RegistrationOur online registration is the most widely available method for providing us with information about your business. To be registered in the Dell Supplier Diversity database:
  1. Determine whether your company meets the guidelines established by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), National Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. (NMSDC) or Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).
  2. Complete the Dell Supplier Diversity Registration.
Please note: Dell Supplier Diversity will review the Profile Form and certification and obtain additional information if necessary. We may not have a current requirement for your capabilities. However, when the need for your product or service does occur, you will be notified and go through our screening process if your company fully meets our procurement standards.

Dell Supplier Diversity Database and Certification Requirement

Dell Supplier Diversity maintains an internal database, which is used as a reference tool to identify diverse suppliers for potential procurement opportunities. We require third-party certification for diverse suppliers to be included in the database. Please ensure that your company is certified as a diverse supplier by a third-party (see FAQs) before soliciting business with Dell Supplier Diversity.

Please note: Dell Supplier Diversity database registration qualifies your company for consideration in the bidding process; however, it does not guarantee that your company will be awarded business with us. In addition to the Dell Supplier Diversity database, we use other recognized diverse databases when searching for suppliers. We recommend registration with one or more of the following agencies: