It’s Big
While Big Data is unquestionably big, it’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the potential business value, or alternatively, cost that lies beneath the surface.
It’s Getting Bigger
Data has been steadily accumulating for decades, but social and mobile computing trends have precipitated a massive acceleration in growth. Never before have such rich personalized and diverse datasets been available for harvesting. But what do businesses need to do to tap into this immense and transformational resource?
The Biggest Potential Lies in the Possible Outcomes
I recently sat down with Core Technologies Chief Technology Officer Stephen Manley to talk about Big Data and its significant implications for business. Since our session sparked off many interesting areas of discussion, we’ve broken the conversation into four segments for your listening enjoyment.
In this first segment, Stephen dives into the what and the why of Big Data – what it is, why it’s evolved into one of the biggest opportunities for business growth and survival, and which tools and technologies are paving the way for both short- and long-term business benefits and efficiencies. Listen to the podcast by clicking on the play button below.
We hope you’ll be inspired to “think big” and share what you’ve learned with your colleagues. Subscribe to The Core blog and stay tuned for Part 2, where Stephen will examine some of the challenges posed by Big Data.
Happy listening!
To learn more about EMC’s Big Data solutions, check out the following resources:
Explore your Big Data opportunities.
Protect your most valuable asset.