Picture it — A sultry, laidback photo session. Nina Simone piped in to set the mood. A top model posing languidly with another ultra-thin ideal of beauty – Adamo by Dell.
Better yet, watch the video at AdamoByDell.com (or just click on the image below):
We’ve been saying all along that everything about Adamo is different — strikingly different. This new video on the Adamo launch site is an impressionistic behind-the-scenes glimpse of the marketing campaign that will be an integral part of the complete Adamo experience. It was shot on the set of the Adamo print campaign studio session, which pairs Adamo with some up-and-coming fashion models.
You might recognize the model featured in the video from a project she did on a famous runway (hint, hint). Posing with Adamo could lead to great things. Remember that Dell XPS One launch poster model Karolina Kurkova went on to become E! entertainment television’s sexiest woman in the world in 2008. I’m just saying…
Anyway, while you’re checking out the video, remember to register for online updates for the Adamo by Dell launch. Keep an eye out for the print ads in your favorite lifestyle and fashion publications – and be prepared to fall in love.