Successful managers have understood that skillful curation and structured sharing of knowledge can maximize their team’s influence and impact on the success of their company.
A well-functioning knowledge management system ensures that the team has unified access to information and is designed to minimize wasted time searching for sources of information. Furthermore, a knowledge management system avails team members of each other’s knowledge and ensures that capability gains can be reused, thus empowering teams to work more efficiently and focus on ideas and new knowledge instead of information and knowledge already gained.
By implementing an effective knowledge management system, a manager can ensure that knowledge and best practices are curated and managed in a manner that allows the team to onboard new members easily and continuously learn and generate ideas despite employee fluctuation.
This whitepaper explores how Dell’s Business Intelligence organization built a knowledge management system that empowered the team and the wider organization to #DoMore by generating insightful and impactful ideas on top of information and industry-specific and regional knowledge they provided.
The knowledge management system was designed to be a flexible and organic infrastructure that would adapt to fit the needs of the team and the wider organization. Moreover, as information became easier to access, ideas became the focal point of both the team’s activities and their culture. Innovation began to mushroom and various team members became involved in new ways to bring their ideas to the wider organization. Not only did virtuous cycle help professional development and team collaboration, but it also availed the wider organization of impactful ideas and furthered the culture of data-based decision making.
Please click here to read the whitepaper. Follow me on Twitter at @ElizabethAtDell.