The Priory School

    • Greater engagement in the classroom.

      The Priory School is inspiring students to become more deeply engaged in the learning process with technology. The school has rolled out Dell Chromebooks across its year groups, so students can take full advantage of the Google applications, at the heart of the schools anywhere and anytime education strategy. A survey among students and staff revealed the transformative power of the devices. For instance, 79% of staff said students were more engaged and 72% felt more homework was being handed in on time.

      • 90% of staff strongly agreed that the Dell Chromebooks were effective. And 97% felt confident using them in their lessons. It was great to see.

        Sam Hankin, Lead Practitioner for Blended Learning, The Priory School
    • Inspiring students in the classroom.

      The Priory School is inspiring students to become more deeply immersed in classes. The school has rolled out Dell Chromebooks across its year groups, so students can take full advantage of the Google applications at the heart of its anywhere, anytime education strategy.

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    • Customer: The Priory School
      Industry: Primary & Secondary Education
      Location: UK