
Global Chapters

Dell for Entrepreneurs Global Chapters

Dell for Entrepreneurs is Dell’s initiative to help emerging business to gain the resources, expertise and solutions they need to get market quicker. Next to the United States and Canada, we are established local chapters in across various regions across the globe to support the local and regional entrepreneurs. Passionate and skilled employees are providing a variety of resources locally, together with the best local entrepreneurship ecosystem partners.


In Egypt, we aim to support the tech and tech-enabled startups by providing them with 6 months tech mentorship and access to state of the art technology. Designed to help startups go from stealth to scale, DellEMC SuDo gives entrepreneurs instant access to Pivotal Web Services, which is built on the Cloud Foundry Platform and some of the best developer tools in the industry. The program offers technical mentorship for 6 months in the latest technologies. For more details, please visit our website or contact dell.sudo.eg@dell.com.
Dell for Entrepreneurs France currently mentors more than 50 startups and support them in defining their business strategy and operational structure from the project to business acceleration. They regularly organize speed consulting and round table events with local experts. Additionally, they support Hi-Tech startups already hosted by local startup incubators. For this, they partner actively with the Montpellier Business Incubator Center (BIC) as well as France Digitale, the national organization that brings together investors and startups with strong growth projects to create country digital champions. A g reat success story is #MatchUpBox which allows information sharing in a secure and private environment. They will be presenting their solution to next January #CES2017. Have a look at our activities and supported start-ups on our Facebook page
Dell for Entrepreneurs Germany provides entrepreneurs access to technology, sales enablement, networking, education and brand awareness. This allows the entrepreneurs to focus on what they do best and leverage Dell to accelerate their market strategy to take their business to the next level. We partner with local authorities, incubators focusing on IT / Automation / Industry design (e.g. SpinLab), universities (e.g. Univations Gründerservice) as well as corporate partners like Intel and Microsoft to build ecosystems and initiatives aimed at entrepreneurial growth. As an example, the team has worked with award-winning COLDPLASMATECH, a German startup that has developed a pioneering treatment for clinicians caring for people with non-healing wounds. See the success story here: German | English. If you are interested, please contact entrepreneur_program_germany@dell.com
Dell for Entrepreneurs Ireland is open to startups accepted onto our program. Next to funding and access to Dell events, our program offers scheduled time with experts in HR, Legal, Finance, Marketing and Sales to give guidance and advice. If you are interested, please contact Ciara_dempsey@dell.com
Dell for Entrepreneurs Netherlands program connects startups with corporate customers to drive innovation and to accelerate businesses to the next level. We offer entrepreneurs access to marketing, sales and technology of Dell EMC as well as access to a strong partner ecosystem with Intel, Accenture, TheNextWeb and channel partners like Nalta Group to coach and enable the startups. Our focus areas are technology innovations, especially around Internet of Things, Big Data and other disruptive technologies. We also regularly run competitions where startups can showcase their technology innovations (see videos here from 2016 Finals & Semifinal). If you are interested, please contact Peter.Nool@dell.com
Dell EMC in Russia is an active member of the booming Russian venture ecosystem since 2010. We are cooperating closely with startups, venture funds, business incubators to share our technology vision, and to mentor entrepreneurs on business acceleration, technologies of the future, marketing and strategy. Dell EMC in Russia supports the biggest startups contest and forum in Eastern Europe GoTech and each year announces its own Dell EMC nomination with a focus on Big Data, Digital Transformation, Internet of Things and Hyper Converged Infrastructure. Our finalists get attention from world-class technology experts, leverage the network of contacts and partners and get the opportunity to work on joint go-to-market projects with Dell EMC. In 2015, Dell EMC in Russia announced the establishment of a GTM project office aiming at close innovation together with ISVs and startups to help our customers accelerate their business success and transformation. If you are interested to participate in Dell EMC nomination at GoTech, please complete submission form on contest’s website and mark our nomination. If you are interested to become a GTM partner – please reach out to Inga.Petryaevskaya@dell.com.
Dell EMC Singapore is a hub for women entrepreneurs in Asia-Pacific. Based on the recently released findings from the latest Women Entrepreneur Cities Index research in mid-2016 that ranks the top 25 cities to attract and groom high potential women entrepreneurs, Singapore is the top Asian city in the index, buoyed by a third-place grade in Technology, a fifth-place ranking in Culture and eighth in Talent. Dell EMC has been an active chapter for Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network (DWEN) and run local events where Dell senior executive will host high-tea, lunch or breakfast meetings with regional women founders and CEOs to share best practices, build business opportunities, explore expansion and access new resources. To find out more, please contact ella_w@dell.com
Dell for Entrepreneurs Spain provides the best tech startups in Spain access to the Dell Technologies ecosystem, mentors and most importantly technology partners in the country. Through our program, tech startups will have the opportunity to showcase your product, service or solution will change the world at different Dell events. Our focus areas involve Cloud, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, Big Data and other technologies that will change the way we see things today. If you have a tech startup and want to join our program, please contact jonathan_hurtado@dell.com
United Kingdom
In April 2016 Dell EMC was selected as the technology partner to Entrepreneurial Spark, the world’s largest free business accelerator for early stage and growing businesses. Dell EMC provides technology know-how and broader business expertise and support to start-ups through an employee voluntary program. Entrepreneurial Spark is powered by Dell EMC global customer The Royal Bank of Scotland (also branded as NatWest and Ulster Bank ) who provides facilities and access to networking and educational events across 12 Entrepreneurial Spark “hatcheries” for over 1,000 start-ups across the UK. To find out more about “Dell EMC @ Entrepreneurial Spark” please contact dave.hanley@dell.com
The DellScotIgnite program supports entrepreneurs with access to hardware, training, mentoring and networking opportunities. In additional, entrepreneurs are encouraged to attend various events, facilitated by both Dell and external organizations with whom Dell has partnered to bring current, innovative activities and events straight to our Entrepreneurs.