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Windows 11 的升級與更新

將 Windows 10 裝置升級至 Windows 11。

升級至 Windows 11
通過 Windows 11 升級測試的 Dell 電腦
Windows 11 升級逐步解說
升級、安裝並啟用 Windows 11
如何將 Windows 11 升級回復至先前的作業系統
取得支援之 Dell 系統的 Windows 11 驅動程式
Windows 11 系統需求



Windows 11 Compatibility and PC Check for Windows 11 - Dell Support

Windows 11 Compatibility and PC Check for Windows 11. As not all systems are compatible to run the Windows 11 upgrade, here’s how to check if yours can. In this video, we’ll show you how find your system model name and where to reference it against Dell’s official Windows 11 compatibility list. Please note that this PC check for Windows 11 is not associated with the MS Health Check app. 00:00 Introduction 00:11 How to Check Your Dell Model Type 00:28 Dell computers compatible with Windows 11 00:40 Dell computers tested for upgrade to Windows 11 00:51 Minimum requirements necessary for Windows 11 upgrade Looking for additional support?


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