Dell Nautilus Firmware Update Utility for SAS and SATA Disk and Solid State Driver

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This is a general maintenance release utility for updating firmware for SAS and SATA drives. It is a re-release of the previous version with additional firmware updates.

This is for use on PowerEdge platforms that support UEFI boot mode for SAS and SATA drive updates. Please refer to DOS firmware update utility for older platforms. Current DOS release is A48
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Nautilus_efi_A11_ZPE.exe | 89.47 MB
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Dateiname: Nautilus_efi_A11_ZPE.exe
Dateigröße: 89.47 MB
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Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen

Updated Firmware Releases Since Last Release:

96.0 GS0B for Seagate SAS (7.2K rpm 3.5 SAS) 1TB, 2TB, 3TB, and 4TB Hard Drives. Dell. Vendor model numbers ST4000NM0023, ST3000NM0023, ST2000NM0023, and ST1000NM0023

83.0 Seagate 7.2k SAS 3.5" FIPS, version RSFC, for drive model number ST33000652SS (3TB)

97.0 8D2Q for Samsung SM843T SATA SSD 120GB, 240GB, and 800GB SSD Drives . Vendor model numbers MZ7WD120HAFV-000D2, MZ7WD240HAFV-000D2, and MZ7WD480HAGM-000D2.

98.0 DD2Q for Samsung SM843T SATA SSD 960GB SSD Drive . Vendor model number MZ7WD960HAGP-000D2

99.0 GA06 for Seagate SATA(7.2K rpm 3.5" SATA) 1TB, 2TB, 3TB, and 4TB Hard Drives. Dell. Vendor model numbers ST4000NM0033, ST3000NM0033, ST2000NM0033, and ST1000NM0033

89.0 HGST 7.2k SAS 2.5", version U5E0, for drive model numbers HUC101212CSS600 (1.2TB)

88.0 Toshiba 10k SAS 2.5", version DE09, for drive model numbers AL13SEB300 (300GB), AL13SEB600 (600GB) and AL13SEB900 (900GB).

90.0 HGST 10k SAS 3.5", version E770, for drive model numbers HUS156030VLS600 (300GB), HUS156045VLS600 (450GB) and HUS156060VLS600 (600GB).

100.0 D1K4 for Western Digital SATA (7.2K rpm 3.5" SATA) 2TB, 3TB and 4TB Hard Drives. Dell. Vendor model numbers WD2000FYYX, WD3000FYYX and WD4000FYYXF

101.0 DL05 for Intel SSD 100GB, 200GB, 400GB and 800GB model numbers INTEL SSDSC2BA100G3T, INTEL SSDSC2BA200G3T, INTEL SSDSC2BA400G3T and INTEL SSDSC2BA800G3T.

102.0 DL05 for Intel SSD 00GB, 200GB, 400GB and 800GB Models SSDSC2BA100G3R, SSDSC2BA200G3R, SSDSC2BA400G3R, SSDSC2BA800G3R

103.0 AB50 for HGST SATA (7.2k rpm 3.5 SATA) Hard Drives. Vendor model numbers HUS724020ALA640 (2TB), HUS724030ALA640 (3TB) and HGST HUS724040ALA640 (4TB)
Mehr erfahren


A11, A11


12 Dez. 2013






Dell Technologies empfiehlt, dieses Update während Ihres nächsten planmäßigen Updatezyklus durchzuführen. Das Update enthält Änderungen zur Aufrechterhaltung des Gesamtsystemzustands. Es stellt sicher, dass die Systemsoftware aktuell und kompatibel mit anderen Systemmodulen (Firmware, BIOS, Treiber und Software) bleibt und möglicherweise andere neue Funktionen enthält.

Weitere Angaben

Alle anzeigen | Alle ausblenden
A2217 Feb. 2021
A1931 Juli 2017
A1312 Jan. 2015
A1209 Mai 2014
A1011 Sept. 2013
A08, A0907 Aug. 2013
A07, A0830 Juli 2013
A0703 Mai 2013
SAS, A0615 März 2013
SAS, A0505 Feb. 2013
SAS, A0406 Dez. 2012
SAS, A0316 Nov. 2012
SAS, A0225 Okt. 2012
A0106 Aug. 2012
Dell SAS/SATA Hard Drive EFI Firmware Utility
1. Click the "Download File" link to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file to your hard drive.


1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file.
2. Read over the release information presented in the dialog window.
3. Download and install any prerequisites identified in the dialog window before proceeding.
4. Click the Install button.
5. Follow the remaining prompts to perform the update.

Reboot will be required

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