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<div data-element="successMessage" class="dds__col--md-12 dds__d-none">The product requires you to provide the registration code. The code will be sent to your email address. Once you receive it please submit it under Product Registration.</div>
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<span data-element="CustomerAlertMsg" class="align-self-center">Please click continue to provide the details of the specific issue you are having to our Dell Care team.</span>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What is Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What is Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<span class="dds__body-2"> The Dell Digital Lockers is a <strong class="dds__body-2">Secure Web Portal </strong>that allows you to view, activate and manage software, subscriptions and licensing information. It also stores types of digital assets, entitlements and certificates. </span>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="DdlCapabilityInfo">
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Dell Digital Locker (DDL) capabilities are also within My Account</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Dell Digital Locker (DDL) capabilities are also within My Account</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
Dell Digital Locker functions are available within My Account. To manage software & licenses, select the Software Licenses option in Software Licenses and Subscriptions menu. Also found in Dell Digital Locker.
<br />
<a id="myAccountPortalUrl" href="" class="dds__link--standalone" target="_blank">Go to My Account<i class="dds__icon dds__icon--pop-up-arrow-corner dds__pl-1" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I get access to the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I get access to the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2">The Dell Digital Lockers shares security with your <strong>Dell My Account</strong>. Login to the Dell Digital Locker with the same email address and password your Dell My Account.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2"><strong>Don’t have a Dell My Account?</strong> It is easy to create one. <span class="dds__body-2"> <a data-element="CreateDdlAccount" href="https://www.dell.com/identity/global/register" target="_blank" class="dds__link--standalone">Click here </a> </span> to set up your Dell My account. Make sure you use the same email you provided at the time of purchase.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">When your login to the <span class="dds__body-2"> <a data-element="Ddl" href="https://www.dell.com/software-and-subscriptions/en-us/softwares/Index" target="_blank" class="dds__link--standalone">Dell Digital Locker, </a> any digitally fulfilled purchases associated to your email address will be available. </span></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2"><strong>NOTE :</strong> <span class="dds__body-2"> Some orders may require an additional step. </span></p>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What can I do in the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What can I do in the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<span><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">The Dell Digital Locker allows you to do the following:</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2"><strong class="dds__body-2">Register</strong>:</p><ul class="dds__list"><li><strong class="dds__body-2">Partner Purchases: </strong> Enter the Registration Code received via email to make your purchase available in the Dell Digital Locker.</li></ul><p></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2"><strong>Search and View:</strong></p><ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Software</strong> or other digital entitlements <a data-element="DdlPurposeFirstLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li><li><strong>Orders</strong>, purchase orders and related entitlements <a data-element="DdlPurposeSecLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li><li><strong>Service Tags </strong>associated to software and related service information <a data-element="DdlPurposeThirdLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li><li><strong>Subscriptions</strong> which are automatically billed on a recurring basis. These include warranty, software and other services. All subscriptions associated to your Dell Customer Number are available. <a data-element="DdlPurposeForthLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li></ul><p></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2"><strong>Enable:</strong></p><ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Download: </strong>download software either directly from the Dell Digital Locker or via a link to the vendor <a data-element="DdlPurposeFifthLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li><li><strong>Get keys: </strong>access keys or redemption codes necessary to activate your software <a data-element="DdlPurposeSixthLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li><li><strong>Get instructions: </strong>For certain software, a ReadMe Section will provide information on how to download, activate or register your software along with embedded links to the associated vendor.</li><li><strong>Associate and activate: </strong>associate the software with a device (Service Tag) and activate <a data-element="DdlPurposeEighthLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li><li><strong>Bulk Operations: </strong>get the job done faster with tools to perform certain tasks in bulk. <a data-element="DdlPurposeNinthLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li></ul><p></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2"><strong>Manage</strong></p><ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Secure Controlled Access: </strong>advanced capabilities allow you to provide secure restricted access to just the people and entitlements you want to view or manage them. <a data-element="DdlPurposeTenthLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a><ul class="dds__list"><li>Add/Remove Users <a data-element="DdlPurposeEleventhLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li><li>Create/Manage User Groups <a data-element="DdlPurposeTwelevethLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li><li>Create/Manage Product Groups <a data-element="DdlPurposeThirteenthLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li></ul></li><li><strong>Subscription Management: </strong><ul class="dds__list"><li>Update Payment Information, View Billing History, Change Addresses <a data-element="DdlPurposeFourteenthLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li><li>Opt Out / Opt In to Automatic Renewal or service cancellation (restricted to certain subscriptions) <a data-element="DdlPurposeFifteenthLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li></ul></li><li><strong>Preferences: </strong><ul class="dds__list"><li>Customize notifications <a data-element="DdlPurposeSixteenthLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-4"><strong>Get Help</strong></p><ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>FAQs </strong>– get answers to your questions on how to use the Dell Digital Locker</li><li><strong>Problem Resolution </strong>– submit a Service Request so that Dell can look into your specific issue.</li></ul><p></p></span>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I navigate the portal?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I navigate the portal?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">After Login, use the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.</p><ul class="dds__list"><li>Your <strong>products</strong> can be found through either the <strong>Software & Licenses </strong>or <strong>Orders</strong></li><li><strong>Subscriptions</strong> with recurring bills are found in the <strong>Subscriptions</strong></li><li>If you purchased your product through a <strong>Dell Partner</strong>, use the <strong>Registration menu </strong>to enter the Registration Code you received via email.</li><li>For detailed information on each of the Menu options, please refer to the individual Help Tabs.</li></ul>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Is all my software in the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Is all my software in the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">Certain types of preinstalled software are not in the Dell Digital Locker.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-2 ">You will be notified via email when purchases are fulfilled and available within the Dell Digital Locker. <br /><strong>If you purchased from a Dell Partner,</strong> use the <strong>Registration menu</strong> to enter the <strong>Registration Code</strong> you received via email. See <a data-element="Registration" href="javascript:;" tabindex="0" role="button" class="dds__link--standalone">Registration</a> for further information.</p>
