVT#59400-07/02/13 22:59:18: 29=Hibernate command received from host
07/02/13 22:59:18: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D3
07/02/13 22:59:18: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59401-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59402-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59403-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59404-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59405-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 680 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 24 C Voltage : 4046 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 680 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59406-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59407-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59408-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T23: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59409-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59410-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59411-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59412-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59413-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59414-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59415-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59416-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59417-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59418-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59419-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59420-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59421-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59422-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59423-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T48: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/02/13 23:00:29: EVT#59424-07/02/13 23:00:29: 44=Time established as 07/02/13 23:00:29; (49 seconds since power on)
07/02/13 23:01:08: EVT#59425-07/02/13 23:01:08: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/02/13 23:01:08: EVT#59426-07/02/13 23:01:08: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/02/13 23:02:18: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/02/13 23:02:18: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/02/13 23:02:18: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/02/13 23:02:18: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/02/13 23:02:18: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=cf61cf00
07/02/13 23:02:18: q.producerIndexPtr=cf61ce98, q.consumerIndexPtr=cf61ce9c
07/02/13 23:02:18: producerIndex=0
07/02/13 23:15:28: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
07/03/13 1:46:05: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/03/13 1:46:05: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/03/13 1:46:05: EVT#59427-07/03/13 1:46:05: 29=Hibernate command received from host
07/03/13 1:46:05: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D3
07/03/13 1:46:05: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59428-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59429-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59430-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59431-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59432-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 677 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4046 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 677 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59433-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59434-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59435-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59436-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59437-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59438-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59439-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59440-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59441-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59442-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59443-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59444-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59445-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59446-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59447-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59448-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59449-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59450-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/03/13 8:47:16: EVT#59451-07/03/13 8:47:16: 44=Time established as 07/03/13 8:47:16; (49 seconds since power on)
07/03/13 8:47:55: EVT#59452-07/03/13 8:47:55: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/03/13 8:47:55: EVT#59453-07/03/13 8:47:55: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/03/13 8:49:00: EVT#59454-07/03/13 8:49:00: 147=Battery started charging
07/03/13 8:49:05: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/03/13 8:49:05: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/03/13 8:49:05: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/03/13 8:49:05: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/03/13 8:49:05: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=cf61cf00
07/03/13 8:49:05: q.producerIndexPtr=cf61ce98, q.consumerIndexPtr=cf61ce9c
07/03/13 8:49:05: producerIndex=0
07/03/13 8:49:39: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/03/13 8:49:39: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/03/13 8:49:39: EVT#59455-07/03/13 8:49:39: 29=Hibernate command received from host
07/03/13 8:49:39: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D3
07/03/13 8:49:39: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59456-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59457-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59458-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59459-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59460-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 677 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4046 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 677 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59461-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59462-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59463-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59464-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59465-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59466-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59467-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59468-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59469-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59470-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59471-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59472-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59473-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59474-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59475-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59476-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59477-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59478-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/03/13 8:50:51: EVT#59479-07/03/13 8:50:51: 44=Time established as 07/03/13 8:50:51; (49 seconds since power on)
07/03/13 8:51:30: EVT#59480-07/03/13 8:51:30: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/03/13 8:51:30: EVT#59481-07/03/13 8:51:30: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/03/13 8:52:41: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/03/13 8:52:41: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/03/13 8:52:41: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/03/13 8:52:41: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/03/13 8:52:41: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=cf61cf00
07/03/13 8:52:41: q.producerIndexPtr=cf61ce98, q.consumerIndexPtr=cf61ce9c
07/03/13 8:52:41: producerIndex=0
07/03/13 9:05:50: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
07/03/13 10:04:15: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/03/13 10:04:15: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/03/13 10:04:15: EVT#59482-07/03/13 10:04:15: 29=Hibernate command received from host
07/03/13 10:04:15: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D3
07/03/13 10:04:15: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59483-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59484-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59485-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59486-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59487-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 677 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4046 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 677 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59488-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59489-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59490-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59491-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59492-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59493-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59494-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59495-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59496-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59497-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59498-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59499-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59500-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59501-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59502-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59503-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59504-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59505-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/03/13 10:05:27: EVT#59506-07/03/13 10:05:27: 44=Time established as 07/03/13 10:05:27; (49 seconds since power on)
07/03/13 10:06:06: EVT#59507-07/03/13 10:06:06: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/03/13 10:06:06: EVT#59508-07/03/13 10:06:06: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/03/13 10:06:47: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/03/13 10:06:47: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/03/13 10:06:47: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/03/13 10:06:47: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/03/13 10:06:47: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=cf61cf00
07/03/13 10:06:47: q.producerIndexPtr=cf61ce98, q.consumerIndexPtr=cf61ce9c
07/03/13 10:06:47: producerIndex=0
07/03/13 10:13:29: shutdownBlockDone: wait for all IO to complete
07/03/13 10:13:29: shutdownBlockDone: IO complete; wait for host command
07/03/13 10:13:29: EVT#59509-07/03/13 10:13:29: 29=Hibernate command received from host
07/03/13 10:13:29: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D3
07/03/13 10:13:29: pciPowerMgmtInt: Requested Power State: D0

