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This post is more than 5 years old


October 19th, 2010 09:00

Redundancy Vworkspace

New arrival in your community
I seach informations on different architectures redundant possible , Optimize with "Vworkspace 7.1" (7.2 )
Particularly on IIS redundancy and DataStore, for a DRP / BRP (Desaster Recovery Plan / Business Recovery Plan.).
For a large population ( +3500 users, vdi (+-500), RDS Server (+- 3000))
Could you, as an example that you use vs technology on different DataCenter according your experience
Cluster IIS (NLB, HLB, others…).
Datastore (mirroring SQL....)
Best regards ,

17 Posts

October 19th, 2010 12:00


Welcome to the Community.

As for your questions.

1.  IIS with Web Access/Secure Gateway can be setup in an NLB Cluster and I have this up and running now without issues.  We leave the NLB Cluster configuration up to the client as they may have standards set for this type of infrastructure.  With that said, we (Quest) may have something coming down the lines with a 'Web Access/Secure Gateway NLB Setup/Configruation' document.  This will be a setup which we (Quest) have tested and have it proving to work properly.

2. Database Mirroring is supported.  If you look at our Database, you will see that it has Private/Foreign keys all through it.  This should allow you to Mirror/Cluster it without any issues.  We leave this configuration/setup with the client as well.  I am not sure if we have anything in the lines as to a document for this type of setup on our Database though.

October 25th, 2010 07:00

Hi Guys,

I also have a requirement for setting up DB Mirroring in SQL 2008 R2... Although I know how to do this in SQL, by folllowing published articles from MS, is there anything I need to change/do in vWorkspace to get this configured and working?

October 25th, 2010 10:00

Hi Paul,

I'm personally looking at DB mirroring for HA purposes. The DR aspect can wait until we have the live production vWorkspace in place


101 Posts

October 25th, 2010 10:00


Are you looking to provide a replicated DR site or high availability for the database?



101 Posts

October 25th, 2010 12:00

Ok in that case I would look at clustering the database server rather than mirroring.  I think mirroring is best suited for DR which is geographically dispersed.  Interested to see what other people think on that..


October 25th, 2010 12:00

Hi Paul,

Yes clustering would be a good option but the costs are much greater. i.e. Enterprise OS requirements, shared storage etc... If I went down the Mirrored DB with a witness server, how do I go about configuring the vWorkspace components to use such an envirnonment?

November 17th, 2010 15:00


Now I've got my live environment tin shipped, racked and powered, I've started building the 'Live' environment. I've created a mirrored 'vWorkspace Database' but can't seem to see how the cleint connection, from connection brokers, TS, etc are configured?

Any ideas?

173 Posts

November 17th, 2010 18:00

I am out of office and have limited access to email and voicemail, so please account for a delay in my replies. I will not be back before November 22. This email will not be forwarded.

Thank you.

101 Posts

November 17th, 2010 18:00

Hi Caleb,

You are only able to configure one database in vWorkspace at a time.  For automatic fail over of the database you need clustering.  In your case the mirrored database would be sitting there as a "live backup" which would require a manual database configuration change for vWorkspace in the event of a database issue. (which could be scripted to speed the process up)


November 18th, 2010 07:00

Hi Paul,

Not a problem as I don't envisage the 'live' DB to die frequently but some form of HA would be preferable than clustering SQL currently. Yorker is wrong when he says 'Database Mirroring is supported' then?

Okay, when I look at the System DSN on the servers through the ODBC Administrator, be it a Connection Broker role or a Terminal Server role I don't see anything. Where is the ODBC information for the DB held so I can script a change over?


16 Posts

November 18th, 2010 08:00


I do not know if this will help, but on lab, I mirrored sql (No witness yet ^ ^).

I created (on the broker) with ODBC Data source Administrator a systeme DSN for failover_Partner

And it work (when I failover manualy,pending witness).

