While many companies and individuals are rapidly adopting the cloud computing model, the majorities of IT professionals remain on-guard against the overwhelming amount of cloud FUD and are not sure what a cloud really is. To help alleviate this issue, I am starting a blog series, “Introduction to Cloud Series” on Direct2Dell. The series will focus on the basics of IaaS, PaaS, and Hybrid cloud computing. In addition, I will post Dell customer examples of these cloud solution on #DellSolves “Cloud in Action Series.”
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds are the foundation of cloud computing evolving as a natural progression from existing virtualization services. With resources on the server divided up amongst virtual machines, it became simple to offer those resources to a wider audience of users to maximize the computing power of the server while reducing the need for additional servers. Companies interested in leveraging this model transformed their IT departments from delivering dedicated hardware to specific projects to delivering hardware services to users within the company who can access those services on demand; thereby creating what is known as a Private IaaS cloud.
Innovators then took the concept from within a corporation to a public offering where anyone wishing to access hardware services could leverage the public Internet to run VMs on those servers. These Public IaaS clouds are transforming the way that startups or individuals are able to obtain dynamic computing resources in a cost efficient manner. In fact, any person with an Internet connection is now able to obtain as much computing power as the largest and most sophisticated corporations in the world.
To learn more about Dell's public IaaS cloud, visit or website or contact a Dell Cloud representative.