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59510-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59511-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59512-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59513-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59514-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 677 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4046 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 677 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59515-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59516-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59517-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59518-T48: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T48: EVT#59519-T48: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T48: EVT#59520-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59521-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T48: EVT#59522-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59523-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T48: EVT#59524-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59525-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T48: EVT#59526-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59527-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T48: EVT#59528-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59529-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T48: EVT#59530-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T48: EVT#59531-T48: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T48: EVT#59532-T48: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T48: Frames start at a0400000
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T48: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T48: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T48: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T49: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T49: Memory End affffff0
T49: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T49: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T49: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T49: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T49: ARs configured: 1
T49: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T49: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T49: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T49: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T49: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T49: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T49: Initializing write journal entries
T49: NOT Flushing Cache
T49: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/03/13 10:14:40: EVT#59533-07/03/13 10:14:40: 44=Time established as 07/03/13 10:14:40; (49 seconds since power on)
07/03/13 10:15:19: EVT#59534-07/03/13 10:15:19: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/03/13 10:15:19: EVT#59535-07/03/13 10:15:19: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59536-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59537-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...

T0: LSI Logic ROC firmware
T0: Copyright (C) LSI Logic, 2004
T0: Firmware version 1.22.02-0612 built on Mar 30 2009 at 14:41:22

T0: pciInit: O_PCI_SERVICE = 00000005
T0: Initializing memory pool size=00304B30 bytes
T0: Press '!' within 3 seconds to enter debugger before INIT
T3: EVT#59538-T3: 0=Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
T3: EVT#59539-T3: 1=Firmware version 1.22.02-0612
T3: EepromInit: Family=33, SN=91a585030000
T3: Delaying POST by 20 seconds...
T23: Authenticating RAID key: Done!
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [0]0x0
T23: I2Chandle obtained for MUX [1]0x10

T23: Environment data:
T23: PHY_MAP=02_00;02_00;02_00;02_00;03_01;03_01;03_01;03_01
T23: PHY_GBall=02090000;060000F0;04000080;FFFFFFFF;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000;00000000
T23: Connector_0=02_0
T23: Connector_1=02_1
T23: Connector_2=03_1
T23: Connector_3=03_0
T23: VERSIONS=APP_1.22.02-0612,BIOS_2.04.00,BCON_1.1-46-e_15-Rel,CTLR_1.02-015B,PCLI_01.00-023:#%00006,BTBL_1.00.00.01-0011
T23: PACKAGE=6.2.0-0013
T23: MAXFLUSHCMD=10000096
T23: PER_Delay=10
T23: Flashable=1000_0060_1028_1f0c
T23: VALIDATION=GCA_03/30/09_15:17:12

T23: MFC data:
T23: subVendorId/subDeviceId=1028/1f0c
T23: OEM=2, clusterDisable=1, disableSAS=0, maxDisks=0, enableRaid6=1, disableWideCache=0
T23: disableRaid5=0
T23: sasAddr=5a4badb050220800, phyPolarity=00 phyPolaritySplit 00
T23: backgroundRate=30, stripeSize=7(64K), flushTime=4
T23: writeBack=1, readAhead=0, cacheWhenBBUBad=0, cachedIo=0
T23: smartMode=0(6), alarmDisable=1, coercion=1(128M), zcrConfig=0(Undefined)
T23: dirtyLedShowsDriveActivity=0, biosContinueOnError=0, spindownMode=0(None)
T23: allowedDeviceTypes=0(SAS/SATA), allowMixInEnclosure=1, allowMixInLD=0, allowSataInCluster=0
T23: allowSSDMixInLD=0, allowMixSSDHDDInLD=0
T23: maxChainedEnclosures=1, disableCtrlR=0, enableWebBios=0, directPdMapping=1, biosEnumerateLds=1
T23: restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0, exposeEnclosureDevices=0
T23: maintainPdFailHistory=0 disablePuncturing=0 zeroBasedEnclEnumeration=1 disableBootCLI=1
T23: quadPortConnectorMap=0 driveActivityLed=0 disableAutoDetectBackplane=0 delayPOST=0
T23: MFC MFG data:
T23: date=06/24/08, sn="1122334455667788", reworkDate=06/24/08, rev=""

T23: can_flush = 0

T23: Controller Properties: (All values are in hex)
T23: seqNum=1, predFailPollInterval=12c, intThrottleCount=10
T23: intThrottleTimeUs=32, rebuildRate=1e, patrolReadRate=1e
T23: bgiRate=1e, ccRate=1e, reconRate=1e
T23: cacheFlushInterval=4, spinupDriveCount=2, spinupDelay=c
T23: clusterEnable=0, coercionMode=1, alarmEnable=0
T23: disableAutoRebuild=0, disableBatteryWarning=0, eccBucketSize=f
T23: eccBucketLeakRate=5a0, restoreHotSpareOnInsertion=0
T23: exposeEnclosureDevices=0, maintainPdFailHistory=0
T23: disallowHostRequestReordering=0
T23: abortCCOnError=0, prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas=1
T23: copyBackDisabled=0, SMARTerEnabled=0
T23: LoadBalanceEnabled=1, disableNCQ=0
T23: autoEnhancedImport=0
T23: OnOffProperties=a00bf110,
T23: EVT#59540-T23: 141=Battery Present

