

此帖子已超过 5 年


5 Practitioner


274.2K 消息


2013年8月7日 23:00

求最新的CX event code文档

求最新的CX event code文档,supportemc上面似乎只有2007年发布的,谢谢!

2 Intern


362 消息

2013年8月7日 23:00

是flare 还是enabler?

5 Practitioner


274.2K 消息

2013年8月7日 23:00

flare的,文档名字应该叫做Navisphere Event Monitor Event Codes之类的

54 消息

2013年8月8日 00:00

是不是disk flare的啊

2 Intern


1.4K 消息

2013年8月8日 00:00


631 消息

2013年8月8日 08:00

是不是就是各种Event Code对应的含义和解释啊

5 Practitioner


274.2K 消息

2013年8月8日 19:00


450 消息

2013年8月11日 23:00


Clariion SP Error code explained ,ERROR CODES

The following lists the status codes that return in the Event Code field within an Unsolicited Sense Data block. The  describe events on a CRU basis, and they fall within 3 categories:

- Informational codes    (0x6##) - Require no operator action. They are valuable to support engineering in  helping to establish history.

- Soft codes (also knows as Thresholded codes    (0x8##)) -Are    normal and require no human action unless they  occur frequently.

- Error codes    (0x9##) - Typically require action by a support engineer.


0x601, SP Powerup:

The SP is powered up and ready for IO.This field also shows the revision of microcode (Licensed  Internal Code) and the amount of SP memory in Mbytes, in hex.  For example, (SP Powerup, Rev  0x0080A01 0x00000020) means code revision 8.10.01 and 32    Mbytes of memory.

0x602, CRU Enabled:

The unit which    this drive is a member of, is ready for normal host I/O.

0x603, CRU Rebuild Started:

The background  rebuild    process    has begun rebuilding the    data on    this drive.

0x604, CRU Rebuild Complete:

The background rebuild process  has completed rebuilding the    data on    this drive.

0x606, Unit Shutdown for Trespass:

The unit which this drive is a member of has been shutdown by this SP at the request of the peer    SP, due to    a Trespass operation.

0x607, Unit Shutdown for Change Bind:

The LUN this module belongs to has been shut down by the    SP in order to change its operating parameters.  This shutdown is needed only when the SP is operating in Target Addressing Mode.

0x608, CRU Ready: A drive has successfully completed its power up procedure and is physically ready for use.

0x609, Format Started: The given FRU is being    formatted as required to operate as a Sauna disk.

0x610, Format Failed: The Format operation started by Sauna on the given FRU was not successful. This situation    should result    in the FRU being declared dead.

0x613, CRU Equalization Started: The SP    has started a Rebuild/Equalize operation.

0x614, CRU Equalize Completed: The SP    has completed a    Rebuild/Equalize operation.

0x615, CRU Equalize Aborted: The SP    has aborted a Rebuild/Equalize operation.

0x621, Background Verify    Started: A background check on the correctness of parity information has begun on the unit of which this drives    is a member.

0x622, Background Verify    Complete: The background    verify process has completed.

0x623, Fan Pack Disable/Door Open: On a storage system that has a    fan door (20- and 10-slot), the fans were disabled because the fan door was opened.  The storage system will shut down if the fans are not operational within 2     minutes.

0x624, Fan Pack Enable/Door Close: On a storage system that has a    fan door (20- and 10-slot), the fans were enabled after the open    fan door was closed.

0x630, Fan Installed: A fan module has been installed.

0x631, VSC Installed: A VSC (Power Supply) has been installed.

0x632, AC Installed: An AC Box has been installed.

0x633, Fan Speed Increased: The controller    has increased the speed    of a fan.

0x634, Fan Speed Decreased: The Fan speed has been    returned to normal.

0x635, Inconsistent Check Information: The SP    has detected an    inconsistency in the sector based check codes. An 800 code    with more explicit information usually follows this code (for example, 852 Hard Read    Checksum Error).

0x636, BBU Removed: The Battery Back-up Unit in this system has been removed.

0x637, BBU Recharging: The Battery Back-up Unit in this system is recharging.

0x638, BBU Enabled: The Battery Back-up Unit in this system has been enabled for use.

