Sporting an end-to-end visual redesign, the latest issue of Dell Power Solutions Magazine has emerged from a "no pixel left unscathed" metamorphosis and is available online now in Digital Edition and Web Edition formats (Print Edition copies also began mailing this week). As we approached the reinvention process for 2010 Issue 2, our goal was a bold, fresh, and contemporary design that was at the same time more open and accessible – to enable you to efficiently zero in on the IT content you need both within and outside the borders of the magazine, regardless of the form factor or device you choose for reading at a given moment.
In addition to new typography throughout, a fresh color palette, sculpted artwork accents, and a rethought editorial design framework, we’ve also redesigned the magazine logo on the cover and included a tagline to reflect our core editorial mission: "Your guide to maximizing IT efficiency."
What hasn't dramatically changed is our editorial content: we are continuing to draw upon the talents of the same contingent of staff writers and editors, and most importantly, a broad base of IT subject matter experts (we're featuring the work of 44 contributing writers in this issue). Our Solutions for the Virtual Era feature section is highlighted with the "The smart money's on IT: How the Efficient Data Center drives sustainable growth" article, while sections on the Dell KACE Windows 7 solution, storage optimization, virtualization, mobility, business intelligence, OEM solutions, and customer stories round out the coverage. In all, this issue is 120 pages in print, plus additional online exclusive content available in the Web and digital versions.
We hope you enjoy reading this issue. You can also stay connected with the editors of Power Solutions, including the latest updates on fresh editorial content postings, by following us on Twitter.