T23: _________________________________________________

T23: Auto Learn Period : 90 days
T23: Next Learn Time : 0
T23: Battery ID : 3ca2126d
T23: Delayed Learn Interval: 0 hours from scheduled time
T23: Next Learn scheduled on: 01 01 2000
T23: _________________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Design Capacity : 1700 mAh
T23: Design Voltage : 3700 mV
T23: Specification Info, : 21
T23: Date of Manufacture : 5,2 2010
T23: Serial Number : 4717
T23: Pack Status-Config : 8
T23: Manufacturer Name : SANYO
T23: Device Name : DLNU209
T23: Device Chemistry : LION
T23: Design Data : a0e032d7
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: _____________________________________________

T23: Relative State of Charge : 98 %
T23: Absolute State of Charge : 40 %
T23: Remaining Capacity : 677 mAh
T23: Full Charge Capacity : 691 mAh
T23: Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Empty : 65535 Min
T23: Average Time to Full : 65535 Min
T23: Cycle Count : 10
T23: Max Error : 0 %
T23: _____________________________________________

T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Temperature : 25 C Voltage : 4048 V
T23: Current : 0 mA GasGaugeStat : 40e0
T23: GPID : a8ffb899 ChargerStatus : 1
T23: Remaining Capacity : 677 mAh Full Charge Capacity: 691 mAh
T23: Relative Stat of Charge : 98 % FwBBUState : 1
T23: ____________________________________________________________________________

T23: Battery Init over
T23: Hardware Revision ID - 0x0 (reg0 0x0)
T23: EVT#59541-T23: 286=Controller hardware revision ID (0x0)
T23: PdInit: PD_INFO entries are 240 bytes
T23: LdInit: LD_INFO entryes are 200 bytes
T23: EVT#59542-T23: 261=Package version 6.2.0-0013
T23: EVT#59543-T23: 266=Board Revision
T23: ready_list=a1600000 (29400 elements)
T23: rebuild_list=a174a000 (8400 elements)
T23: lines_info=a178c000 (28400 elements)
T23: DISK_CACHE_ADDR=a1a10000
T23: MEM_END_ADDR=affffff0
T23: Device Module Version 1.1 Date Mar 30 2009 Time 14:38:22
T23: Found Env String 'PER_Delay' with value 10 Link discovery delay 10 Seconds
T24: DM_ChipInit: Total chips=1
T24: Chip=0 vendorId 1000 deviceId 0060
T24: Pl firmware version
T24: PL MID #0: msgNm=00000000, addr=015bfb00
T24: SgInIo Frame 11 SgInSg Frame 15 TotSg Frames 7fe Frame Size 100
T24: DM_PL_FillSasIoUnitPage1 : sataMaxQDepth=10
T24: NCQ Mode value is not valid or not found, return default
T24: Waiting for First PL Discovery to complete
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 0 DevHandle 1 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 1 DevHandle 2 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 4 DevHandle 5 Link 90
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
T25: Unsupported Event 10010000, pEventReply=15f6f00
T25: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T25: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 2 DevHandle 3 Link 90
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 3 DevHandle 4 Link 90
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 20 Sas 5a4ba0b0:50220800
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 0 Sas 5000c500:23565ac9
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 1 Sas 5000c500:2356527d
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 4 Sas 5000c500:23560815
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 2 Sas 5000c500:2355b411
T37: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 3 Sas 5000c500:235573b9
T37: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
T37: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 1
T48: First discovery completed in 23 seconds
T48: MPT_SASIoUnitGetCurrentPage 0 :SASIoUnit = a15ffda0 size 90
T48: Hdr: ExtPageLength 0, ExtPageType 0 PageNumber 0
T48: PageType 0 PageVersion 0 NumPhys 8
T48: PHY0: Port=0, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=a CtrlDevHdl=1 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY1: Port=1, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=b CtrlDevHdl=2 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY2: Port=2, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=e CtrlDevHdl=3 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY3: Port=3, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=f CtrlDevHdl=4 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY4: Port=4, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=c CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY5: Port=5, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate9, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=d CtrlDevHdl=6 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY6: Port=6, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: PHY7: Port=7, PortFlags=1, PhyFlags=0, NegRate0, CtrlPhyDevInf=71 AttDevHdl=0 CtrlDevHdl=5 DiscSts=0
T48: DISM: Queued!
T48: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
T48: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 0 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
T48: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
T48: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 1 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
T48: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
T48: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 2 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
T48: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
T48: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 3 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
T48: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
T48: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 4 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
T48: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
T48: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 5 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
T48: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
T48: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
T48: DISM Complete
T48: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
T48: Total Device = 7
T48: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
T48: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
T48: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
T48: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
T48: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
T48: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
T48: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
T48: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
T48: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
T48: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
T48: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
T48: DM_DevMgr become Ready- state 10
T48: SES_InitEnclosure: Enclosure 20 : enclIdx: 1 Initialization started
T48: EVT#59544-T48: 113=Unexpected sense: Encl PD 20 Path 5a4ba0b050220800, CDB: 12 00 00 00 04 00, Sense: 6/29/00
T48: Raw Sense for PD 20: 70 00 06 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 00 00
T48: SES_GenericCallback: enclPd=20...RDM_STATUS =2 retries: 0
T48: Cmd Details: 1c 01 00 00 04 00
T48: CDB: 1c 01 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 LEN=6

T48: Sense Data at: a0520040
T48: responseCode: 70 valid: 0 segmentNumber: 0 senseKey: 6 ili: 0 eom: 0 filemark: 0 information: 0 additionalSenseLength: a commandSepcificInfo: 0 asc: 29 ascq: 0 fruCode: 0 sksv: 0 fieldPointer: 0
T49: EVT#59545-T49: 167=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) communication restored
T49: EVT#59546-T49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
T49: EVT#59547-T49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
T49: EVT#59548-T49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
T49: EVT#59549-T49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
T49: EVT#59550-T49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
T49: EVT#59551-T49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
T49: EVT#59552-T49: 91=Inserted: Encl PD 20
T49: EVT#59553-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 20(c None/p0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=d, portMap=09, sasAddr=5a4ba0b050220800,0000000000000000
T49: EVT#59554-T49: 91=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0)
T49: EVT#59555-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 00(e0x20/s0) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=5000c50023565ac9,0000000000000000
T49: EVT#59556-T49: 91=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1)
T49: EVT#59557-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 01(e0x20/s1) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=5000c5002356527d,0000000000000000
T49: EVT#59558-T49: 91=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2)
T49: EVT#59559-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=5000c5002355b411,0000000000000000
T49: EVT#59560-T49: 91=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3)
T49: EVT#59561-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=5000c500235573b9,0000000000000000
T49: EVT#59562-T49: 91=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4)
T49: EVT#59563-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 04(e0x20/s4) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=04, sasAddr=5000c50023560815,0000000000000000
T49: EVT#59564-T49: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
T49: EVT#59565-T49: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
T49: Frames start at a0400000
T49: DDF_ConfigRead: perfect match found at pd=0, cod=a1472740
T49: DDF_ConfigRead: reference found at pd=0, merging config
T49: DDF_Merge: copying bvd record for ld=0, span=0 from pd=0 at partition=0
T49: missingSpan =0
T49: ddfInitStatus: 0
T49: configRaid: adding to raid config
T49: configRaidAddSpan: adding ld=0 span=0
T72: init_cache: recoverCache = 0 pinned_cache_present = 0
T72: Memory End affffff0
T72: Total memory available for disk cache: e4ef4a0
T72: Total Number of Cache Lines 3613
T72: SS 128: ss=7 mrs=2 lc=3612 ldc=1 ps=4 cm=ff ba=0 LDs: 0
T72: Cache initialization complete...Config info
T72: ARs configured: 1
T72: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1, numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)
T72: LD 0: L=1 SS=128 Size=11040000 NL=3612 Status=3 DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]
T72: span 0: sBlk=00000000, nBlk=11040000, ar=0
T72: Contiguous Triplet Usage: SS[64K]=0
T72: max-flush (Ar 0): 0x30
T72: setup_cache_headers: ***** num_dirty_lines_add_to_hash: 0
T72: setup_cache_headers: ***** totalDirtyLines: 0 recoverCache: 0
T72: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T72: pdFailHistInit: count=0
T72: Initializing write journal entries
T72: NOT Flushing Cache
T72: RMW: NVRAM structure valid - checking for active RMWs
07/03/13 10:17:50: EVT#59566-07/03/13 10:17:50: 44=Time established as 07/03/13 10:17:50; (73 seconds since power on)
07/03/13 10:18:05: EVT#59567-07/03/13 10:18:05: 149=Battery temperature is normal
07/03/13 10:18:05: EVT#59568-07/03/13 10:18:05: 163=Current capacity of the battery is above threshold
07/03/13 10:18:40: mfiIsr: idr=00000007
07/03/13 10:18:40: mfiIdrIsr: Warning: Ignoring discardLowMFA
07/03/13 10:18:40: MfiCmdInitQueue: FW now OPERATIONAL
07/03/13 10:18:40: q.flags.mfaIs64Bits=0, q.flags.contextIs64Bits=0
07/03/13 10:18:40: q.responseQueueEntries=3f0, responseQueueStatr=cf61cf00
07/03/13 10:18:40: q.producerIndexPtr=cf61ce98, q.consumerIndexPtr=cf61ce9c
07/03/13 10:18:40: producerIndex=0
07/03/13 10:32:25: DM_ReInitTimer : chipId=0, numSATATargetsPerQuad=0, gCurSATAMaxQDepth=10
07/05/13 6:35:53: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
07/05/13 6:35:53: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 09
07/05/13 6:35:53: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Removed DevId 5 Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
07/05/13 6:35:53: curQdepth 0 WaitQCount 0 path 0 flags:f1500005
07/05/13 6:35:53: DM_DevicePathRemoved devId 5 Tid 5 Path 0
07/05/13 6:35:53: PD 5 Removed :DeviceCount=6
07/05/13 6:35:53: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
07/05/13 6:35:53: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
07/05/13 6:35:53: DM_PdScsiTypeSet: Pd 5 type 1f isSata 0
07/05/13 6:35:53: EVT#59569-07/05/13 6:35:53: 112=Removed: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
07/05/13 6:35:53: EVT#59570-07/05/13 6:35:53: 248=Removed: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
07/05/13 6:35:53: EVT#59571-07/05/13 6:35:53: 114=State change on PD 05(e0x20/s5) from UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0) to FAILED(11)
07/05/13 6:35:53: check_for_hot_spare: Can't find array containing badPd=05
07/05/13 6:35:53: EVT#59572-07/05/13 6:35:53: 114=State change on PD 05(e0x20/s5) from FAILED(11) to UNCONFIGURED_BAD(1)
07/05/13 6:35:53: LoadBalance 0
07/05/13 6:35:53: LoadBalanceCmdBlock 0
07/05/13 6:35:53: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 6 Path1PDs 0
07/05/13 6:36:12: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
07/05/13 6:36:12: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
07/05/13 6:36:12: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
07/05/13 6:36:12: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
07/05/13 6:36:12: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
07/05/13 6:36:19: EVT#59573-07/05/13 6:36:19: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
07/05/13 6:36:19: SES_BackplaneMapping: Un-Associated device on enclPd 20 StsCode = 6 elmtType 17 elmtIndex 5 slotPd =5 SasAddr =0
07/05/13 6:36:19: SES_MarkBadElement: enclPd 20 timeDiff 26f5e slot 5 badElmt 1 retryCnt 0 oldTime:0 currentTime:26f5e
07/05/13 6:36:20: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 5 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
07/05/13 6:36:20: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
07/05/13 6:36:20: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
07/05/13 6:36:20: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
07/05/13 6:36:20: Total Device = 7
07/05/13 6:36:20: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
07/05/13 6:36:20: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
07/05/13 6:36:20: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
07/05/13 6:36:20: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
07/05/13 6:36:20: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
07/05/13 6:36:20: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
07/05/13 6:36:20: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
07/05/13 6:36:20: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
07/05/13 6:36:20: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
07/05/13 6:36:20: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
07/05/13 6:36:20: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:36:20: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:36:20: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:36:20: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:36:20: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:36:20: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:36:20: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:36:20: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:36:20: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
07/05/13 6:36:20: EVT#59574-07/05/13 6:36:20: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
07/05/13 6:36:20: EVT#59575-07/05/13 6:36:20: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
07/05/13 6:36:20: EVT#59576-07/05/13 6:36:20: 114=State change on PD 05(e0x20/s5) from UNCONFIGURED_BAD(1) to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0)
07/05/13 6:36:29: EVT#59577-07/05/13 6:36:29: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
07/05/13 6:37:22: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
07/05/13 6:37:22: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 09
07/05/13 6:37:22: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Removed DevId 5 Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
07/05/13 6:37:22: curQdepth 0 WaitQCount 0 path 0 flags:f1500005
07/05/13 6:37:22: DM_DevicePathRemoved devId 5 Tid 5 Path 0
07/05/13 6:37:22: PD 5 Removed :DeviceCount=6
07/05/13 6:37:22: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
07/05/13 6:37:22: Disc-prog= 0....resetProg=0 aenCount=0 transit=0
07/05/13 6:37:22: DM_PdScsiTypeSet: Pd 5 type 1f isSata 0
07/05/13 6:37:22: EVT#59578-07/05/13 6:37:22: 112=Removed: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
07/05/13 6:37:23: EVT#59579-07/05/13 6:37:23: 248=Removed: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
07/05/13 6:37:23: EVT#59580-07/05/13 6:37:23: 114=State change on PD 05(e0x20/s5) from UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0) to FAILED(11)
07/05/13 6:37:23: check_for_hot_spare: Can't find array containing badPd=05
07/05/13 6:37:23: EVT#59581-07/05/13 6:37:23: 114=State change on PD 05(e0x20/s5) from FAILED(11) to UNCONFIGURED_BAD(1)
07/05/13 6:37:23: LoadBalance 0
07/05/13 6:37:23: LoadBalanceCmdBlock 0
07/05/13 6:37:23: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 6 Path1PDs 0
07/05/13 6:39:49: EVT#59582-07/05/13 6:39:49: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
07/05/13 6:39:49: SES_BackplaneMapping: Un-Associated device on enclPd 20 StsCode = 6 elmtType 17 elmtIndex 5 slotPd =5 SasAddr =0
07/05/13 6:39:49: SES_MarkBadElement: enclPd 20 timeDiff 27030 slot 5 badElmt 1 retryCnt 0 oldTime:0 currentTime:27030
07/05/13 6:39:49: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap ff - Discovery is in progress
07/05/13 6:39:49: MPI_EVENT_SAS_PHY_LINK_STATUS - PhyNum 5 DevHandle 6 Link 90
07/05/13 6:39:49: MPT_EventDeviceStatusChange: Device Inserted Tgt 5 Sas 5000c500:2355bd01
07/05/13 6:39:49: MPI_EVENT_SAS_DISCOVERY: PortBitmap 0 - Discovery is complete
07/05/13 6:39:49: DM_DevMgrIsChipInit 0 State 400
07/05/13 6:39:56: DM: DM_DevSSUCallback TID 5 FAILED Cnt 0 Retry 0 Status 2
07/05/13 6:39:56: DM : DM_DevSSUCallback SENSE Len 12 Code 70 senseKey 6 asc 29 ascq 1
07/05/13 6:39:56: DM_DevNotifyRAID: Notify Done. Check for Removal
07/05/13 6:39:56: gDevInfo=a11e7d00, size=140
07/05/13 6:39:56: Total Device = 7
07/05/13 6:39:56: PD Flags State Type Size S N Vendor Product Rev P C ID SAS Addr Port Phy DevH
07/05/13 6:39:56: --- -------- ----- ---- -------- - - -------- ---------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ---- --- ----
07/05/13 6:39:56: 0 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 00 5000c50023565ac9 00 00 0a
07/05/13 6:39:56: 1 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 01 5000c5002356527d 01 01 0b
07/05/13 6:39:56: 2 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 02 5000c5002355b411 02 02 0e
07/05/13 6:39:56: 3 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 03 5000c500235573b9 03 03 0f
07/05/13 6:39:56: 4 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 04 5000c50023560815 04 04 0c
