The Computer Equipment Recycling Program became effective in the State of Texas on September 1st. This bi-partisan law, spearheaded by Austin Democratic Senator Kirk Watson and Houston Republican Representative Dennis Bonnen, unanimously passed by the Texas legislature last year and implemented by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, is a progressive e-cycling law that will create additional computer recycling options for consumers.
In short, the new law requires any company selling a computer in the state must offer a free consumer recycling program. It’s a win on all fronts – Texas consumers will have more free recycling options available to them, more used electronics will be kept out of the state’s landfills and this was done without building additional state government programs – which would in turn cost Texas taxpayers.
Dell recognized the principle of producer responsibility more than two years ago, the same principle that the Texas ecycling legislation now codifies. We’re proud to be offering consumers across the globe free recycling for used computers and proud to continue doing our part in our home state to protect our environment.
Since the legislation has passed, an additional four states have implemented similar laws. We look forward to working with more states in the coming year as they consider electronics recycling legislation.