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<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What is a Primary ID?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What is a Primary ID?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p>A <strong>Primary ID </strong>is an identifier for your product that Dell uses as a unique key to track and manage your license and/or warranty. It may be shown as an <strong>Entitlement ID </strong>or a <strong>Service Tag</strong>. If your software is associated to a Warranty Service entitlement, click on the <strong>Service Tag </strong>to display the associated Warranty Service entitlement details. </p>
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<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Will software purchased from a Dell Partner be in the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Will software purchased from a Dell Partner be in the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p><strong>If you purchased your product through a Dell Partner</strong>, use the <strong>Registration menu </strong>to enter the <strong>Registration Code </strong>you received via email. See Registration for further information.</p>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Software & Licences Menu - What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Software & Licences Menu - What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2 dds__ms-2">The Software and Licenses menu allows you to do the following:</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__ms-2">Search and View:</p><ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Search</strong> for your software or other digital entitlements</li></ul><p></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__ms-2">Take Action:</p><ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Select the "Actions"</strong> button to see what actions are associated to your entitlement:</li></ul><p></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4"><strong>Select "Get Details"</strong> to see all Information and actions available for your entitlement. Depending on what you have purchased there may be a number of actions available including:</p><ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Downloads:</strong> download software either directly from the Dell Digital Locker or via a link to the vendor <a data-element="SoftwareTabPurposeSec" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone">More Information</a></li><li><strong>Keys: </strong>access keys or redemption codes necessary to activate your software <a data-element="SoftwareTabPurposeThird" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li><li><strong>Read Me: </strong>for certain products, important information will be provided on how to download, activate or register your software along with embedded links to the associated vendor.</li><li><strong>Hardware or Software Service Tag: </strong>click to see the associated warranty service information <a data-element="SoftwareTabPurposeFifth" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone">More Information</a></li><li><strong>Entitlement Details: </strong>Product Name, Quantity, Order Number, License Date, Quantity</li><li><strong>Support: </strong>Links to get Support for your product</li></ul><p></p>
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<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="SearchWorksFAQ">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How does Search work?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How does Search work?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>A search field is available at the top of the <strong> Software & Licenses </strong>page where the system will automatically search across a variety of fields. For Example: Order, Product Name, Service Tag, etc.</li><li>Once your search is complete the results will display on the page, listed by Product Name.</li><li>To view all the variables you can search by, click on <strong>Advanced Search </strong>button, then view the <strong>search critera </strong>drop down. In the <strong>Advanced View,</strong> you can also search using a date range.</li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="DownloadSoftwareFAQ">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I download my software?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I download my software?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Sign in </strong>to the Dell Digital Locker.</li><li><strong>Select Software & Licenses </strong>from the menu at the left of the screen<p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">Your products will be listed with most recent purchases at the top</p><ul class="dds__list dds__mt-2"><li><strong>Find your product </strong>in the product list.<p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">If you don't see your product listed, you may search for it using the search window at the top of the screen.</p></li><li><strong>Click </strong>the <strong>Actions </strong>button associated with your Product (right side of the screen), and select <strong>Get Details.</strong> This will take you to the <strong>Product Details </strong>page with tabs for <strong>Product </strong>and <strong>Available Downloads </strong>(as applicable) for your product.<ul class="dds__list dds__mt-2"><li>The Product tab will be open by default and may include an option to <strong>Download Key </strong>and/or <strong>View Read Me </strong>information if available.<p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">The <strong>Read Me</strong> information will be to the right of the <strong>License </strong>title. For some products, the download will be available from a partner's portal via a link, and will be referenced within the <strong>Read Me.</strong></p></li><li><strong>Click the Available Downloads</strong> tab which is next to the <strong>Product</strong> tab.<p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">This will show you all downloads available for your product along with relevant information. Note that if the download is available directly from the vendor, or if your product does not have software downloads associated, there will be no downloads available in this section.</p><ul class="dds__list dds__mt-2"><li><strong>Click on the blue highlighted Download Name</strong> to see further details about the download.</li><li><strong>Click the Download button</strong> to start the download manager.</li></ul><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">Follow the directions on the screen to download your software.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">Click on the downloaded installation files to install on your machine.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2"><strong>Note: </strong>you may need to reference License Keys or Product Codes within the <strong>Product </strong>tab to use during your installation.</p></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="DownloadLicenseKeyFAQ">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I download a license key?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I download a license key?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Sign in </strong>to the Dell Digital Locker.</li><li><strong>Select Software & Licenses </strong>from the menu at the left of the screen<p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">Your products will be listed with most recent purchases at the top</p><ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Find your product</strong> in the product list.<p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">If you don't see your product listed, you may search for it using the search window at the top of the screen.</p></li><li><strong>Click </strong>the <strong>Actions </strong>button associated with your Product (right side of the screen), and select <strong>Get Details.</strong><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">This will take you to the <strong>Product Details </strong>page with tabs for <strong>Product </strong>and <strong>Available Downloads </strong>(as applicable) for your product.</p><ul class="dds__list"><li>The Product tab will be open by default and may include an option to <strong>Download Key</strong> and/or <strong>View Read Me </strong>information if available.<ul class="dds__list dds__mt-2"><li>To Download a key click the <strong>Download Key </strong>button</li><li>A pop-up menu may display or you may be navigated to an activation process to <strong>bind/assign your unique identifier </strong>(for ex, Dell Service Tag) to the license.</li><li>After binding, <strong>select the delivery method: email or download</strong></li><li>The <strong>Read Me </strong>information will be to the right of the <strong>License </strong>title. For some products, the key download will be available from a partner's portal via a link, and will be referenced within the <strong>Read Me.</strong></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What happens when I return a product?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What happens when I return a product?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
The product is immediately disabled, and its status in the Dell Digital Locker will appear as "returned." It is removed completely from your Products page within two months.
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Will software purchased from a Dell Partner be in the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Will software purchased from a Dell Partner be in the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<span> <strong>If you purchased from a Dell Partner, </strong>you may need to enter a Registration Code (received via email) before viewing your software in the Dell Digital Locker. <a data-element="SoftwarePurchased" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone">More Information</a> </span>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What is a Primary ID?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What is a Primary ID?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p>A <strong>Primary ID </strong>is an identifier for your product that Dell uses as a unique key to track and manage your license and/or warranty. It may be shown as an <strong>Entitlement ID </strong>or a <strong>Service Tag</strong>. If your software is associated to a Warranty Service entitlement, click on the <strong>Service Tag </strong>to display the associated Warranty Service entitlement details. </p>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="UnderstandServiceTag">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Understanding Service Tags</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Understanding Service Tags</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">A <strong>Service Tag</strong> is a unique identifier associated to your machine and/or software which is used for Warranty or Service purposes. On a physical device like a laptop, you will find a physical <strong>Service Tag </strong>on the device. For software which is not associated to a device, Dell may create a "Software Service Tag" to allow Dell Services to determine the level of service and support available.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">For certain software, the <strong>Service Tag</strong> is the <strong>Primary ID</strong> used within the Dell Digital Locker.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">Click the <strong>Service Tag </strong>to view Warranty and Service information.</p>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<div id="RegistrationTab-pane" class="dds__tabs__pane" role="tabpanel" tabindex="-1" data-index="2" aria-labelledby="RegistrationTab" aria-hidden="true">
<div data-element="RegistrationFAQ">
<div data-element="ShowHideButtons" class="">
<div class="dds__row dds__mt-3">
<button data-element="lnkExpandAll" class="dds__button dds__button--tertiary dds__button--sm dds__mb-3" aria-label="Expand All">
<span>Expand All</span>
<div class="dds__divider--vertical dds__divider--secondary" style="height:25px"></div>
<button data-element="lnkCollapseAll" class="dds__button dds__button--tertiary dds__button--sm dds__mb-3" aria-label="Collapse All">
<span>Collapse All</span>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="RegistrationTabPurpose">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Registration Menu - What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Registration Menu - What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2 dds__ms-2">If you have purchased from a Partner or Reseller, you may need to use the Registration Menu to get access to your products in the Dell Digital Locker.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__ms-2">Select the <strong>Registration Menu </strong>to:</p><ul class="dds__list"><li>Register your product so it is available in the Software and Licenses Menu <a data-element="RegistrationTabPurposeFirstLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone">More Information</a></li><li>Transfer Ownership <a data-element="RegistrationTabPurposeSecLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone">More Information</a></li><li>Engage Dell Support <a data-element="RegistrationTabPurposeThirdLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone">More Information</a></li><li>Determine Registration Code Status (Partners or Resellers Only) <a data-element="RegistrationTabPurposeForthLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone">More Information</a></li></ul><p></p>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="RegisterProduct">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I register my product?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I register my product?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>Within Dell Digital Locker click <strong>Registration </strong>menu, <strong>Registration Entry </strong>Registration Entry tab.</li><li>Input the Registration Code from the Dell Digital Locker email you received and enter it within the text box and click submit.</li><li>You should receive a success message indicating the Registration Code(s) have processed. You can now <strong>view </strong>your license(s) in the Software & Licensing section.</li><li>After processing the Registration Code, you will see an option to submit an Ownership Transfer form. Wyse customers will be automatically redirected to fill out the Ownership Transfer form.</li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="CodeAlreadyRegistered">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">I tried to register but it says the Registration Code is already consumed or transferred. What do I do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">I tried to register but it says the Registration Code is already consumed or transferred. What do I do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul><li>If you receive a Registration Consumed or Transfer warning message when attempting to submit a Registration Code: 1) Check <strong>Software & Licenses </strong>menu to verify if access is available. 2) If not, please engage Dell Support (see instructions below).</li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="EngageDellSupport">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Engaging Dell Support</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Engaging Dell Support</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>Within the Registration menu, Registration Entry tab you can engage Dell Support by selecting the "click here" option. A window will open to enter and submit the Bill-To Dell Customer Number and Order Number. Registration Code will be resent (if not consumed). If incorrect information is provided, user has an option to be redirected to the Order support page.</li><li>Additional Dell Support: <a href="https://www.dell.com/support/incidents-online/en-us/contactus/dynamic?ref=contactus" class="dds__link--standalone" target="_blank"> Contact Technical Support | Dell US</a></li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="RegistrationStatusCode">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Registration Code Status Section (for Partner or Reseller)</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Registration Code Status Section (for Partner or Reseller)</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>Allows the Partner or Reseller to check Registration Code status. There is an option to resend the Registration Code email if unredeemed.</li><li>Check where Registration Code emails are sent. Gives visibility to Partner regarding what end user the Dell Digital Locker email has been resent to.</li><li>Provides visibility to Registration Code status and whether they are redeemed/unredeemed.</li><li>To <strong>Resend Dell Digital Locker</strong> email:<ul class="dds__list dds__mt-2"><li>Select Order with an Unredeemed status and in the Actions feature select Email Registration Code, where you will be able to enter up to 5 email recipients. Click submit.</li></ul></li><li>To <strong>View Unredeemed </strong>Registration Codes:<ul class="dds__list dds__mt-2"><li>Navigate to the status column where you will see either Redeemed or Unredeemed options.</li><li>Redeemed refers to Registration Codes consumed in Dell Digital Locker already.</li><li>Unredeemed refers to Registration Codes not consumed yet in Dell Digital Locker.</li></ul></li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="ConsiderThings">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Things to consider</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Things to consider</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>For every Dell Partner Order you will receive unique Registration Code. The unique Registration Code will be tied to all the software products on the Dell Partner Order.</li><li>The email being used to login to Dell Digital Locker and completing the Registration Code process is the one getting instantaneous access to software products on the Dell Partner Order.</li><li>Once a Registration Code is consumed you will not be able to resubmit it within Dell Digital Locker.</li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="OwnwershipTransfer">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Ownership Transfer</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Ownership Transfer</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>Ownership Transfer moves the owner details from the current company over to a new customer.</li><li>You will have the option to submit an Ownership Transfer after the Registration Code has been consumed.</li><li>You can also find the Ownership Transfer form in the Dell Digital Locker login page.</li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<div id="OrderHistoryTab-pane" class="dds__tabs__pane" data-index="3" role="tabpanel" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="OrderHistoryTab" aria-hidden="true">
<div data-element="OrdersFAQ">
<div data-element="ShowHideButtons" class="">
<div class="dds__row dds__mt-3">
<button data-element="lnkExpandAll" class="dds__button dds__button--tertiary dds__button--sm dds__mb-3" aria-label="Expand All">
<span>Expand All</span>
<div class="dds__divider--vertical dds__divider--secondary" style="height:25px"></div>
<button data-element="lnkCollapseAll" class="dds__button dds__button--tertiary dds__button--sm dds__mb-3" aria-label="Collapse All">
<span>Collapse All</span>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="OrderTabPurposeFAQ">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Order History Menu - What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Order History Menu - What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2 dds__ms-2">Select the <strong>Order History </strong>Menu to:</p><ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Search </strong>for your software or other digital entitlements grouped by Order Number</li><li><strong>Select "Actions" </strong>associated to your order:<p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2"><strong>View Order Details: </strong>to see all products on an order</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2"><strong>Get All Text Based Keys: </strong>download all text based keys for all products on the order (applicable for all activation codes, ex: VMware PAC Codes)</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2"><strong>View Product Details: </strong>click the blue highlighted product name to view the <strong>Product Details </strong>to access keys or downloads</p></li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="SearchWorksFAQ">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How does Search work?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How does Search work?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>You can search with your <strong>Product Name, Order Number, ServiceTag, etc...</strong></li><li>You can click <strong>Advanced Search</strong> and extend the search using Customer Number, DeviceID, License Name or Product Group</li><li>You can also search within a specific <strong>Date Range </strong>using <strong>Advanced Search</strong></li><li>You can name and <strong>Save </strong>search criteria to use for future searches by selecting the saved name from the <strong>Saved Searches </strong>dropdown list</li><li>You can <strong>Export </strong>selected items using check boxes</li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="DownloadUserAccessKeyFAQ">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I download all my access keys for an Order?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I download all my access keys for an Order?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>Navigate to <strong>Order Details </strong>page by clicking the blue highlighted <strong>Order Number </strong>or click <strong>View Order </strong>details from the <strong>Actions </strong>button</li><li>Click <strong>Get All Text Based Keys </strong>button on the top right under <strong>Actions</strong></li><li>A CSV file will download to your machine containing activation codes associated with the order</li><li>To download the XML based license files, navigate to <strong>Product Details </strong>page by clicking each <strong>Product Name </strong>for which you need a license</li><li>To download your licenses in bulk, visit the tools page: <a data-element="SearchWorksLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone">More Information</a></li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="OrderNotVisibleFAQ">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What if I am not able to view my Order under Order History menu?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What if I am not able to view my Order under Order History menu?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>If you have made the purchase from a Dell Partner or Reseller, you may need to enter the <strong>Registration Code </strong>received via email by clicking the <strong>Registration Tab </strong>and submit. If you are still not able to view the order, you can click the <strong>General Support </strong>button located in the <strong>Order History </strong>page</li><li>If you are a direct customer and not able to view your products, click the <strong>General Support </strong>button in the <strong>Order History </strong>page</li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<div id="SubscriptionTab-pane" class="dds__tabs__pane" role="tabpanel" data-index="4" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="SubscriptionTab" aria-hidden="true">
<div data-element="SubscriptionFAQ">
<div data-element="ShowHideButtons" class="">
<div class="dds__row dds__mt-3">
<button data-element="lnkExpandAll" class="dds__button dds__button--tertiary dds__button--sm dds__mb-3" aria-label="Expand All">
<span>Expand All</span>
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<button data-element="lnkCollapseAll" class="dds__button dds__button--tertiary dds__button--sm dds__mb-3" aria-label="Collapse All">
<span>Collapse All</span>
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<span data-dds="more-less">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Subscriptions Menu - What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Subscriptions Menu - What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<div><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">Subscriptions which are automatically billed on a recurring basis are shown in this menu. Please be aware that <strong>not all subscriptions are available within this portal.</strong> <a data-element="SubscriptionTabPurposeLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">You can <strong>manage billing and payment information </strong>associated with your subscription and in some cases <strong> Activate, Turn On/Off Automatic Renewal or Request Subscription Cancellation. </strong></p></div>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="SubscriptionIncluded">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What Subscriptions are included?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What Subscriptions are included?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>Any subscriptions <strong>associated to your Dell Customer Number</strong> which are <strong>billed automatically on a recurring basis </strong>will be shown in this menu. These subscriptions include warranty, software and other services.</li><li><strong>How do you know your subscription is billed on a recurring basis? </strong> If your subscription is automatically renewed or Dell automatically bills your subscription charges (without needing a new order or providing new payment method), your subscription should be included here.</li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="SubscriptionNotIncluded">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What Subscriptions are not included?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What Subscriptions are not included?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>Any subscription or term based license which is <strong>not</strong> billed automatically on a recurring basis is <strong>not</strong> shown within the Subscriptions menu. For example, subscriptions which require manual renewal orders are not managed here. Please contact your sales representative for information on how to renew your product.</li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What can I view, update or change on my subscriptions?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What can I view, update or change on my subscriptions?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Billing Related Updates:</strong> (All Types of Subscriptions)<ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>View & Update Billing Information:</strong><ul class="dds__list"><li>Update Payment Information</li><li>View Billing History</li><li>Update Bill To Address</li><li>Update Ship To Address (related to tax treatment in some countries)</li><li>Update email addresses for notifications</li></ul></li><li><strong>View Subscriptions </strong>for products or services on your bill plan</li></ul></li><li><strong>Subscription Management </strong>(Specific to the type of subscription)<ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Consumer Subscription Services </strong>(Includes device <strong>warranty</strong> subscriptions)<ul class="dds__list"><li>Cancel Subscription (stops service and subscription and charges as of next bill date)</li></ul></li><li><strong>Microsoft 365 Family and Personal</strong><ul class="dds__list"><li>Activate Subscription with Microsoft</li><li>Turn On/Off Automatic Renewal of Subscription</li><li>Cancel Subscription Immediately (Not recommended)</li></ul></li><li><strong>McAfee</strong><ul class="dds__list"><li>Turn On/Off Automatic Renewal of Subscription</li></ul></li></ul></li>Note: for some offers, more complex subscription management is performed in the Dell MyAccount, or by contacting Dell directly. Please refer to the information you received when activating your subscription for details.</ul>
