Dell South Carolina Storage Area Network Products and Services - 5400002642
Dell Contract information
Contract Term Dates: 12/17/2018 – 12/17/2020
Contract Scope: Dell Data Storage Products and Maintenance
Instructions for obtaining quotes and placing Purchase Orders:
- For product and pricing information, contact your local DELL Sales Representative. Reseller Vendors are also available through this Contract. Select from any Reseller Vendor contact listed on the Authorized Reseller List to also obtain product and pricing information.
- Generate a purchase order, made payable to Dell Corporation or any Reseller Vendor listed. You must reference the SC contract 4400016500 on your purchase order.
- E-mail or Fax your purchase order and quote form to your designated vendor or reseller sales representative.
All inquiries and questions:
Katherine Dunay
Dell Corporation
Strategic Contracts Program Office