Dell PowerEdge C6100 System Fan Controller Board Firmware

Restart required AUTO INSTALLED This file was automatically installed as part of a recent update. If you are experiencing any issues, you can manually download and reinstall.
PowerEdge C6100/C6105/C6145 System Fan Control Board Firmware.
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EndUser LicenseAgreementType S_Rev. 040512.txt | 11.4 KB
This is a large file. Depending on your connection speed, it may take some time to download.

File Format: A text file containing customer friendly fixes and enhancements information
File Name: EndUser LicenseAgreementType S_Rev. 040512.txt
File Size: 11.4 KB
Format Description
This file format contains plain text which can be viewed with a standard text editor.
To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value.

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Fixes & Enhancements

Add Features:
1. Improved the precision of power reading in C6105.
2. Add new version v0.94 of fcbflash tools.
-- Fixes:
-- 1. Add warning message to ask user to unload IPMI driver before doing FCB firmware update for preventing FCB firmware update fail.
-- 2. Add new help message for <-f> option.
Read More


1.20, 1.20

Release date

30 Jan 2013

Download Type



Embedded Server Management


Dell Technologies recommends applying this update during your next scheduled update cycle. The update contains changes to maintain overall system health. It ensures that the system software remains current and compatible with other system modules (firmware, BIOS, drivers, and software) and may include other new features.
View Important Information

File Format: One or more self extracting disk images inside of a self extracting zip
File Name: FCB120V2.exe
File Size: 1.7 MB
This is a large file. Depending on your connection speed, it may take some time to download.
Format Description:
This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files. Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, then double-click it to unzip the set of files. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.
To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value.

By downloading, you accept the terms of the Dell Software License Agreement.

Additional details

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If you update the firmware in local linux OS, the IPMI Driver or OpenIPMI Driver should be disabled (e.g. 'service ipmi stop' on most of the Linux distributions).
If you update the firmware in local linux OS, the IPMI Driver or OpenIPMI Driver should be disabled (e.g. 'service ipmi stop' on most of the Linux distributions).

This package contains the following files.

FCB.BAT - the MS-DOS version batch file
FCBFLASH.exe - the MS-DOS version executable file

\linux\ - the Linux Shell Script file - the Linux lib file - the Linux lib file - the Linux lib file - the Linux lib file - the Linux lib file
fcbflash - the Linux executable file

FCB.BAT - the Windows version batch file
FCBFLASH.exe - the Windows version executable file

*****.bin - Bin file of FCB image.

Reboot will be required

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