07/05/13 6:39:56: 5 f1400005 00020 00 11177327 0 0 SEAGATE ST3146356SS HS10 0 0 05 5000c5002355bd01 05 05 0d
07/05/13 6:39:56: 20 01400005 00020 0d 00000000 0 0 DP BACKPLANE 1.07 0 0 20 5a4ba0b050220800 09 08 09
07/05/13 6:39:56: 100 00400005 00020 03 00000000 0 0 LSI SMP/SGPIO/SEP 0612 0 0 ff 0 00 ff 00
07/05/13 6:39:56: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023565ac9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:39:56: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002356527d Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:39:56: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355b411 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:39:56: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c500235573b9 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:39:56: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c50023560815 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:39:56: PhyId 0 Sas 5000c5002355bd01 Type 1 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:39:56: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:39:56: PhyId 0 Sas 0 Type 0 IsSata 0, Smp 0:0
07/05/13 6:39:56: Load Balance Statistics Path0PDs 7 Path1PDs 0
07/05/13 6:39:56: EVT#59583-07/05/13 6:39:56: 91=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5)
07/05/13 6:39:56: EVT#59584-07/05/13 6:39:56: 247=Inserted: PD 05(e0x20/s5) Info: enclPd=20, scsiType=0, portMap=05, sasAddr=5000c5002355bd01,0000000000000000
07/05/13 6:39:57: EVT#59585-07/05/13 6:39:57: 114=State change on PD 05(e0x20/s5) from UNCONFIGURED_BAD(1) to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD(0)
07/05/13 6:39:59: EVT#59586-07/05/13 6:39:59: 332=Enclosure PD 20(c None/p0) element (SES code 0x17) status changed
07/06/13 3:00:00: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=00
07/06/13 3:00:00: prDiskStart: starting Patrol Read on PD=01
07/06/13 3:00:00: prDiskCheckOkToRun: PR cannot run on this pd=2 not a spare and online
07/06/13 3:00:00: prDiskCheckOkToRun: PR cannot run on this pd=3 not a spare and online
07/06/13 3:00:00: prDiskCheckOkToRun: PR cannot run on this pd=4 not a spare and online
07/06/13 3:00:00: prDiskCheckOkToRun: PR cannot run on this pd=5 not a spare and online
07/06/13 3:00:00: EVT#59587-07/06/13 3:00:00: 39=Patrol Read started
07/06/13 3:05:38: EVT#59588-07/06/13 3:05:38: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 10.00%(338s)
07/06/13 3:05:49: EVT#59589-07/06/13 3:05:49: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 10.00%(349s)
07/06/13 3:10:14: EVT#59590-07/06/13 3:10:14: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 20.00%(614s)
07/06/13 3:10:29: EVT#59591-07/06/13 3:10:29: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 20.00%(629s)
07/06/13 3:15:09: EVT#59592-07/06/13 3:15:09: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 30.00%(909s)
07/06/13 3:15:51: EVT#59593-07/06/13 3:15:51: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 30.00%(951s)
07/06/13 3:19:43: EVT#59594-07/06/13 3:19:43: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 40.00%(1183s)
07/06/13 3:19:57: EVT#59595-07/06/13 3:19:57: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 40.00%(1197s)
07/06/13 3:22:45: EVT#59596-07/06/13 3:22:45: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 50.00%(1365s)
07/06/13 3:23:42: EVT#59597-07/06/13 3:23:42: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 50.00%(1422s)
07/06/13 3:27:02: EVT#59598-07/06/13 3:27:02: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 60.00%(1622s)
07/06/13 3:27:47: EVT#59599-07/06/13 3:27:47: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 60.00%(1667s)
07/06/13 3:31:49: EVT#59600-07/06/13 3:31:49: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 70.00%(1909s)
07/06/13 3:33:08: EVT#59601-07/06/13 3:33:08: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 70.00%(1988s)
07/06/13 3:37:03: EVT#59602-07/06/13 3:37:03: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 80.00%(2223s)
07/06/13 3:38:51: EVT#59603-07/06/13 3:38:51: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 80.00%(2331s)
07/06/13 3:42:57: EVT#59604-07/06/13 3:42:57: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 90.00%(2577s)
07/06/13 3:44:18: EVT#59605-07/06/13 3:44:18: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 90.00%(2658s)
07/06/13 3:49:14: EVT#59606-07/06/13 3:49:14: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 00(e0x20/s0) is 100.00%(2954s)
07/06/13 3:49:14: prCallback: PR completed for pd=00
07/06/13 3:50:58: EVT#59607-07/06/13 3:50:58: 94=Patrol Read progress on PD 01(e0x20/s1) is 100.00%(3058s)
07/06/13 3:50:58: prCallback: PR completed for pd=01
07/06/13 3:50:58: PR cycle complete
07/06/13 3:50:58: EVT#59608-07/06/13 3:50:58: 35=Patrol Read complete
07/06/13 3:50:58: Next PR scheduled to start at 07/13/13 3:00:00
07/09/13 9:05:17: DiagSelfCheck: Starting self check diagnostics test duration = 20 secs
07/09/13 9:05:17: CacheMemAlloc: ***** return first_avail_cache_line 0/0/0 addr c1e27000/c1e27000 for 2700738560 blocks
07/09/13 9:05:17: diag start addr=c1e27000 total diag size=225 Mb
07/09/13 9:05:17: CacheMemFree: first_ld = 0 first_cache_line = 0 first_offset = 0 sector_alloc = 462535
07/09/13 9:05:37: EVT#59609-07/09/13 9:05:37: 215=DMA test completed 20 passes successfully
07/09/13 9:05:37: EVT#59610-07/09/13 9:05:37: 215=XOR test completed 487 passes successfully
07/09/13 9:05:37: EVT#59611-07/09/13 9:05:37: 215=DISK test completed 10 passes successfully
07/09/13 9:05:37: EVT#59612-07/09/13 9:05:37: 215=Memory test completed 2 passes successfully
07/09/13 9:05:37: EVT#59613-07/09/13 9:05:37: 215=NVRAM test completed 41 passes successfully
07/09/13 9:05:37: Self check diagnostics completed
07/09/13 9:05:37: EVT#59614-07/09/13 9:05:37: 217=Self check diagnostics completed

