Creating and Accessing your List of favorite products

The Lists feature enables you to save your favourite product for repeat purchase or for purchase later on. Once you have created a list, you can add products to it and purchase. See the instructions below to get started.

Only the list creator can edit, remove or reconfigure the items in a list. The list recipients can view items, add them to a basket or add them to their own list. Users can add comments and view activity on Shared and Public lists.

Your lists never expire. If a product within a list is discontinued, you’ll receive a notification. Since eQuotes expire, leverage Lists to save your favourite products for repurchase and add to a basket or eQuote when ready to buy.

A. Browse or configure a product to add to your list

  1. Browse for Systems, Peripherals or Software
  2. When you find the product you want, click on the Add to List link


Users can collaborate with other users in their organisation by creating a Public list. Or, use the Shared setting to collaborate with a specific group of users. Selecting the Private setting for their list will enable them to secure it for only their use.


B. Adding product to a new List

3. Give your list a name you will remember and can easily find or search for again.
4. If you wish to give your list a description, add it to this field.
5. Select a Priority for your list. Only one list can be designated as Primary.
6. If multiple lists have been created you can select to add the product to an existing list or create a new one.
7. Provide a product description if there's a unique name.
8. Click “Add Product to List”. Your product is now added to the selected list.
9. There is no limit to the number of lists created or number of products per list.


C.   Adding product to an existing List

10. Choose an existing list from the drop-down menu or to add to a new list, select the link "Create New List"
11. Add Product Description if desired.
12. If Comments are enabled on Shared or Public lists, users can add information that will be available to other users to view.


D. View, search or manage your lists

13. View and manage all your lists by navigating to the “Lists” link via the Masthead (under the Shop menu) or via the “Lists” section under “My Tools”.
14. Select the privacy setting to view lists by Private, Shared or Public.
15. Select a name from the Created by drop-down menu to view lists only created by a certain user.
16. Select “Edit Settings”. Within the List Settings modal, the user can change specific settings.
17. Use the checkbox adjacent to specific lists for batch updates. Then select an action from the drop-down menu above.
18. Select a specific list from the Lists Dashboard to reveal a List Details page by clicking one of the List names in blue



E. Set or edit list settings

19. From the List Settings modal you can change the List Name, List Description, Privacy Settings, enable Comments, add email addresses for a Shared list, and set Priority Settings.
20. Set List Priorities to Primary, Favorite or No Priority. You can set your single most frequently accessed list to Primary. Other lists can be set to Favorite or No Priority. Sorting lists by Priority makes it easy for you to locate a specific one.



F. Using your lists

21. Choose one or multiple products from the list to perform one of the following actions:

a. Customise (if product is customisable)

b. Add item to Basket

c. Add to eQuote

d. Add to Another List

e. Remove Item

Using your list