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<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="FindMySubscription">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I find my subscriptions?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I find my subscriptions?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Click on the Subscription Menu </strong><ul class="dds__list"><li>You will see a list of your subscription bill plans which includes the subscription Offer Name, Bill Plan ID, Payment Method and other information.</li><p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">Note: the <strong>subscription offer name </strong>shown is used to describe the products in your subscription that will be billed together on the same bill plan with the same payment method. A subscription offer may contain many individual products and product subscriptions. For Example:</p><ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Microsoft 365 CSP </strong>is a subscription offer name. There are many different products such as Exchange or SharePoint that could be part of that subscription offer and will be billed together on the same bill plan to the same payment method. Each product is an individual subscription and may have different renewal dates.</li><li><strong>Consumer Subscription Services </strong>is the subscription offer name for warranty or other Dell services billed to you at the same time on the same bill plan to same payment method. Warranty subscriptions for different devices may be contained in the same bill plan and billed together. <strong> Details of each subscription are grouped by the Service Tag </strong>of your machine.</li></ul><li>You can view and update all subscriptions billed to the same Dell Customer number. You can find the Dell Customer Number associated to your subscription on the invoice you received for your subscription.</li><li>Click on the Offer Name to view your subscription bill plan information and perform any actions. For quick access to certain actions, you may also choose the Actions button associated with the Offer Name on the right side of the screen.</li></ul></li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="ViewEditSubscriptionDetailFAQ">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I my view my subscription details and make changes?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I my view my subscription details and make changes?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Find your subscription. </strong>Need help to do this? <a data-element="SubDetailViewEditLink" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li><li><strong>View Basic Information: </strong>Offer Name, Bill Plan ID, Next Bill Date, and Payment Method associated to your Bill Plan can be seen from the list view of all your subscription bill plans.</li><li><strong>Select Quick Actions: </strong>Certain actions can be taken from the list view of your subscription bill plans. Actions available will vary by subscription type and may include Edit Payment Method, Share Subscription Access, View Billing and Subscription Notification emails.<ul class="dds__list"><li>Select Quick actions by clicking the <strong>Actions</strong> button associated with your subscription Bill Plan.</li></ul></li><li><strong>Full Subscription Management: </strong>All subscription details and all actions are available.<ul class="dds__list"><li>Click your subscription <strong>Offer Name</strong> highlighted in blue or select the Quick Action "<strong>Manage My Subscriptions</strong>" from the list view</li><li>The <strong>Subscription Details</strong> section shows information which applies to the entire bill plan.<ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>View or Update: </strong><ul class="dds__list"><li>Payment Information</li><li>Edit Purchase Orders</li><li>Edit or Add Credit Card</li><li>Billing History<ul class="dds__list"><li>View charges and credits</li><li>Download PDF versions of Invoices</li></ul></li><li>Bill To Address</li><li>Communications Language Preferences (if available in your country)</li><li>Billing Notification Email</li><li>Subscription Notification Email</li></ul></li><li><strong>Take Action:</strong> Choose <strong>Actions </strong>from the menu at the top right. Available actions will vary by offer and may include:<ul class="dds__list"><li>Manage Seats and Usage</li><li>View Billing History</li><li>Edit Payment</li><li><strong>Turn Off Automatic Renewal</strong> - Microsoft 365 Family and Personal and McAfee Only</li><li><strong>Turn On Automatic Renewal</strong> - Microsoft 365 Family and Personal and McAfee Only</li><li><strong>Cancel Subscription Immediately</strong> - Microsoft 365 Family and Personal Only</li></ul></li></ul></li><li>The <strong>Subscriptions</strong> section at the bottom of Subscription Details lists individual subscriptions contained within the Bill Plan. Content varies by offer.<ul class="dds__list"><li>Click <strong>Product Name</strong> or <strong>Primary ID / Service Tag</strong> (highlighted in blue) to:<ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>View or Update: </strong><ul class="dds__list"><li>Ship To Address - may affect tax treatment</li><li>Subscription Details</li></ul></li><li><strong>Take Action: </strong><ul class="dds__list"><li><strong>Cancel Subscription </strong>- Consumer Subscription Services (warranty) only</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>
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<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I Cancel my warranty subscription?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I Cancel my warranty subscription?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>Warranty subscriptions for consumers are known as <strong>Consumer Subscription Services.</strong></li><li>Click on the Subscriptions menu on the left side of the Dell Digital Locker to display your subscriptions.</li><li>Click the Offer Name "Consumer Subscription Services" in blue highlight in the list view.</li><li>In the Subscriptions Section at the bottom of the Subscription Details page, you will see a list of Service Tags for devices which have warranty subscriptions.</li><li>Click on the Service Tag of the device which has the warranty subscription you wish to cancel</li><li>Under the "Manage" column, choose "Cancel".</li><li>You will receive a message on the screen indicating that your Warranty was cancelled successfully.</li><li>Additional information is available on the warranty subscription cancellation process at: <a href="https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/000126747/how-to-cancel-consumer-subscription-service-warranty" target="_blank" class="dds__link--standalone"> More Information</a></li></ul>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I Activate & Manage my McAfee Auto-Renewal Subscription?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I Activate & Manage my McAfee Auto-Renewal Subscription?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>McAfee subscriptions are automatically actives when you set-up your computer. Once the process is complete, you will receive an email with your subscription details and information on how to update preferences in the Dell Digital Locker</li><li>Once your subscription is Activated, it will be shown in the Subscriptions Menu in the Dell Digital Locker.</li><li>You can use the Dell Digital Locker to update your payment method, Turn On or Turn Off Automatic Renewal, update billing information, and view billing history.</li><li>Note: Details of your McAfee subscription are also shown in the Products section of the Dell Digital Locker, but for full Subscription Management, please use the Subscriptions Menu.</li></ul>
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<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I Activate & Manage my Microsoft 365 Family or Personal Subscription with Auto-Renewal?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I Activate & Manage my Microsoft 365 Family or Personal Subscription with Auto-Renewal?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>You will receive an email notifying you that your Microsoft 365 subscription is ready to activate in the Dell Digital Locker.</li><li>Log into the Dell Digital Locker using the same email you used when you ordered the product.</li><li>Select the Software and Licenses Menu. You will see a list of products you have purchased with your most recent purchases at the top of the list.</li><li>Click the Actions button to see Actions available. Choose Get Details.</li><li>Please read the information on how to Activate, then Select "Activate". This will take you to Microsoft.</li><li>Register at Microsoft using an existing Microsoft Account, or you can create a new one. Note that there can only be one M365 subscription in a Microsoft Account.</li><li>When you have completed the Registration process at Microsoft, you may begin to download and activate your M365 products from the Microsoft Website.</li><li>After Activation is complete, you will receive an email from Dell with details of your subscription including renewal date and how to Turn Off automatic renewal.</li><li>After Activation, you can manage your subscription by selecting the Subscriptions menu in the Dell Digital Locker.</li><li>You can use the Dell Digital Locker to update your payment method, Turn On or Turn Off Automatic Renewal, Cancel Your Subscription Immediately, update billing information, and view billing history.</li><li>Note: Details of your Microsoft 365 subscription will continue to be shown in the Products section of the Dell Digital Locker, but for full Subscription Management, please use the Subscriptions Menu.</li></ul>
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<span data-dds="more-less">
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What is a bill plan?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What is a bill plan?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>For subscriptions billed on a recurring basis, Dell groups similar subscription offerings together into a single Bill Plan.</li><li>Calculations of what is owed on the Bill Plan are usually done monthly on the Bill Date.</li><li>A Bill Plan always has the same payment method and Billing Address.</li><li>A Bill Plan may contain many individual subscriptions for different products each with their own renewal date.</li><li>In some cases, a Bill Plan contains only one subscription per Bill Plan (McAfee or Microsoft 365 Family and Personal).</li><li>The Bill Plan ID is shown on your subscription invoice from Dell and in the Dell Digital Locker to identify your specific Bill Plan and subscription.</li></ul>
