Dorian Naveh (@DorianNaveh), Sr. Director Technology Alliances joined me back in episode #66 “Dell Cloud Ecosystem”; during that episode, Dorian teased us with the Dell Premier sponsorship of “Open Stack Summit Barcelona 2016”
Dorian is fresh back from the summit, check out his recap blog here! This week he shares his perspective of the conference along with a few quick interviews he conducted at the conference. From Open Stack Consumption Model discussions with Kamesh Pemmaraju (@kpemmaraju), VP Mirantis and Dells own VS Joshi (@vsJoshi) to Dev Ops with Monty Taylor (@e_monty) Red Hat evangelist and Nigel Kersten (@NigelKersten), CIO Puppet
For more information, visit the ECN community Everything OpenStack, and for more on OpenStack Barcelona check here.
The Source Podcast: Episode #72: OpenStack Summit Barcelona (Recap & Live Reports)

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EMC: The Source Podcast is hosted By Sam Marraccini (@SamMarraccini)