



2020年という年は、いったん立ち止まって、これまでとは違う考え方をして、進路を変更するチャンスを与えてくれました。今、私たちは、より良い未来を創り出すチャンスを手にしています ― テクノロジーを社会と社会の利益のために活用できる、サステナビリティー(持続可能性)を基盤にする未来です。

5年前、世界は気候変動に対して立ち上がり、パリにおいて196カ国が、歴史的に画期的な協定に署名しました。このパリ協定では、署名各国が世界的な気温上昇に対抗するとともに、気候変動の影響からの回復力を高めるための共通目標に取り組むことに合意しました。これらの目標を達成するために、同協定は各国の能力を高めながら、クリーンで気候変動に強い未来を築くことを互いに奨励する技術的な枠組みを提供しています。当時、世界的なパンデミックによって世界経済が完全にひっくり返り、私たちの生活のあらゆる局面に大きな衝撃を与えるなどとは、どの国も考えていませんでした ― しかし、その裏では、人類の発展が環境を侵害していく中で、パンデミックの脅威が徐々に育っていました。今こそ、サステナビリティーにあらためて注力して、これまでとは違う考え方をするときです。


現在のパンデミックが始まって以降、私たちは、世界で最も大きな課題への対応とレジリエンス(回復力)の確保に向けて、どのように進んで行けばよいのかという点について理解を深めてきました。私たちの生き残りと、いくつかの最も重要な分野における持続可能性にとって、デジタル環境を活用することが鍵になることが実証されています。このような変化は、新型コロナウイルス感染症とともに消えることはありません。EY社の「European Attractiveness Survey 2020」(欧州魅力度調査 2020年)によると、現在の健康危機の結果として、今後3年間でテクノロジーの採用が加速し、これらの変化が、より永続的に浸透すると考えている回答者は、全体の82%に上ります(*1)。これらの重要なプロセスのインフラストラクチャーであるデジタル テクノロジーを確固とした基盤に、再生可能エネルギー、資源回収、再生産、リサイクルは、今日の最も重要な問題のいくつかに対処することができます(*2)。

先進のビデオ通話や簡単手軽なコミュニケーションなど、デジタル化によって物理的に移動する必要性が減ることで、排出量が削減されます。世界の排出量の21%は輸送・交通によるものであり、73%が短距離の移動によるものです。新たに出現したさまざまなテクノロジーは、現在収束されつつあり、今後輸送分野の確実な発展を促し、この100年を通じて最も劇的で、持続性に注力した変革を実現することになるでしょう。マクロ レベルで見ると、すでにデジタル テクノロジーは、エネルギー、農業と土地利用、建築、サービスなどのソリューションを通じて、世界の炭素排出量を最大15%削減する上で役立っています。これは、2030年までの削減が求められている目標値50%の3分の1に相当します(*2)。




ここで、自動化とビッグデータにフォーカスしたデジタル変革(DX)が役割を果たします。 高度な人工知能(AI)アプリケーションは、最適化した在庫管理とワークフローによって、循環型のビジネス モデルの実現に向けた取り組みをサポートします。また、AIを活用して製品の分解とリサイクルに不可欠なリバース ロジスティクスの基盤を改善することで、最終的に製品と材料のループを閉じることができます(*4)。

製品の製造および利用に関連する廃棄物と排出量を減らすことは、方程式の一部分に過ぎず、組織全体をカバーするとともに、すべての活動にまで広げる必要があります。重要なのは、新たなマインドセットを育て、イノベーションを活用し、新しいテクノロジーのプラットフォームを提供することで、社会が直面している最大の課題を解決することです。 そのためには、複数のレベルで主要なステークホルダーが関与する、適切なビジネス プラクティスに基づく包括的な戦略が必要です。現在各国政府は、企業がイノベーションの真の可能性を見出し、理論を現実に変えることができるように支援し、権限を与え、これらを実現するための支出を促進することで、このプロセスをリードする準備を整えています。

2030年までに世界の目標値を達成して排出量を半減させるためには、異なる開発レベルでテクノロジーを最大化する必要があります。クラウドコンピューティングや第1世代の産業自動化、3Gおよび4Gモバイルネットワークなどは、すでに飛躍的な効率向上を実現する基盤としての役割を果たしています。次に控えている5G、AI、データ イノベーション、ドローンは、すべてがコネクティビティー(接続性)に依存しており、まったく新しい多くの機会への可能性が開かれます。適切な施策のフレームワークと気候に対する確固としたビジョンを基盤に、これらのテクノロジーは廃棄物や汚染を減らしながら、サービスの価値を高めることに注力した循環型のリーンな経済に向けて、社会を動かすツールとしての役割を果たすでしょう。


*1. https://www.ey.com/en_gl/attractiveness/20/how-can-europe-reset-the-investment-agenda-now-to-rebuild-its-future
*2. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/01/why-digitalization-is-the-key-to-exponential-climate-action/
*3. https://www.weforum.org/projects/circular-economy
*4. Artificial intelligence and the circular economy: AI as a tool to accelerate the transition | McKinsey


Digital transformation is key to unlocking sustainable recovery

The world is at a crossroads with the weight of the climate crisis on our collective shoulders as we seek a better path forward. One of those paths forward is through technology, which we believe can play a pivotal role in addressing this crisis, through delivering an improved, sustainable, and future-proof global economy.

2020 brought a pause and presented an opportunity to think differently and change course.
We now have the chance to build a better future – one with a foundation of sustainability that puts technology to work for social and societal good.