0x639, System Cache Enabled: This system has enabled the on-board cache. Caching operations will take place, as    defined    for the caching environment.

0x641, Rebuild Aborted: A background rebuild operation    has aborted prior to completing the entire disk.

0x642, Background Verify Aborted: A background verify operation has been    terminated due to    an abnormal event, such    as the failure of one of    the disks in the LUN.

0x643, SP Initializing: This SP has just detected its peer SP following a period    of time    that the peer was not present.

0x644, Peer SP Inserted: This SP has been informed by its peer SP that the peer has completed its    powerup    initialization sequence.

0x645, CRU Bound: A CRU was bound into a    LUN. The extended status is the LUN unit number. This is logged once for each CRU at    the completion of a bind operation.

0x650, CRU Signature Error: The given FRU's current physical position in the matrix    of disks does not match    its expected position (which is set    at time    the when FRU was bound into a LUN).

0x654, Cache Dumping: The controller    is dumping the cache data into the protected space on the    disk.

0x657, Cache Dump Completed: The controller    has completed the dump of the cache data.

0x658, Cache Enabled By User: The controller    is in the process of enabling the cache for use on host data.

0x659, Cache Disabled By User: The controller    is disabling the cache due to some condition or command.

0x660, AC Power Failure: AC power failed.

0x661, BBU Sniffing Enabled: This system is    no allowed to shutdown the BBU in order to test the BBU.

0x662, BBU Sniffing Disabled: BBU shutdown testing is now disabled on this system.

0x663, BBU Sniff Initiating: The BBU on this system    is beginning a shutdown test cycle.

0x664, BBU Sniff Cache Dump: The Cache data    on this    system is being    dumped to prepare for the BBU shutdown test cycle.

0x665, Configured for Single SP: The storage system has    just been configured for non-mirrored caching operation.

0x666, Configured for Dual SP: The storage system has    just been configured for mirrored caching operation.

0x667, Cache Recovering: This SP, which    is operating in    non-mirrored caching mode, is recovering the contents of the Write Cache following a reboot.

0x668, Cache Recovered: This SP, which    is operating in    non-mirrored caching mode, has successfully    completed  recovering the    contents of the    Write Cache following a reboot.

0x66A, Soft Vault Load Failure: The SP    could not load the saved contents of the Write Cache from disk.    However, there were no units with saved data,    so the Write Cache does    not need to be loaded. This situation can occur after you reconfigure SP memory.

0x66B, Single Bit Error Detected: The SP    has detected a recoverable single bit error.

0x66C, Fan Fault    Detected: The SP    has detected a single fan fault.

0x66D, Peer SP timed out: The Host SP has timed out waiting for the peer    SP to reply to a host request.

0x670, Meanings vary (see below): If the    system is not a    7-slot system, code 670h is Memory    Dump, which means that the Storage Processor has written a copy of its data space    to disk after a microcode    panic event.  The information written to    disks may help storage- system    developers analyze the cause of    the error. If the    system is a 7-slot system, code    670h is PCMCIA    (write-cache memory) card was removed while the storage system was    powered    up.  The storage system    flushed    the write cache    to disk    and disabled storage-system write caching.

0x671, PCMCIA Card Inserted: The PCMCIA (write-cache memory) card was inserted while the storage system was powered up. Storage-system    write caching cannot be    enabled until storage-system power is turned off and then on again.

0x672, PCMCIA Card Write Enabled: The PCMCIA (write-cache memory) card was write enabled.

0x673, PCMCIA Card Cleared by user request: PCMCIA    (write-cache memory) card was cleared by user request (may be done by removing the card battery or by an engineering mode command).

0x680, Invalid Data Sector Read: The hardware found a bad checksum on a    data sector.

0x681, Invalid Parity Sector Read: The hardware found a bad checksum on a    parity sector.

0x682, Invalid Sector Read: The hardware found a bad checksum on a    sector. There is not enough information to tell whether the sector holds data or parity information.

0x683, Data Sector Reconstructed: The hardware reconstructed a data sector that had a checksum of write stamp error.

0x684, Parity Sector Reconstructed: The hardware reconstructed a parity sector that had a checksum    of write stamp error.

