Multi-Touch Capability Available Tomorrow for Latitude XT Customers

Since we introduced the award-winning Latitude XT tablet, capacitive touch capability is one thing that set it apart from the competition. Several weeks ago at the Wall Street Journal’s D6: All Things Digital Conference, Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer highlighted upcoming multi-touch capability that Windows 7 will bring. Chris Flores’ post and video kicked off a flurry of conversations in Techmeme, and we were pumped that they used a Latitude XT was one of the machines Microsoft used show off multi-touch in Windows 7.

But, Latitude XT customers don’t have to wait for Windows 7 to use multi-touch. Tomorrow we will introduce a software update globally via for the Dell tablet that will bring multi-touch to both Windows XP and Vista. With this update, customers can use the functionality in several standard apps like Google Earth, Outlook and Microsoft Office, web browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer 7, and XP’s Windows Picture viewer and the Vista’s Windows Photo Gallery. Take a look at this video from Hans Eilers and Roy Stedman from the Office of the CTO for a demo of how this works.

I’ll add the link to the software update here in this post when it’s ready.

Update, July 16: I forgot to update this post with the links. If you’d like a bit more detail on how the install process works, take a look at this post from yesterday.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca