From the U CS manager. You can download different types of logs. When troubleshooting, you will generally be asked for the U CS M and U CS chassis logs to log in to the point your browser at the IP address of the U CS manager and log in as user admin and password will be supplied by the user.
Once you're logged in on the left hand side, you choose the admin option and from the admin, you go to false events and audit log and from their tech support files.
When you're logged into the tech support, you can see that there's no previous logs run. So choose add and create and download a tech support file. This will create an automatically downloaded tech support file. It asks you which type we choose the U CS M.
Usually you're asked for U CS M or chassis options. When log collection is complete, the log file is downloaded to your internet browser, download directory and can be accessed from there.
If you choose create a tech support file, the file will remain in the fabric, interconnects local storage and available in the for you to download at your leisure just choose the download option and download your support file.
Again, it asks you when it downloads if you want to delete it from the local fabric storage, which is recommended. So as not to fill up the the memory locally, so choose, OK. And it will again download it into the same folder, the download folder of your browser.
Thank you for watching.