0x685, Hard Error: The hardware detected an error    other than a parity or write stamp    error.

0x686, Command Complete: A command completed after a soft error    was corrected.

0x687, Stripe Reconstructed: On a read from    a RAID-1 mirrored pair,    a corrupted sector    was reconstructed.

0x688, Command Dropped: An optional command was dropped.

0x689, Sector Reconstructed: On a read from    a RAID-1 mirrored pair,    a corrupted sector    was reconstructed.

0x68A, Uncorrectable Parity Sector: A hard    error on a parity sector could not be corrected.

0x68B, Uncorrectable Data Sector: A hard    error on a data    sector could not be    corrected.

0x68C, Hard Read    Checksum Error: A hard    checksum error was detected on a data transfer from the host.

0x68D, Soft Read    Checksum Error: A soft    checksum error was detected on a data transfer from the host.

0x68E, Inconsistent Stripe: Inconsistent write or time stamps were    detected in a RAID    group.

0x68F, Inconsistent Time    Stamps: Inconsistent time stamps were detected    in a RAID group on a verify.

0x690, Drive Failed: A single drive   was shut down.

0x691, Checksum Error on    Device Read: A checksum error was detected on a read from an individual disk.  There was no    data transfer involved.

0x692, Incoherent Stripe: Data and parity were not consistent in    a RAID group.

0x693, Uncorrectable Stripe: Inconsistent write or time stamp could    not be corrected in a    RAID group.

0x694, Parity Invalidated: Parity    has been invalidated in    a RAID group.

0x695, Uncorrectable Sector: An uncorrectable sector was detected on a RAID-1 mirrored pair.

0x696, Mirror Sector Invalidated: A sector on a RAID-1 mirrored pair was    invalidated on a rebuild.

0x6C0, Backend Fibre Loop Failure: This SP's back-end fibre loop is off line due to an NPORT primitive.

0x6C1, Backend Fibre Loop Failure: This SP's back-end fibre loop is off line due to loop initialization primitive.

0x6C2, Backend Fibre Loop Failure: The SP    determined that    the fibre loop is hung.

0x6C3, Backend Fibre Loop Discovery ok: The SP    determined that    the fibre loop is operational following the discovery phase.

0x6C4, Backend Fibre Loop Error: A loop    node detected a    failure    condition.

0x6C5, Backend Fibre Loop Error: The SP    did not    discover a node    on its first try and will try again.  A    drive did not login as expected.

0x6C6, Backend Fibre Loop Error: The SP    did not    discover a node    on its first second try. A    drive did not login as expected.

0x6C7, Fibre Channel Unknown Event: This message indicates    an undefined error condition.

0x6C9, Backend Fibre Loop Error: An unknown event was detected on the fibre loop.

0x6CA, Front End    Fibre Loop Bad: The Fibre Channel front end has gone off line due to the    receipt    of an unexpected loop event.

0x6CB, Front End    Fibre Initiator    Gone: The SP    attempted to communicate with an initiator which has ceased responding.

0x6CC, Front End    Fibre Link Down: The Fibre Front End is    down.

0x6CD, Front End    Fibre Link Up: The Fibre Front End is    up.

0x6D0, Backend Fibre Loop Event: The SP    has initiated a    loop failover.

0x6D1, Backend Fibre Loop Event: Loop failover administratively    denied.

0x6D2, Backend Fibre Loop Event: Peer SP is no longer using this SP's loop.

0x6D3, Backend Fibre Loop Event: This SP is no longer using remove loop.

0x6D4, Backend Fibre Loop Event: The peer SP has completed failover to this SP's loop.

0x6D5, Backend Fibre Loop Event: This SP has completed failover    to remote loop.

0x6E3, Fibre Channel Initiator Gone: The SP    tried to communicate with an initiator that is no longer responding.

0x6E0, Frontend Fibre Loop Event: A front end hub port has been closed.

0x6E1, Frontend Fibre Loop Event: A front end hub port has been opened.

0x6E2, Frontend Fibre Loop Event: The SP's fibre    loop failed to initialize.

0x6E4, Fibre Channel Loop Down: A loop    down was detected. This    is a normal occurrence followed by    a loop up during loop initialization.

