When enterprise customers face challenges trying to manage uncontrolled data and identify relevant data for compliance and eDiscovery, you will find that an archive solution can help. Archiving can help you identify files and data that are no longer active within your organization and move them off an expensive primary storage tier. It can also help you quickly locate relevant files during compliance and eDiscovery processes.
Savvy enterprise customers deploy archiving solutions for many budgetary and operational reasons:
Archiving helps you save primary storage costs.
For most organizations, the value of data declines over time. Therefore, newer data or current files demand the immediate availability that comes with a primary storage tier. Without an archiving solution, obsolete and aged data clog up your primary storage layer. This can become very costly with the exponential growth of big data in this information age. By adopting a low-cost and reliable archiving solution that helps to move obsolete data from primary storage layers, you can speed up your applications and reduce management overhead.
Archiving makes sure you are in control of your data.
Too much organizational data can be overwhelming. An effective archiving strategy can make sure you are in control. First, archiving software indexes data based on your organizational needs, meaning you can index it by date range, department name, business usage, etc. Second, many archiving vendors extend archiving functionality by adding search tools to allow you to quickly locate relevant files by metadata information, full content, or key word search. These capabilities allow you to constantly be aware of your current business data with the ability to retrieve it at your fingertips. You will be in full control of your data with a proper archiving solution.
Archiving helps you meet compliance and eDiscovery needs.
Government and industry regulation requirements for email and data management are becoming stricter due to exponential growth of data and the continued increase of business communications via email and electronic devices. In order to stay ahead of the curve, organizations are leveraging sophisticated archiving technology to fully control their data and enable them to thoroughly and efficiently search relevant data according to their compliance and eDiscovery needs.
By utilizing EMC SourceOne, a leading Logistics company in China and an internationally-known U.S. educational institution were both able to manage the rapid growth of their email and file data and ensure information readiness for audits, compliance and investigation. These organizations from opposite sides of the world, and in different businesses, attribute their success to the flexibility that EMC archiving technology offers to enable them to meet their unique language requirements, corporate policies and country industry regulations.
To find out more about SourceOne, please visit the SourceOne Product Page, Data Protection Suite Product Page or watch the SourceOne Email Management demo.