

此帖子已超过 5 年


2012年5月15日 18:00

EMC Grab (EMCReports)工具无法完成日志收集的处理办法

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​EMC Grab (EMCReports)​​工具无法完成日志收集的处理办法​

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​EMC Grab​​工具是用于收集主机配置及日志数据的工具,主机日志可以显著加快主机相关问题的处理速度。​​EMC Grab​​会收集主机配置信息和日志文件、​​INQ​​输出结果以及​​EMC​​软件的配置信息​​(PowerPath​​、​​RecoverPoint​​、​​Replication Manager​​、​​Networker​​等​​)​​。​

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​获得​​EMC Grab (EMCReports)​​工具的方法如下:​

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​·​​ ​​Unix (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Tru64): ​​ftp://ftp.emc.com/pub/emcgrab/Unix/​

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​·​​ ​​ESX: ​​ftp://ftp.emc.com/pub/emcgrab/ESX/​

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​·​​ ​​ESXi​​: ​​ftp://ftp.emc.com/pub/emcgrab/ESXi/​

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​·​​ ​​Windows: ​​ftp://ftp.emc.com/pub/emcgrab/Windows/​

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​·​​ ​​Open VMS: ​​ftp://ftp.emc.com/pub/emcgrab/vms/​

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​Powerlink​​ (powerlink.emc.com)​

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​主页​​ > ​​支持​​ > ​​产品和诊断工具​​ > Grab ​​应用工具​

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​Service Support Zone​​ (support.emc.com)​

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​主页​​ > ​​产品和支持工具 :​

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​·​​ ​​搜索“​​EMC Grab​​” 获得对应​​Unix/Linux/ESX​​平台工具 ​

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​·​​ ​​搜索“​​EMCReports​​”获得对应​​Windows​​平台工具​

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​·​​ ​​EMC Grab​​脚本运行至类似以下步骤时停止响应,甚至造成服务器重启​

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​Copying file /sys/./class/fc_host/host6/statistics/fcp_output_megabytes​

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​Copying file /proc/./meminfo​
​Copying file /proc/./uptime​
​Copying file /proc/./loadavg​
​Copying file /proc/driver/./dsa/trace_ctl​
​Copying file /proc/driver/./dsa/trace​

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​·​​ ​​VMware ESX​​主机上运行​​EMC Grab​​出现如下错误​

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​[root@VMWAREESX1 emcgrab]# ./emcgrab.sh​

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​: command not found8:​

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​: command not found23:​

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​: command not found25:​

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​: command not found28:​

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​: command not found37:​

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​: command not found43:​

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​./emcgrab.sh: /tmp/emcgrab/emcgrab.main: line 90: syntax error near unexpected token `elif'​

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​./emcgrab.sh: /tmp/emcgrab/emcgrab.main: line 90: `elif [ ${OS} = "HP-UX" ]​

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​./emcgrab.sh: line 35: start: command not found​

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​./emcgrab.sh: line 36: initialise: command not found​

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​./emcgrab.sh: line 109: legal_notice: command not found​

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​./emcgrab.sh: line 156: interact: command not found​

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​./normalize_clarify.awk' for reading (No such file or directory)​

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​./emcgrab.sh: line 214: module: command not found​

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​Collecting inq - inquiry Information​

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​Running Command inq.linux -no_dots............................................................... Command inq.linux -no_dotsrunning for more than 420 seconds​

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​Attempting to kill process 2442​

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​/root/tmp/emcgrab/tools/inq.sh: line 115:​​ ​​2442 Killed​​ ​​eval ${LINE} >>${SCRIPT_TMP}/${OUTPUT}.txt 2>>${ERR_RPT}​

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​Running Command inq.linux -no_dots-et........................................................... Command inq.linux -no_dots-et running for more than 420 seconds​

​ ​

​Attempting to kill process 4647​

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​/root/tmp/emcgrab/tools/inq.sh: line 115:​​ ​​4647 Killed​​ ​​eval ${LINE} >>${SCRIPT_TMP}/${OUTPUT}.txt 2>>${ERR_RPT}​

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​由于主机复杂的运行环境导致​​EMC Grab​​无法正常运行并收集日志​

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​如果运行​​EMC Grab (EMCReports)​​时出错,或者运行到一半卡住,请确认以下几项:​

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​·​​ ​​正确下载了对应平台的​​EMC Grab​​工具​

​ ​

​·​​ ​​主机上有足够的剩余空间​

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​·​​ ​​直接在主机下载(或通过winscp上传)并解压​​EMC Grab​​工具。如果是​​Linux/ESX​​主机,并从​​Windows​​复制​​Grab​​工具到​​ESX​​主机时,注意​​FTP​​需开启​​binary​​模式。​

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​·​​ ​​运行有类似​​DSA​​这样的文件证书生成工具​

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​·​​ ​​如果是​​Dell​​服务器并且装有​​Dell PERC H700/H800 SCSI Adapter​​,需要安装最新的固件和驱动,旧版本的固件驱动可能会导致​​Windows​​重启​

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​·​​ ​​如果是​​ESX​​主机,运行​​esxcfg-mpath -l​​确认是否有死路径​​(dead path)​​,如有则重新扫描​​HBA: esxcfg-rescan <vmhbaX>​

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​1.​​ ​​在​​CMD​​运行窗口按​​Ctrl+C​​,脚本会停止执行并询问您”​​ Terminate batch job Y/N?​​”​

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​2.​​ ​​按”​​N​​”则​​EMCReports​​会跳过当前命令转而执行下一命令​

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​1.​​ ​​解压缩​​EMCRPTS_xxx_xxx.exe​​到某一目录​

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​2.​​ ​​找到并用​​Notepad​​等文本编辑器打开​​emcrpt.cmd​​或​​Emulex.cmd​​,注释掉或删除出错的步骤或命令​

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​3.​​ ​​保存脚本文件,并直接点击​​emcrpt.cmd​​运行​

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​1.​​ ​​进入…​​/emcgrab/tools​​目录​

​ ​

​2.​​ ​​找到对应的脚本文件​​xxx.sh​​,用​​vi​​打开并注释掉出错的步骤或命令​

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​3.​​ ​​保存文件,并重新执行​​./emcgrab.sh​

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​emc102335: “Where can EMC Grab or EMCReports collect scripts be downloaded from?”​

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​emc161063: “emc_grab hangs and crashes the system while executing”​

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​emc242277: “EMCGrab appears to hang when run on an HP Blade server running Linux” (DSA)​

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​emc211864: “EMC Grab for ESX server fails to run”​

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​emc159047: “EMCReports: What to do if it hangs before completing”​

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​emc232563: “How to edit EMCGrab scripts to exclude or comment out certain commands”​

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​emc258080: “ESX grab hangs”​

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​EMC Grab​​工具,​​EMCReports​​工具​

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