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Número do artigo: 000141795

Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Behavior When the Battery is Depleted

Resumo: What happens with the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 when there is little to no power.

Conteúdo do artigo


Depleted Battery

The Microsoft Surface Pro 4 has no integrated power LED and this may cause confusion with users when trying to power the tablet on when the battery is depleted. If the tablet has enough power, it may flash the "Surface" logo on the screen, and then go black.

When users experience this behavior, the tablet should be plugged into the charger. The tablet may need to be charged for 5 minutes before it can be powered back on. It may take a couple hours to fully charge.

Propriedades do artigo

Produto afetado

Surface Pro 4

Data da última publicação

21 fev. 2021



Tipo de artigo
