As you’re deciding between a desktop computer or an all-in-one, consider the advantages of a device without a separate monitor or
computer tower. Why not have both?
A pleasing appearanceAll-in-one desktop computers place a premium on visual design, sleek lines, and an uncluttered appearance. If your business hopes to have a more modern look, AIO computers can help you achieve this goal.
Fewer cordsWith the monitor, computer and speakers all housed in one unit, you’ll have fewer cords to wrangle. This can save time, effort, and frustration in the workplace.
Smaller footprintWhen compared to a desktop computer, all-in-one devices consume far less space. For smaller businesses trying to maximize smaller offices, this can be a huge plus.
Touch screen optionAll-in-ones often feature touch screen technology that provides a more intuitive way for users to interact with their content.