Exit Code: 0x00
Success in AdpEventLog

Exit Code: 0x00
Adapter #0

Product Name : PERC 6/i Integrated
Serial No : 1122334455667788
FW Package Build: 6.2.0-0013

Mfg. Data
Mfg. Date : 06/24/08
Rework Date : 06/24/08
Revision No :
Battery FRU : N/A

Image Versions in Flash:
FW Version : 1.22.02-0612
BIOS Version : 2.04.00
WebBIOS Version : 1.1-46-e_15-Rel
Ctrl-R Version : 1.02-015B
Preboot CLI Version: 01.00-023:#%00006
Boot Block Version :

Pending Images in Flash

PCI Info
Vendor Id : 1000
Device Id : 0060
SubVendorId : 1028
SubDeviceId : 1f0c

Host Interface : PCIE

Number of Frontend Port: 0
Device Interface : PCIE

Number of Backend Port: 8
Port : Address
0 5000c50023565ac9
1 5000c5002356527d
2 5000c5002355b411
3 5000c500235573b9
4 5000c50023560815
5 5000c5002355bd01
6 0000000000000000
7 0000000000000000

HW Configuration
SAS Address : 5a4badb050220800
BBU : Present
Alarm : Absent
NVRAM : Present
Serial Debugger : Present
Memory : Present
Flash : Present
Memory Size : 256MB
TPM : Absent
On board Expander: Absent
Upgrade Key : Absent
Temperature sensor for ROC : Absent
Temperature sensor for controller : Absent

Current Time : 7:6:13 7/10, 2013
Predictive Fail Poll Interval : 300sec
Interrupt Throttle Active Count : 16
Interrupt Throttle Completion : 50us
Rebuild Rate : 30%
PR Rate : 30%
BGI Rate : 30%
Check Consistency Rate : 30%
Reconstruction Rate : 30%
Cache Flush Interval : 4s
Max Drives to Spinup at One Time : 2
Delay Among Spinup Groups : 12s
Physical Drive Coercion Mode : 128MB
Cluster Mode : Disabled
Alarm : Disabled
Auto Rebuild : Enabled
Battery Warning : Enabled
Ecc Bucket Size : 15
Ecc Bucket Leak Rate : 1440 Minutes
Restore HotSpare on Insertion : Disabled
Expose Enclosure Devices : Disabled
Maintain PD Fail History : Disabled
Host Request Reordering : Enabled
Auto Detect BackPlane Enabled : SGPIO/i2c SEP
Load Balance Mode : Auto
Use FDE Only : No
Security Key Assigned : No
Security Key Failed : No
Security Key Not Backedup : No
Default LD PowerSave Policy : Controller Defined
Maximum number of direct attached drives to spin up in 1 min : 0
Any Offline VD Cache Preserved : No
Allow Boot with Preserved Cache : No
Disable Online Controller Reset : No
Use disk activity for locate : No

RAID Level Supported : RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, RAID6, RAID00, RAID10, RAID50, RAID60, PRL 11, PRL 11 with spanning, SRL 3 supported, PRL11-RLQ0 DDF layout with no span, PRL11-RLQ0 DDF layout with span
Supported Drives : SAS, SATA

Allowed Mixing:

Mix in Enclosure Allowed

ECC Bucket Count : 0

Max Arms Per VD : 32
Max Spans Per VD : 8
Max Arrays : 128
Max Number of VDs : 64
Max Parallel Commands : 1008
Max SGE Count : 80
Max Data Transfer Size : 8192 sectors
Max Strips PerIO : 42
Max LD per array : 16
Min Strip Size : 8 KB
Max Strip Size : 1.0 MB
Max Configurable CacheCade Size: 0 GB
Current Size of CacheCade : 0 GB
Current Size of FW Cache : 0 MB

Device Present
Virtual Drives : 1
Degraded : 0
Offline : 0
Physical Devices : 7
Disks : 6
Critical Disks : 0
Failed Disks : 0

Supported Adapter Operations
Rebuild Rate : Yes
CC Rate : Yes
BGI Rate : Yes
Reconstruct Rate : Yes
Patrol Read Rate : Yes
Alarm Control : Yes
Cluster Support : No
BBU : Yes
Spanning : Yes
Dedicated Hot Spare : Yes
Revertible Hot Spares : Yes
Foreign Config Import : Yes
Self Diagnostic : Yes
Allow Mixed Redundancy on Array : No
Global Hot Spares : Yes
Deny SCSI Passthrough : No
Deny SMP Passthrough : No
Deny STP Passthrough : No
Support Security : No
Snapshot Enabled : No
Support the OCE without adding drives : No
Support PFK : No
Support PI : No
Support Boot Time PFK Change : No
Disable Online PFK Change : No
Support Shield State : No
Block SSD Write Disk Cache Change: No

Supported VD Operations
Read Policy : Yes
Write Policy : Yes
IO Policy : Yes
Access Policy : Yes
Disk Cache Policy : Yes
Reconstruction : Yes
Deny Locate : No
Deny CC : No
Allow Ctrl Encryption: No
Enable LDBBM : No
Support Breakmirror : No
Power Savings : No

Supported PD Operations
Force Online : Yes
Force Offline : Yes
Force Rebuild : Yes
Deny Force Failed : No
Deny Force Good/Bad : No
Deny Missing Replace : No
Deny Clear : No
Deny Locate : No
Support Temperature : No
Disable Copyback : No
Enable JBOD : No
Enable Copyback on SMART : No
Enable Copyback to SSD on SMART Error : No
Enable SSD Patrol Read : No
PR Correct Unconfigured Areas : Yes
Error Counters
Memory Correctable Errors : 0
Memory Uncorrectable Errors : 0

Cluster Information
Cluster Permitted : No
Cluster Active : No

Default Settings
Phy Polarity : 0
Phy PolaritySplit : 0
Background Rate : 30
Strip Size : 64kB
Flush Time : 4 seconds
Write Policy : WB
Read Policy : None
Cache When BBU Bad : Disabled
Cached IO : No
SMART Mode : Mode 6
Alarm Disable : No
Coercion Mode : 128MB
ZCR Config : Unknown
Dirty LED Shows Drive Activity : No
BIOS Continue on Error : No
Spin Down Mode : None
Allowed Device Type : SAS/SATA Mix
Allow Mix in Enclosure : Yes
Allow HDD SAS/SATA Mix in VD : No
Allow SSD SAS/SATA Mix in VD : No
Allow HDD/SSD Mix in VD : No
Allow SATA in Cluster : No
Max Chained Enclosures : 1
Disable Ctrl-R : No
Enable Web BIOS : No
Direct PD Mapping : Yes
BIOS Enumerate VDs : Yes
Restore Hot Spare on Insertion : No
Expose Enclosure Devices : No
Maintain PD Fail History : No
Disable Puncturing : No
Zero Based Enclosure Enumeration : Yes
PreBoot CLI Enabled : No
LED Show Drive Activity : No
Cluster Disable : Yes
SAS Disable : No
Auto Detect BackPlane Enable : SGPIO/i2c SEP
Use FDE Only : No
Enable Led Header : No
Delay during POST : 0
EnableCrashDump : No
Disable Online Controller Reset : No
EnableLDBBM : No
Un-Certified Hard Disk Drives : Block
Treat Single span R1E as R10 : No
Max LD per array : 16
Power Saving option : All power saving options are enabled
Default spin down time in minutes: 0
Enable JBOD : No
Time taken to detect CME : 60s

Exit Code: 0x00

111 消息

2013年7月11日 00:00


T72: Ar 0: size=11040000, activeLd=1,numPd=2, seq=0, PDs: 00(20/0) 01(20/1)


T72: LD 0: L=1  SS=128  Size=11040000 NL=3612  Status=3  DT=1589 BT=2513, prop=[ID=00,dcp=01,ccp=01,ap=0,dc=0,dbgi=0]

5 Practitioner


274.2K 消息

2013年7月11日 01:00


111 消息

2013年7月11日 02:00


