AUTO INSTALLED This file was automatically installed as part of a recent update. If you are experiencing any issues, you can manually download and reinstall.
This release contains firmware version E013 for MICRON model number(s) MTFDDAV240TCB, MTFDDAV480TCB, MTFDDAV960TCB, MTFDDAV1T9TCB, MTFDDAK240TCB, MTFDDAK480TCB, MTFDDAK960TCB, MTFDDAK1T9TCB. Capacity of 5100 max Pro boot 240GB, 480GB, 960GB, 1.92TB. Pro RI 240GB, 480GB, 960GB and 1.92TB.
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Serial-ATA_Firmware_YM8KY_LN_E013_A00.BIN | 5.8 MB
This is a large file. Depending on your connection speed, it may take some time to download.

File Format: Update Package for Red Hat Linux
File Name: Serial-ATA_Firmware_YM8KY_LN_E013_A00.BIN
File Size: 5.8 MB
Format Description
Dell Update Packages for Linux can be used as stand-alone applications that ensure that specific validation criteria are met, then apply an update.
Note: Update Packages for Linux are open source. See the Dell Update Packages for Linux Readme for details.
To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value.

Find more updates. Use SupportAssist to find all the latest driver updates for your device.

Fixes & Enhancements

- Remove monitoring of 12V power bus, to improve drive stability in noisy 12V power conditions.
- Improve wear leveling algorithms, to recover cleanly from power cycles and manage high write workloads better.
- Fix to R_ERR handling, to eliminate case where high frequency of CRC errors may cause the drive to enter bus hang state.

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E013, A00

Release date

23 Oct 2020

Download Type





Dell Technologies highly recommends applying this important update as soon as possible. The update contains critical bug fixes and changes to improve functionality, reliability, and stability of your Dell system. It may also include security fixes and other feature enhancements.
View Important Information

File Format: A GnuPG file which contains a cryptographic signature
File Name: Serial-ATA_Firmware_YM8KY_LN_E013_A00.BIN.sign
File Size: 226 Bytes
This is a large file. Depending on your connection speed, it may take some time to download.
Format Description:
The GnuPG signature for Red Hat Linux Update Package can be used to authenticate Dell's identity in the correlated Red Hat Linux Update Package.
To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value.

File Format: Update Package for MS Windows 32-Bit
File Name: Serial-ATA_Firmware_YM8KY_WN32_E013_A00.EXE
File Size: 8.88 MB
This is a large file. Depending on your connection speed, it may take some time to download.
Format Description:
Dell Update Packages (DUP) in Microsoft Windows 32bit format have been designed to run on Microsoft Windows 64bit Operating Systems. Dell Update Packages (DUP) in Microsoft Windows 64bit format will only run on Microsoft Windows 64bit Operating Systems. When selecting a device driver update be sure to select the one that is appropriate for your operating system.
To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value.

File Format: Update Package for MS Windows 64-Bit.
File Name: Serial-ATA_Firmware_YM8KY_WN64_E013_A00.EXE
File Size: 10.11 MB
This is a large file. Depending on your connection speed, it may take some time to download.
Format Description:
Dell Update Packages in native Microsoft Windows 64-bit format do not require that Microsoft WOW64 be installed on the Microsoft Windows Server.
To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value.

By downloading, you accept the terms of the Dell Software License Agreement.

Additional details

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This update will not run if any of the following conditions exist
1. Any Virtual Disk that is not optimal.
2. A RAID container that is performing a Background Initialization or Consistency Check.
3. A Rebuild, Resync, or copyback function is taking place.
4. A RAID set that is Partially Degraded or in a Degraded state.

This update will run on drives remaining in a RAID set that is in a Offline state.

