Dell welcomes delegates to Virtualization Tech Field Day 4

Virtualization Field Day 4 is already well underway here in Austin, Texas, with presentations yesterday and today from a variety of IT organizations in the virtualization space. For those not familiar with Tech Field Day, it’s an event series focused on bringing together innovative IT vendors and independent thought leaders to share information and opinions in a presentation and discussion format. The presentations are recorded and usually available via livestream, so it’s a great opportunity for folks to watch and learn what the major players in IT are up to, from stealth startups all the way up to the major, established vendors.

Tom Hollingsworth hugs the PowerEdge VRTX during a Tech Field Day site visit to Dell HQ. Flickr Photo: Stephen Foskett

Dell first participated in a Tech Field Day way back in 2011, Tech Field Day 7. Since then we’ve taken part in four other Field Days, including the first ever Storage Field Day in 2012. This is our first Virtualization Field Day, and we’re excited to have the delegates visit our Round Rock campus

We see these events as a golden opportunity not just to share our technology innovations but also to gain insights from the community of writers and thinkers that make up the Tech Field Day delegates. Here are the folks who will be joining us for Virtualization Field Day 4:

Amit Panchal  Technical IT Manager and blogger

Amy Manley vExpert and an automation junkie

Christopher Kusek CTO at @Xiologix – EVP of Engineering, Technology Evangelist

Emad Younis datacenter enthusiast, vExpert and blogger

James Green independent blogger, 2014 vExpert, and virtualization consultant

Jeff Wilson virtualization & storage engineer in the SME market.

Julian Wood London based enterprise infrastructure architect and blogger.

Justin Warren consultant and freelance journalist

Larry Smith 19 yrs. in IT, 11 yrs. VMware virtualization

Marco Broeken  Blogger, Dutch Virtualization Admirer and DaaS Lover

Matt Simmons Small Infrastructure IT Administrator in Academia

Mike Preston 3 x vExpert, blogger at

We have a packed agenda prepared for tomorrow, and we would love for you to join us via livestream and Twitter. Here are the topics we will be covering (all times are Central Time):

8:00 – 8:10          Dell’s Enterprise Strategy 

8:10 – 9:00          vFoglight

9:00 – 10:00        All flash, hybrid flash, NVMe, Fluid Cache and more

10:00 – 11:00     Unleashing the Data Services Economy (Intel)

11:00 – 12:00     FX Architecture

Delegates will also have an opportunity to stretch their legs after lunch and get a tour of Dell’s on-site Modular Data Center.

Check out this link for more information on Virtualization Tech Field Day. And here are a couple of preview blog posts from the delegates – it’s shaping up to be a lively discussion. Be sure to follow along on Twitter via the #VFD4 hashtag and the livestream, and share your thoughts with us!

Sarah Vela

About the Author: Sarah Vela

Sarah Vela is no longer with Dell Technologies.