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Numero articolo: 000137545

Docking Spacer Designed to Accommodate the Latitude 7000 Series & Latitude E5x50 Series Portable Systems

Riepilogo: Using the docking spacer in the Dell E-Port Advanced Port Replicator for compatibility with Latitude 5000 and 7000 series laptops.

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Follow the guidelines below to use the Docking Spacer Designed to Accommodate the Latitude 7000 Series (E7x40, E7x50) & Latitude 5000 (E5x50) Series Portable Systems in the E-Port Advanced Port Replicator.

What do I need to do to dock my Latitude 5000/7000 series notebook on my E-Port?

Latitude 5000/7000 Series system users note that the spacing adjuster on the E-Port Advanced Port Replicator (APR) (Figure 1) does not extend far enough to assist when docking a 5000/7000 Series Latitude notebook.

Figure 1: E-Port Advanced Port Replicator (APR)

Install the Docking Spacer

Due to a change in chassis design, the docking port on a Latitude 5000/7000 Series (Figure 2) is much closer to the edge of the chassis than in previous Latitude models.

Figure 2: Latitude 5000/7000 Series docking port

To compensate for this change, there is a docking spacer, Dell Part XJD0R (Figure 3), to ease the docking process on these systems.
Figure 3: Dell Latitude E-Docking Spacer

Once the Docking Spacer is installed properly (Figure 4), the Latitude 5000/7000 Series laptop connects to the E-Port Advanced Port Replicator (APR).

Figure 4: Dell Latitude E-Docking Spacer Installation




Refer to Symptoms section.

Proprietà articolo

Prodotto interessato

Latitude E5250/5250, Latitude E5450/5450, Latitude E5550/5550, Latitude E7240 Ultrabook, Latitude E7250/7250, Latitude E7440, Latitude E7450

Ultima data di pubblicazione

16 feb 2024



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