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<span data-dds="more-less">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I give other people access to subscriptions in the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I give other people access to subscriptions in the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>Dell Digital Locker access for subscriptions is managed through association to your Dell Customer Number. The Bill To email associated to the subscription when it was first ordered is automatically granted access to all subscriptions associated to the same Dell Customer Number in the Dell Digital Locker. If you wish to add / remove or change Dell Digital Locker access, it can be done in two ways.</li><ul><li><strong>Billing Notifications Email:</strong> Adding or changing the Billing Notifications email address will automatically provide that new email address access to the Dell Digitial Locker. Please allow 30 minutes for processing to complete before checking the new access. Note: in some countries, only one email address is allowed for Billing Notifications.</li><li><strong>User & Product Groups:</strong> New email addresses may be associated to your Dell Customer Number to provide subscription access in the Dell Digital Locker through the User & Product Groups menu. Select the tab "Billing Accounts" to associate other user email addresses to your Dell Customer number.</li></ul></ul>
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<span data-dds="more-less">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Why do I see subscriptions that I didn't order?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Why do I see subscriptions that I didn't order?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<ul class="dds__list"><li>Any subscription which is associated to the same Dell Customer Number will be visible in the Dell Digital Locker. If you are part of a larger organization, you may see subscriptions which were ordered by other parts of your organization.</li></ul>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">User & Product Groups Menu - What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">User & Product Groups Menu - What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2">Select the <strong>User & Product Groups</strong> Menu to provide <strong>Secure Controlled Access</strong> to other people in your organization to Products in the Dell Digital Locker. The User and Product Groups menu provides, DDL provides advanced capabilities that allow you to provide secure restricted access to just the people and entitlements you want them to view or manage.</p>
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<span data-dds="more-less">
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What is a user group?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What is a user group?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2">A User Group is a list of Users that can be assigned to a Product Group to give secured access to the Products associated to the Product Group. A User Group can be system generated at the time of purchase or can be custom defined by the customer later to meet specific secured access needs of the customer. <span style="color: red;">Refer to</span> <strong>How do I create a User Group</strong> for instructions on how to create a custom user group.</p>
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<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What is a product group?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What is a product group?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2">A Product Group is a list of Products that can be assigned to a User Group to give secured access to the Users associated to the User Group. A Product Group can be system generated at the time of purchase or can be custom defined by the customer later to meet specific secured access needs of the customer. <span style="color: red;">Refer to</span> <strong>How do I create a Product Group</strong> for instructions on how to create a custom product group.</p>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I use User Groups and Product Groups?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I use User Groups and Product Groups?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2">User and Product Groups framework provides users a flexible and easy way to manage secure access to their digital purchase. A Product Group or User Group can be system generated at the time of purchase or can be defined by the customer later to meet specific secured access needs. Users can choose to use the system generated default user and product groups (based on customer account or orders) to quickly add or remove users access. Custom groups can be defined to meet more specific access requirements. <span style="color: red;">Refer to</span> <strong>How do I create a Product Group</strong> and <strong> How do I create a User Group </strong> for instructions on how to create a custom product or user group.</p>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I add users to the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I add users to the Dell Digital Locker?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Sign in</strong> to the Dell Digital Locker.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Select User & Product Groups</strong> from the menu at the left of the screen</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Your User Groups will be listed under the User Groups tab in the paginated list.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Find the User Group</strong> in the list.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">If you don't see your User Group listed, you may search for it by navigating to other pages at the bottom of the screen.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Actions</strong> button associated with your User Group (right side of the screen), and select <strong>Edit.</strong></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">This will take you to the Edit User Group Details page with the Users and Product Groups associated with your selected User Group.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>View</strong> the selected <strong>Product Groups</strong> listed under associated Product Groups list to ensure this is the right User Group .</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Selected <strong>Product Group</strong> contains the product that you are giving the new user access to.</p><p><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Add Users</strong> button displayed below the product groups list.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">This will pop up the <strong>Add Users</strong> window. You have an option to either select user(s) who are part of your other groups or click on the <strong>Add User</strong> button to add a net new user.</p><p class="dds__body-2">To add a user from your other user groups, <strong>Click</strong> on the <strong>Role</strong> dropdown to select a role for the user from the users list.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">This will auto select the check box for the user to be added to the user group. <strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Add</strong> button to add the user to the user group. To add a net new user, <strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Add New User</strong> button.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">This will pop up the <strong>Add New User</strong> window. Enter the values for <strong>First Name, Last Name, Email</strong> text boxes and <strong>Select</strong> the role for <strong>User's Role</strong> dropdown. <strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Add button.</strong></p><p class="dds__body-2">User will be added to the user group.</p>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I remove a user from a User Group?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I remove a user from a User Group?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Sign in</strong> to the Dell Digital Locker.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Select User & Product Groups</strong> from the menu at the left of the screen</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Your User Groups will be listed under the User Groups tab in the paginated list.</p><p><strong>Find the User Group</strong> in the list from which you wish to remove the user.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">If you don't see your User Group listed, you may search for it by navigating to other pages using the pagination arrows at the bottom of the screen.</p><p><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Actions</strong> button associated with your User Group (right side of the screen), and select Edit.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">This will take you to the Edit User Group Details page which displays the list of Users and Product Groups associated with your selected User Group.</p><p><strong>Scroll down</strong> the page to the list of users in the User Group displayed below the Product Groups section.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">User details including their roles is displayed in the list.</p><p><strong>Find</strong> the user that you need to remove from the User Group.</p><p><strong>Uncheck</strong> the radio box on the left and side for the user you wish to remove.</p><p><strong>Click the Submit</strong> button.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">User will be removed from the User Group.</p><p>If you are the only admin in the group, you will not be able to remove yourself. A user Group must have an admin when a user is removed.</p>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I create a user group?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I create a user group?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Sign in</strong> to the Dell Digital Locker.