Five years ago, the world took a stand against climate change. In a historic landmark agreement signed in Paris adopted by 196 nations, we agreed to undertake a common cause to combat the global temperature rise and help increase resiliency against the impacts of climate change. To reach those goals the agreement provided a technological framework to enhance capacity and encourage each other to build clean, climate-resilient futures. For most at the time, it was hard to conceive that a global pandemic would completely upend our economies and send shockwaves throughout every aspect of our lives – but behind the scenes, the threat of pandemics had been growing, as human development infringed on the environment. Now is the time to refocus and think differently about sustainability.

As we look to the future, we know the global population is set to grow to a total of 8.5 billion by 2030. By that time, 3 billion more people will have additional purchasing power, increasing demand for products and services, placing enormous pressure on the earth’s natural systems. Global demand is only going to grow, and industries and governments must collaborate to generate supply in an environmentally sustainable way. To do this, stakeholders across the public, private, and non-profit sectors must embrace sustainability and the concept of a circular economy.

Since the beginning of the pandemic we’ve gained a better understanding of the world’s largest issues and how to progress towards resilience. Digital adoption proved to be key to our survival and the sustainability of some of our most vital sectors. These changes are not going away with COVID-19 either. The EY European Attractiveness Survey 2020 found that 82% of respondents are expecting technology adoption to accelerate in the next three years as a result of the health crisis, presenting an opportunity to embed these changes more permanently(*1). Renewables, material recovery, re-manufacturing, and recycling can address some of today’s most critical problems, with digital technologies well positioned to provide the infrastructure for all these vital processes(*2).

Through advanced video calls and instant communications, digitalisation can help cut emissions by decreasing the need for travel, with transport accounting for 21% of global emissions, and 73% coming from short journeys. The emergence of new technologies is now converging and will ensure the transport sector evolves, and undergoes its most dramatic, and sustainably focused transformation in a century. At a macro level, digital technologies could already help reduce global carbon emissions by up to 15% – or one-third of the 50% reduction required by 2030 – through solutions in energy, agriculture and land use, buildings, and services(*2).

Beyond new technologies, public and private sectors can advance a circular economic recovery by ensuring we are bringing out-of-use technology back into the supply chain. In offices all over the world, technology is being updated, leaving predecessors sitting unused. If that technology is still viable, it’s important it is put to use – and if it has reached the end of its lifespan, it is critical that the materials are recycled and put back into the supply chain to make new products. Through an approach which places circularity at the heart of industry, the world can benefit by $4.5 trillion in economic benefits(*3) by 2030, however, realising this potential will require unprecedented collaboration given that today, only 8.6% of the world is circular(*3).

We have a chance to not only set new ambitions around net zero targets, but also to reframe the conversation within our current predicament. As the world enters recovery mode, we can retool our digital strategies to really make a difference and ensure we rebuild with sustainability at the heart of our efforts. Global governments have a central role to play in this, as smarter, sustainable progress requires innovative leadership at its core. This takes bold vision and an international digital strategy that will help translate the vision into reality – one that completely rethinks the way we develop and apply technologies.

There is a lot the public sector can do to support. For one, policy makers have an obligation towards citizens to advance long-term sustainable ecosystems by enabling policies and services that are sustainability aligned, such as driving towards more paperless operations to reduce waste and water usage. But we can go beyond that, for example, by consolidating data centres and IT infrastructure used for departmental applications to reduce the impact on power requirements.

The private sector shouldn’t be overlooked in this vision. Its role as a major driver of growth and job creation make it an invaluable asset in a sustainable future, however, the challenges of the current economic model are huge and only growing. Governments can help set industry on a better course, addressing mounting resource use while fostering sustainability and innovation.

Digital transformation, focused on automation and big data, will have a role to play here. Advanced AI applications will help nudge us closer to circular business models with optimised inventory management and workflows. We’ll also finally be able to close the loop on products and materials by using AI to improve the reverse logistics infrastructure required to dissemble and recycle products(*4).

Reducing waste and emissions related to the manufacturing and use of products is only one part of the equation. It needs to extend across every practice and span entire organisations. It is about cultivating a renewed mind-set, leveraging innovation, and providing a platform for emerging technologies to solve some of the greatest challenges facing society. This requires a rounded strategy based on responsible business practices involving key stakeholders at multiple levels. Governments are now primed and positioned to lead the way through driving spending that can support, empower, and enable businesses to see the true potential in innovation – and transform the theoretical into reality.

To meet global targets and halve emissions by 2030, we need to maximize technologies at different levels of development. Cloud computing, first-generation industrial automation, and 3G and 4G mobile networks, among others, already serve as a foundation for big efficiency gains. Next come 5G, AI, data innovation, and drones, which all depend on connectivity and open up completely new opportunities. With the right policy frameworks and a strong climate vision, these technologies will be instrumental to moving society towards a circular and lean economy, focused on growing service value while reducing waste and pollution.

The possibilities for technology to empower sustainability and circularity are already here, and the past year has shown that when we come together for a common cause, we can overcome pressing societal challenges. Now, we have the opportunity once more to seize the moment and chart a better course for our recovery – with sustainability and resilience at its heart. It’s up to policy makers, people, and business to collaborate and put technology to work so we can build back better.

*1. https://www.ey.com/en_gl/attractiveness/20/how-can-europe-reset-the-investment-agenda-now-to-rebuild-its-future
*2. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/01/why-digitalization-is-the-key-to-exponential-climate-action/
*3. https://www.weforum.org/projects/circular-economy
*4. Artificial intelligence and the circular economy: AI as a tool to accelerate the transition | McKinsey