I did not need to change the ODBC configuration from servers TS user test can connect (webaccess) after a failover sql.

screen of my draft doc


I continuing my test

any comments are welcome :-)

101 Posts

November 18th, 2010 09:00


See if this .vbs script of mine helps but *please test before using* and modify as you see fit.  It will change the DSN and restart the required services.  Alternativly you could have both databases setup in the console on each broker and TS server.  You would then manully change the db (File > Database Configuration > Change DSN drop down) and restart the services.  I guess that would depend on how many servers you have though.




On Error Resume Next
'---------Restart Services-----------

MsgBox "Setting DSN", vbInformation + vbOKOnly

Dim oPNAdminSystem, sSQLServerName, sSAUserName, sSAPassword, sDatabaseName, sSQLLoginAccount, sSQLLoginPassword, sDataSourceName, sReturnMsg, oShell
Set oPNAdminSystem = CreateObject("pnadmin.system")

If wscript.agruments.count = 0 Then
     sSQLServerName = "SERVER\VWORKSPACE2"
     sDatabaseName = "vWorkspace_Database"
     sSQLLoginAccount = "pnadmin"
     sSQLLoginPassword = "password"
     sSQLServerName = wscript.agruments(0)
     sDatabaseName = wscript.agruments(1)
     sSQLLoginAccount = wscript.agruments(2)
     sSQLLoginPassword = wscript.agruments(3)
End If
sDataSourceName = "vWorkspace Database"

If oPNAdminSystem.MiscFunctions.CreateDSN(sDataSourceName, sSQLServerName, sDatabaseName, sSQLLoginAccount, sSQLLoginPassword, sReturnMsg) Then
        Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        oShell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources\" & sDataSourceName, "SQL Server", "REG_SZ"
        Set oShell = Nothing
        MsgBox "The data source was created successfully.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Data Source Created Successfully"
        MsgBox "Failed to create the data source. Please verify that the specified connection parameters are correct.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Failed to Create Data Source"
End If

Set oPNAdminSystem = Nothing

'---------Restart Services-----------

Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
ArrSvcs = Array("pndcsvc", "pnregsvc", "pnbrksvc")
'Stop each service in the Array
For i = 0 to UBound(ArrSvcs) - 1
     Set colServices = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service where Name = '" & arrSvcs(i) & "'")
     For each service in colServices
     Do While numRet = "Stopped"
         numRet = funcCheckServiceState(objWMI, strSVCName)
         WScript.Sleep 1000   'check every second
     WScript.Echo "Service " & ArrSvcs(i) & " has been stopped."
'Start each service in the Array
For i = 0 to UBound(ArrSvcs) - 1
   Set colServices = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service where Name = '" & arrSvcs(i) & "'")
   For each service in colServices
   Do While numRet = "Started"
      numRet = funcCheckServiceState(objWMI, strSVCName)
      WScript.Sleep 1000   'check every second
   WScript.Echo "Service " & ArrSvcs(i) & " has been started."
Function funcCheckServiceState(objWMI, strSVCName)
   Set colServices = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service where Name = 'pndcsvc'")
   For each service in colServices
      funcCheckServiceState = service.State
End Function

WScript.Echo "Script has finsihed"


16 Posts

November 18th, 2010 09:00

Can you open the database mirror (after failover on principal) with you pnadmin account on the "sql management studio"  console?

your monitor mirroring is Synchronized?(no error?)


November 18th, 2010 09:00

Hi Dennis,

Good stuff... I;ve tried this also using the SQL Native clien but after a failover, manual also, I cannot get the vWorkspace console to connect... Checking in the 32bit version of ODBC Admin it fails saying

18-11-2010 11-04-09.jpg

I've added the PNADMIN account as an dbo on the mirrored "vworkspace_database" database and use "sa" as the account for mirroring.

Further help would be greatly received!

November 18th, 2010 10:00


After granting the PNADMIN account sysadmin role on the server the connection issue has gone, but now I get the:

18-11-2010 12-33-25.jpg

error, which was posted here under the 'Changing vWorkspace Database' thread.

Any ideas?

Paul I'll look at the script after I've given up on this

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