There is an architectural constraint with Dell DUP HDD firmware update utility, related to system memory utilization, which is typically encountered on systems with minimal system memory, memory-intensive configurations, multiple RAID controllers, or memory-intensive applications. This issue is typically reported as - The operation was not successful because the device buffer write has failed. And will result in an aborted attempt to update firmware on the identified HDD. Error codes associated with this failure mode include 8009 and 8017. Once an error is detected, the update session is aborted. There is no data integrity or data availability risk associated with this issue. Subsequent attempts to update the HDD firmware may succeed, particularly if system resources are freed up.
Novell SuSE Linux ES 11
Windows Server 2008 x64
Suse Linux ES 10
Red Hat® Linux 6.1
Red Hat® Linux 6.2
Red Hat® Linux 7.0
Red Hat® Linux 7.1
Red Hat® Linux 7.2
Red Hat® Linux 7.3
Red Hat® Linux 8.0
Red Hat® Linux 9.0
Windows Server 2012
Not Applicable
Red Hat® Ent Linux 5.2
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 6
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 7
Red Hat® Ent Linux 5
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2
SUSE Linux ES 12
SuSE Linux ES 15
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2008 x86
Windows Server 2019 LTSC
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Storage Server 2012
Windows Server 2016
MICRON 5100 PRO BOOT 1.92TB SSD 6Gbps SATA M.2 512n ISE Model Number: MTFDDAV1T9TCB Regulatory Model Number: MTFDDAV1T9TCB, MTFDDAV1T9TBU Vendor PN: MTFDDAV1T9TCB-1AR1ZABDA
MICRON 5100 PRO BOOT 240GB SSD 6Gbps SATA M.2 512n ISE Model Number: MTFDDAV240TCB Regulatory Model Number: MTFDDAV240TCB, MTFDDAV240TBU Vendor PN: MTFDDAV240TCB-1AR1ZABDA
MICRON 5100 PRO BOOT 480GB SSD 6Gbps SATA M.2 512n ISE Model Number: MTFDDAV480TCB Regulatory Model Number: MTFDDAV480TCB, MTFDDAV480TBU Vendor PN: MTFDDAV480TCB-1AR1ZABDA
MICRON 5100 PRO BOOT 960GB SSD 6Gbps SATA M.2 512n ISE Model Number: MTFDDAV960TCB Regulatory Model Number: MTFDDAV960TCB, MTFDDAV960TBU Vendor PN: MTFDDAV960TCB-1AR1ZABDA
MICRON 5100 PRO RI 1.92TB SSD 6Gbps SATA 2.5 512n Model Number: MTFDDAK1T9TCB Regulatory Model Number: MTFDDAK1T9TCB Vendor PN: MTFDDAK1T9TCB-1AR1ZABDA
MICRON 5100 PRO RI 240GB SSD 6Gbps SATA 2.5 512e Model Number: MTFDDAK240TCB Regulatory Model Number: MSIP-REM-MU2-MTFDDAKXXXTCC Vendor PN: MTFDDAK240TCB-1AR1ZABDA
MICRON 5100 PRO RI 480GB SSD 6Gbps SATA 2.5 512n Model Number: MTFDDAK480TCB Regulatory Model Number: MTFDDAK480TCB, MTFDDAK480TCC Vendor PN: MTFDDAK480TCB-1AR1ZABDA
MICRON 5100 PRO RI 960GB SSD 6Gbps SATA 2.5 512n Model Number: MTFDDAK960TCB Regulatory Model Number: MTFDDAK960TCB, MTFDDAK960TCC Vendor PN: MTFDDAK960TCB-1AR1ZABDA
Dell Update Package instructions for Windows Dup:
1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file to your hard drive.
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file.
2. Read over the release information presented in the dialog window.
3. Download and install any prerequisites identified in the dialog window before proceeding.
5. Click the Install button.
6. Follow the remaining prompts to perform the update.

Dell Update Package instructions for Linux DUP (RHEL/SLES/Ubuntu):
1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.
2. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file to your hard drive.
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and run the update by executing
"./ Serial-ATA_Firmware__LN__A00.BIN " from the shell.
2. Read over the release information presented in the dialog window.
3. Download and install any prerequisites identified in the dialog window before proceeding.
5. Click the Install button.
6. Follow the remaining prompts to perform the update.

GnuPG Signature of Dell Update Package Instructions:

Download the latest GnuPG Signature of Dell Update Package from support.dell.com.

1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file.
2. Read over the release information presented in the dialog window.
1. Import the Dell public key. (You only need to do this once on your system.)
2. Verify the Dell Update Package by using its signature file, Serial-ATA_Firmware__LN__A00.BIN.sign.

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