0x6E5, Fibre Channel Loop Up: The fibre loop    is up and ready    for communication.

0x6E6, Fibre Channel Loop Timeout: An internal timeout has occurred in the fibre channel interface.  The SP will continue taking action    to bring the link completely up.

0x6E7, Fibre Channel Lip Timeout: The fibre channel interface timed out during loop initialization.  The SP will continue taking action    to bring the link completely up.

0x6E8, Fibre Channel Link Up Timeout: The fibre channel interface timed out waiting for the link to come up. The SP will continue taking action    to bring the link completely up.

0x6E9, Frontend Fibre Loop Event: Front end fibre loop error message threshold exceeded.


These codes are also known as threshold codes.

0x801, Soft SCSI Error:

This code indicates that an abnormal SCSI bus or disk drive event was detected.     A retry of the

operation cleared the condition.

0x802, Illegal SCSI Bus Interrupt:

An inconsistent interrupt situation has been detected on the SP.

0x803, Recommend Disk Replacement:

This disk CRU has sent    status to the SP indicating that it believes it may be susceptible    to a fault

in the    near future.  We recommend replacing the drive.

0x804, Single Bit Error:

The SP's tolerance level for single bit errors    in the write stache has been exceeded.

0x805, Single Bit Error:

The SP's tolerance level for single bit errors    in the read stache has been exceeded.

0x820, Soft Media Error:

The disk CRU has reported a media defect which    was successfully cleared be the SP.

0x840, Disk Sector    Invalidated:

The LUN that owns this    disk CRU encountered a condition which required the firmware to

invalidate a sector on    the unit.  The firmware    did this to ensure    that incorrect data is not returned

to the    host in    the future.

0x850, Enclosure State Change:

The SP    has detected that an enclosure has changed state.

0x851, Enclosure Address Error:

The SP    has detected that an enclosure has an invalid address.  Enclosure chain shunted prior to

failing enclosure.

0x852, Enclosure Duplicate Address Error:

The SP    has detected that two or more enclosures have the same address.    Enclosure chain    shunted

prior to failing enclosure.

0x901, Hard SCSI Bus Error:

An abnormal SCSI bus or disk drive event was detected and could not    be cleared through retry


0x903, Fan Shutdown-Removed:

A fan module has been shutdown    or removed from    the system.

0x904, VSC    Shutdown-Removed:

A VCS (Power Supply) module has been shutdown or removed from the system.

0x905, Chassis Overtemperature:

A chassis over    temperature condition has been detected, the SP will attempt corrective action.

0x906, Unit Shutdown:

The Unit, which this drive is a member    of, has been shutdown and can no longer be accessed by    the


0x907, Controller Firmware    Panic:

This SP's firmware encountered    a situation from which there was no reliable execution other than

to reload itself from disk and    restart. This message is logged once    the restarted session

completes its initialization.

0x908, Hardware Fault - Cache Disabling:

Some hardware condition has caused the    controller to disable the    cache.

0x909, Cache Dump Failure:

The SP    cannot safely dump the cache to    disk. This will usually be caused    by one ore more    of the

cache dump disk drives    being missing or failed.

0x90A, Assign fails - Cache Dirty Unit:

The SP    cannot assign this unit, because it is marked    as having cached data outstanding, and the

SP has    no access to the data.

0x90B, Controller Cannot Initialize Cache:

There was some    hardware or software failure which occurred when the SP attempted    to initialize a    new

cache image.

0x90C, Cache Image    Exceeds    Memory Size:

This controller is incapable of loading the saved cache data image due to insufficient cache memory


0x90D, BBU    Removed:

The BBU in this system    has failed or been removed.

0x90E, BBU    Failed:

The BBU in this system    has failed its internal selftest.

0x90F, Cache Recovered with Errors:

The attempted cache recovery on this SP recovered the dirty cache pages for some, but not all, of

its dirty units.

0x910, Cache Recovery Failed:

The attempted cache recovery on this SP failed    to recover the pages for any of its cache    dirty


0x920, Hard Media Error:

This disk CRU has reported a media defect which could not be successfully cleared by the SP. This

is a hard media error.

