2015 was a fantastic year for Dell Services. We were widely recognized by the industry analyst community for leading in infrastructure services and the healthcare sector, while making a big impact in banking, insurance, digital and business process outsourcing (BPO). I want to congratulate our team for their remarkable improvements in rankings and contributions to positive reports.
Dell Services was featured in a record number of analyst reports from firms such as Forrester, HfS, Gartner, Everest, IDC and 451 Research, highlighting the growing strength of our portfolio. More than 100 reports published in 2015 covered the breadth of our business—including Application Services, BPO, Infrastructure and Cloud Computing, BFSI and Healthcare (where we’ve retained our ranking of number 1 in Global IT Services for Healthcare Providers for the sixth consecutive year[1]). Throughout these reports, Dell Services has earned the rankings of Leader, Major Player, Major Contender, High Performer, and Aspirant, among others.
Our business has been highlighted as extremely well-positioned to help customers take advantage of the way the IT service market requirements are changing. We achieved a record number of signings by customers for our market-leading services that help them modernize, such as:
- Dell’s Digital Business Services, which addresses customer demand for social, mobile, analytics and cloud
- Automated Full Time Employee (AFTE) Command Center, our Robotics Process Automation (RPA) offering, which is changing the conversation around process delivery
- Dell’s cloud services, including Dell Cloud Dedicated Service and our strategic brokerage model
Overall, we feel the analyst community recognizes the depth and breadth of our services, and investments in research, development and innovation. In addition, we have been showcased for our robust, standardized methodologies—providing proactive continuous improvement and quality assurance processes. We have also been commended for our strengths in vertical markets, our strong workplace services value proposition and our vision for the future. In fact, the Everest Group recently announced its PEAK Matrix Service Provider of the Year Awards™ for IT services, in which Dell Services is ranked an impressive #7 in the IT Services Top 20. This award is based on the cumulative performance across IT Services in 2015 and, therefore, recognizes IT service providers who have demonstrated consistent leadership and top performance in the PEAK Matrix evaluations.
The leadership from the executive team and the dedication of every team member is clearly making an impact for our customers, as evidenced by these reports.
[1] Gartner, Inc., Market Share: IT Services, 2014, Kathryn Hale et al, March 31, 2015