Today marks an important milestone in Dell’s drive to make technology easier for customers to deploy and manage.
At the Gartner Symposium today in Orlando, Michael spoke to more than 500 CIOs about Dell’s strategy for simplifying IT and the benefits that it will have on our environment. He also introduced solution designed explicitly to make IT simpler for businesses and organizations: on-demand desktop streaming.
Update: 10/11—Here’s a vlog of remarks Michael made yesterday at the Gartner event.
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To be clear, this isn’t the first step we’ve taken toward simplifying IT. If you think about it, Dell’s entire heritage is built on the concept of simplicity—we enter a technology market, simplify the products and the way they’re delivered, and drive cost out…to the delight of our customers.
So who better than Dell to lead the charge toward simplified IT? It’s our goal to make technology easier for customers to deploy and manage, and to deliver cost savings that they can put toward innovation in their organizations.
We’ve engaged every Dell employee around the world to seek out the complexity that vexes our customers and find ways to make it simpler. We’re also telling our story to illustrate the key points of this exciting initiative here that Lionel recently blogged about. Today, we also launched a Lightning Rod on IdeaStorm asking you how we can simplify IT. To find all the details in one place, check out
We’re training our sales teams and we’ll host a series of events worldwide that introduce customers to our approach to simplifying IT. For us, simplicity is serious business.
Today’s announcement builds on the progress we’ve already made this year toward reducing IT complexity for customers:
For small businesses, we launched a line of desktops, notebooks, printers and services that build maintenance services INTO the systems. And we introduced a storage area network that makes advanced storage easy and attainable for small and medium businesses.
Even the acquisitions we’ve announced aim to simplify IT. We’re strengthening our remote monitoring and management offerings by bringing Silverback Technologies on board, and our acquisition of ASAP Software will simplify software licensing, compliance, renewal and asset management for our customers.
But we aren’t stopping there.
We also launched today our online IT Simplification Self-Assessment, which helps customers determine exactly how much complexity they face in their environment. It measures efficiency at every stage in the IT lifecycle, manageability through each layer of the IT stack and the level of flexibility you have in your environment.
And we’re piloting an IT Simplification Assessment Service that will outline a customized plan to help you simplify IT year by year, based on your budget, to achieve milestones in a timeframe that works best for you. Stay tuned for details…
The ways things are going—with data, devices and the sheer number of people online growing like crazy—IT complexity will only get worse if we don’t do something about it. The way we see it, simplifying IT is the best way to drive value for our customers. Period. So that’s exactly what we’re doing.