0x921, Host vault load failed:

The SP    encountered multiple errors while attempting to load the    cache image from disk.

This message may indicate multiple drive failures.

0x922, Host vault load inconsistent:

The SP    found the cache    image on disk to have inconsistent data. This may indicate a failure or

abort of the cache dump.

0x923, Host vault load failed bitmap ok:

The SP    successfully read the control portion of the cache images on disk, but found the data

portion to be incomplete. This means that a failure or abort occurred during the cache dump.

0x924, Host vault disks scrambled:

The SP    found the vault    drives containing the cache image to be in    different order    than when the cache

images    was dumped to disk. The drives    must be restored to their original order before the SP    can

load the cache    image.

0x925, Single Board Cache;    Need PROM Update:

This SP, which    is operating in    non-mirrored caching modem has too low a PROM revision level.

Write Caching cannot be enabled.

0x926, RAID-3 Unit    Cannot Assign, No Memory:

A RAID-3 LUN cannot be    enabled    because    memory allocated for RAID-3 processing is not    available

(that is, the memory has been removed or reconfigured).

0x928, RAID-3 Initialization Failure - No Memory:

No RAID-3 LUNs    can be enabled because memory allocated for RAID-3 processing is not    available

(this is, the memory has been removed or reconfigured).

0x929, Front End Fibre Link Down:

0x930, PCMCIA Card    Write Protected    While Active:

The PCMCIA (write-cache memory) card is write protected.

0x931, PCMCIA Card    Battery    Failed:

The PCMCIA (write-cache memory) card's    battery failed. You must replace the battery.

0x932, PCMCIA Card    Absent or Inserted Incorrectly:

The PCMCIA (write-cache memory) card is not present or was    inserted incorrectly.

0x933, PCMCIA Card    Post Test Failed:

The PCMCIA (write-cache memory) card failed its powerup (POST)    test. The SP disabled storage-

system    write caching.    Power down the storage system, replace the card, and power up    the storage


0x934, PCMCIA Card    Doesn't    Match Subsystem, Cache Data Locked:

The PCMCIA (write-cache memory) card was used in a different storage system. The SP has locked    the card to prevent cache data from being overwritten. You must    either remove the card and installed it in the correct storage system or clear the card.

0x935, PCMCIA Card    too small for currently    configured write cache:

The PCMCIA (write-cache memory) card's    capacity is smaller than the specified size of the    SP's write cache.     The SP    disabled storage-system    write

caching. You must either re-specify the write cache size to equal the card's    capacity or install a card    with a capacity    that equals the    specified size.

0x936, PCMCIA Card    Hardware Failure:

The SP    encountered a hardware failure while trying to write to the SP. The SP has disabled write caching.

0x937, Command Failed:

A command failed for the reason explained in the extended status word.

0x938, Non    R3 LUN-Can't Assign BW:

Only RAID-3 Units or hot spares can be    assigned in a system optimized for    Raid 3 Bandwidth.


0xA02, Failed SCSI    Bus:

A SCSI    channel    has failed, all    drives on that bus are now inaccessible by the controller.

0xA05, NONVRAM Uninitialized:

The non-volatile memory on this SP was    found to be uninitialized.     The SP    has reinitialized the

memory    to its default state, and the SP will be functional after a reboot.

0xA06, Chassis Shutdown:

An over-temperature situation could no    be corrected. All drives    in the chassis will be


0xA07, Drive Failure:

The disk drive    has failed and can no longer be accessed.

0xA08, Database Sync Error:

The SP    cannot determine that correct logical configuration of all units in the system. Some

units may be unusable.

0xA09, Drive Too Small:

A replacement drive have been inserted    and does not have adequate capacity for    a rebuild operation

to begin.

0xA11, Peer Controller Removed:

This SP's peer    is no longer responding    to queries from this SP following    a period of time where the

peer was known    present.

0xA12, Cache Memory Hard Error:

This SP, which    is operating in    non-mirrored caching mode, has detected a non-recoverable

memory    fault in the cache memory area.

0xA13, CRU    Type Unsupported:

This type of disk CRU is not supported    by the current SP software. The disk    cannot be bound    or

used for host I/O.

