The truth is, when it comes to Halloween, we all like the treats (the best), but none of us want the tricks (the worst). That’s an easy choice when it’s October 31. But when we’re facing life as it really is, we don’t always get to choose. For example, sometimes disasters happen, and no amount of wishing is going to change the inevitable.
I am reminded of a neighbor friend of mine who really enjoys Halloween. On that day he can dress up to look like just about anything frightening. During all other days of the year he works for a commercial and home restoration service company (that is, his business cleans up damage and makes repairs after disasters such as a flood, fire, or earthquake). He once said something to me that I’ve never forgotten: Expect the best, prepare for the worst. Although my neighbor was referring to structural damage, recently it got me thinking about the likelihood of “data damage.”
Fortunately, there are proven methods that allow you to be proactive about safeguarding your data from potential disasters—whether human-made (including ransomware!) or natural—and ensuring that you always have 24×7 access to your important files. For a moment, let’s consider the current threat landscape to your business’s data.
As emphasized in the recent Global Data Protection Index (GDPI), there are a number of reasons why data protection—which includes data backup—is so critical. The GDPI found that of those organizations surveyed, 52% of them suffered unplanned system downtime in the last 12 months, and 29% suffered data loss. Whether it’s ransomware (36% of organizations reported internal or external security breaches, according to index) or hardware failure (hardware failure is still the number one cause of data loss and/or system downtime, according to the GDPI), a massive data breach can happen faster than you think. In fact, once cyber criminals gain access to a system, it takes just six minutes for these law breakers to compromise an organization, and they can do that successfully 60% of the time.
If you’re unsure about whether or not your data is sufficiently protected, consider the following questions:
- If a natural disaster (such as a flood, fire, or earthquake) were to occur right now, would your business-critical data be protected?
- Let’s assume you’re already backing up your data. If a disaster were to occur right now, how quickly could you access your important files?
- If your business were to be compromised by ransomware, would you be able to restore your data to a point in time when you know that your data is free from the malicious effects of that cyberattack? And how long would it take for you to perform that restore?
In the event of “data damage,” Dell Mozy Enterprise protects files on desktops, laptops, and other devices both inside and outside the corporate network. This automated cloud backup solution also allows users to securely synchronize files across their computers, smartphones, and tablets. Your data is backed up, protected, and always accessible. That’s a 24×7 treat!
Not long ago I saw a quote that was similar to the one my neighbor shared with me: Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised. Funny, to be sure, but you don’t ever want to be surprised about losing your data. That’s a surprise you can never really be prepared for, especially if it jeopardizes business continuity and/or strains or even permanently damages customer relationships.
Even ghouls and goblins don’t want to encounter data loss. It’s just too frightening. The GDPI makes no surprises about data being at risk due to theft, loss, or damage; however, if your data is properly backed up and protected, data loss is one surprise you can avoid altogether. Now that’s a treat you can enjoy all year long.