Dell Technologies NASA SEWP V

Contract# NNG15SC06B

Welcome to the NASA SEWP V information and resources. NASA SEWP V provides the latest in Information Technology (IT) products and services for all Federal Agencies and their approved contractors.

Dell Federal Systems L.P. ordering guide

NASA solutions for enterprise wide procurement (SEWP) V

Online Quotes and Purchasing: Dell has moved to online quoting and purchasing through dedicated Premier pages. With your dedicated Premier page, you can build eQuotes, receive your Dell quotes, purchase all quotes, and get order status and reporting all through one page. We can provide training on how to utilize the Premier page and all its features; just ask your Federal sales representative. If you are not sure if you have a dedicated page or need access to your organization’s page, please contact your Federal sales representative. If you are unsure of who your sales representative is, please email:

Contact Sales

Contact Sales:
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Call 1-866-438-3622
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