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Select User & Product Groups</strong> from the menu at the left of the screen</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Your existing User Groups will be listed under the User Groups tab in the paginated list.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>New User Group</strong> button listed under the User Groups tab.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">This will take you to the User Group Details page to input new User Group name and other information.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Enter</strong> the User Group Name for new group and choose a role from the drop down for the group creator that is you.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Chose Super Admin role if you wish to keep the privilege to be able to create new groups in future. Choose Admin role if you wish to only add/remove users from the newly created group.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Next</strong> button to go to next page <strong>Associate to Users.</strong></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">List of users who are part of your other User Groups will be displayed on this page.</p><p><strong>Find</strong> the user that you need to add from the Users list displayed on this page or you can <strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Add User</strong> button to add a brand new user.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">If you do not see the user listed on first page, you can search for that user by navigating to other pages using navigation arrows at the bottom of the page.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Select the check box and the role for the user you wish to add to the user group</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Refer to <strong>What are different User Roles and their capabilities</strong> for instructions on how to chose an appropriate role for the new user bring added</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Next</strong> button to go to next page <strong>Associate to Product Groups.</strong></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">List of Product Groups that you have access to will be displayed on this page.</p><p><strong>Find</strong> the Product Group that you need to associate this new user group to.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 "><strong>Select</strong> the check box(es) of the product group(s) to associate the new user group. Use the scroll bar to look at the full list if list is too long to be displayed in the box.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Selected product groups will be associated to the newly created user group.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Next</strong> button to go to next page <strong>Review Selections.</strong></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">All the information entered for new group will be displayed here.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 "><strong>Review</strong> all the entered information.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Click on <strong>Edit</strong> link next to group name field if you wish to update the group name.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 "><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Remove</strong> button for a user if you wish to remove that user from new group.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-5">If there is only one admin in the group, you will not be able to remove that admin user. A user Group must have an admin when a user is removed.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Click on <strong>Add User</strong> if you wish to add a new user to the new group</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-5">Enter all the required information to add a new user and <strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Add button</strong></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 "><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Create New Group</strong> button to finish creating new user group.</p>
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<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I create a product group?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I create a product group?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Sign in</strong> to the Dell Digital Locker.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Select User & Product Groups</strong> from the menu at the left of the screen.</p><p class="dds__body-2">Select The <strong>Product Groups</strong> tab.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Your existing Product Groups will be listed under the Product Groups tab in the paginated list.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>New product Group</strong> button listed under the Product Groups tab.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">This will take you to the product Group Details page to input new Product Group name information.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Enter</strong> the Product Group Name for the new group.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Next</strong> button to go to next page <strong>Associate to Product.</strong></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">List of Products which you have admin access through other product groups will be displayed on this page.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Find</strong> the products that you need to add from the products list displayed on this page or you can search for them using the <strong>Search Products</strong> on top right of the tab.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Add Product button </strong></p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Next</strong> button to go to next page <strong>Associate to User Groups.</strong></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">List of User Groups that you have admin access to will be displayed on this page.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Find</strong> the User Group that you need to associate this new product group to.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 "><strong>Select</strong> the check box(es) of the User group(s) to associate the new product group. Use the scroll bar to look at the full list if list is too long to be displayed in the box.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Next</strong> button to go to next page <strong>Review Selections.</strong></p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">All the information entered for new group will be displayed here.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 "><strong>Review</strong> all the entered information.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Click on <strong>Edit</strong> link next to group name field if you wish to update the group name.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 "><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Remove</strong> button for a product if you wish to remove that product from new group.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 "><strong>Click</strong> the <strong>Create New Group</strong> button to finish creating new product group.</p>
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<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I remove a user from all my User Groups?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I remove a user from all my User Groups?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Sign in</strong> to the Dell Digital Locker.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Select User & Product Groups</strong> from the menu at the left of the screen.</p><p class="dds__body-2">Select the <strong>Remove Users</strong> tab.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">All users under the User Groups that you have admin access to will be listed under the Remove Users tab in the paginated list.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Scroll down</strong> the page to the list of users.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">User details including their names and email address is displayed in the list.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Find</strong> the user that you need to remove from all your User Groups.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Click the Remove</strong> button for that user displayed on the right hand side.</p><p class="dds__body-2 dds__pl-4 ">Delete confirmation pop up window will be displayed.</p><p class="dds__body-2">Click on <strong>Delete</strong> button.</p>
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<span data-dds="more-less">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What are the different user roles and their capabilities?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What are the different user roles and their capabilities?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2">The Dell Digital Locker has four predefined user roles: viewer, user, administrator, and super admin. The administrator or super admin assigns a role to each new user and that role determines what capabilities or tasks the user can perform. Roles are assigned at the group level, so you may have different roles for the groups that you belong to.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Viewer:</strong> Viewers have read-only access and can run reports on products in a product group and users in a user group, receive email notifications when products are added or removed from a product group, and view users and user roles in a user group.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>User:</strong> Users have the same capabilities as viewers and they can also download software updates and license keys for groups to which they belong and receive email notifications when new downloads are available for a product in a product group.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Administrator:</strong> Administrators have the same capabilities as users and can also add and remove users and viewers, assign user roles, add and remove products, edit user groups and product groups, and view entitlements.</p><p class="dds__body-2"><strong>Super Admin:</strong> Super admins have the same capabilities as administrators and can also create and delete user groups and product groups and assign and remove administrators and super administrators from user groups.</p>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What is the difference between system generated and custom groups defined by the user?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What is the difference between system generated and custom groups defined by the user?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2">The system generated user groups and product groups are programmatically created by the system at the time of customer's purchase to give secure access to customers access. The system generated groups can be identified by information flag displayed next to it or their standard naming convention. System generated group's name start with DefaultUserGroup or DefaultProductGroup prefix. Default groups are created for either a customer account for direct purchases or for an order for reseller orders. User can give access to a new user by adding a new user to default user group. System generated groups can not be deleted by admin users.</p><p class="dds__body-2">For more specific access requirements a user can create custom user and product groups to organize the purchase and user access as needed. User defined groups can be deleted if not required.</p>
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">The Tools Menu - What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">The Tools Menu - What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<p class="dds__body-2 dds__mt-2">The Tool menu allows you to do the following:</p><p class="class=" dds__body-2="" dds__mt-2=""><strong>Download Activated License files/keys:</strong></p><ul class="dds__list"><li>The <strong>Activated Licenses </strong>tab allows you to download software license files for already activated products by selecting the check box "Select all products across all pages" and then clicking "Actions" to download selected items. <a data-element="ToolsTabPurposeFirst" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone">More Information</a></li></ul><p class="class=" dds__body-2="" dds__mt-2=""><strong>Download Available Licenses:</strong></p><ul class="dds__list"><li>The <strong>Available Licenses </strong>tab allows you to activate the software license for All/Multiple products in bulk by downloading the products as a CSV file, enter the corresponding service tags and upload the file to activate / assign the Service Tag to the license. Once validation completes, click "Activate". <a data-element="ToolsTabPurposeSec" href="#" class="dds__link--standalone">More Information</a></li></ul><p class="class=" dds__body-2="" dds__mt-2=""><strong>Download Completed Bulk CSV Files:</strong></p><ul class="dds__list"><li>The <strong>Downloads</strong> tab shows requests submitted in bulk for License Activation, and is where available license files can be downloaded. Once processing completes, files can be downloaded by clicking the "Download" link and Failures/Partial success statuses will be shown, along with corresponding error logs.</li></ul>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="DownloadBulkLicense">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I bulk download my Licenses?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I bulk download my Licenses?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<span> Click the <strong>Activated Licenses </strong>tab from the <strong>Tools </strong>menu and select the check box for "all products across all pages" to download the licenses for all purchased products, or select specific products and click "Action" to download the selected items </span>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
<span data-dds="more-less" data-element="ActivateLicense">
<button class="dds__more-less__button dds__more-less__button--standalone" type="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I bulk Bind/Activate my Licenses?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I bulk Bind/Activate my Licenses?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<span> Click the <strong>Available Licenses </strong>tab from the <strong>Tools </strong>menu and select "Download products to assign", select the products from the list and click "Download", which will download the CSV file. </span> <br /><span> Click "Upload assignments" and browse to the CSV file; once the file validation completes click "Activate" </span>
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<span data-dds="more-less">
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How long the files will be available under Downloads tab?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How long the files will be available under Downloads tab?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
Files will be available for 240 hrs (10 days) from the time of processing completion for customer to download the files. Records will disappear after 10 days
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do I bulk download all my VMWare PAC Codes?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do I bulk download all my VMWare PAC Codes?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
<span> All the PAC codes for an order can be downloaded in a CSV file from the <strong>Order details </strong>page, either by navigating from the <strong>Product Details </strong>page of <strong>Software & License </strong>by clicking an Order Number, or from the <strong>Order History </strong>menu by searching for your Order Number and then viewing the Order Details to see all the products associated with your order. Click "Get all text based keys".</span>
<hr class="dds__divider dds__divider--secondary" />
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What is a Voucher?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What is a Voucher?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
A unique digital record of an endpoint that is created during manufacturing. The voucher represents a public key that is based off the endpoint hardware and is stored on the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) of each solution Endpoint for eg., NativeEdge. Vouchers are used as part of the Secure Device Onboard with FDO process. They validate the authenticity of the solution Endpoint.
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">Vouchers Menu – What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">Vouchers Menu – What does it do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
The Vouchers page is where a user after logging into their Dell Digital Locker account can see all Edge Compute Endpoint Vouchers associated to their logon email address.
<br />
Access Tokens are created from the Vouchers page which allows a user to transfer Vouchers to their NativeEdge Orchestrator. The user is also able to manually download their Vouchers one at a time or select multiple Vouchers and bulk download their Vouchers.
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What is a Voucher GUID?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What is a Voucher GUID?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
The Voucher GUID is created during the manufacturing process and is unique for each Edge Compute Endpoint.
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What is the Device Type?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What is the Device Type?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
Select Dell edge hardware that is optimized for the platform with the Native Edge OS for secure device onboarding and to provide a secure and scalable operating environment to run edge applications as VMs and containers.
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What is the Status?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What is the Status?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
The Status column displays whether the Voucher has been Transferred to the customer or hasn’t been Transferred.
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What does the Voucher Download Button do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What does the Voucher Download Button do?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
For non-connected (ie air-gapped) customer facilities, use the Download button to download the Voucher file to your local machine. The user must copy and paste the voucher file manually into the local NativeEdge Orchestrator to complete the Voucher Onboarding process.
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">What is an Access Token?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">What is an Access Token?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
The Access Token is a Native Edge Orchestrator authentication process. The Access Token consists of a unique Native Edge Orchestration ID number and a User Group of user emails that are associated to Vouchers in which they have access.
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<span class="dds__more-less__button--more" style="order:1">How do you create an Access Token?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__button--less" style="order:1">How do you create an Access Token?</span>
<span class="dds__more-less__target">
1. In the left pane of Dell Digital Locker, click Vouchers. The SERVICETAG column lists the service tags of the NativeEdge Endpoints that your company purchased.
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